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2011 年小学六年级英语学业水平检测 (完卷时间 60 分钟,满分 100 分,超量给题 10 分)一、 单项选择(每题 2 分,共 10 分) ( )1. A: May I come in? B: _.A. Come in, please. B. No come in. C. Youre welcome. ( )2、Whats the weather like today?-_.A. I like clouds. B. Its windy C. Today is Sunday( )3、She is talking to her friend _her phone is ringing. A. And B. but C. with( )4、Its going to hot SundayA at B be , on C be , in( )5 、I sing songs, but I do Taijiquan.A. cant cant B. can cant C. can can二、选词填空.把方框内的词填在横线上(每空 2 分,共 10 分)Daming and Simon went to a baseball game in America .They _ their bicycles .Then they _ the game . They saw their favourite team . Their team _ very well and they _ .Daming and Simon _ hot dogs and drank colas .It was a great game !三、看图选择正确的单词或短语,请将序号填在括号内。 (每空 2 分,共 10 分)11、 12、 road ate played watched wonA How old is she? B How much is it?C Thank you D How tall is she? E What is her favourite colour?13、 14、 15、play chess B、balloons C、physicsD、afraid E、spaceship11、 ( ) 12、 ( ) 13、 ( ) 14、 ( ) 15、 ( )四、连词成句。 (每题 2 分,共 10 分)16. We,speak,going to,are, Chinese (. )17.study, are, to, you, what ,going (.? )18. in Harbin, Its, snow, going , to (.)19.I, can, write , your friend , to ( ? )20. do,you , do , what , on Thanksgiving Day(.?)五、情景对话( 方框中选择适当的句子,并把序号填在横线上 ,每空 2 分,共 10 分)A: Good moning Madam . What can I do for you?B: I want to buy a dress for my daughter.A:_21_?B: Shes 14 years old .A:_22_?B: She is 158 cm.A:_23_?B: Her favourite colour is red.A: But we dont have the red one , how about the pink dress?B: OK, _24_A: Its 200 yuan .B: Here is the monkey.A:_25_21、_ 22、_ 23、_ 24、_ 25、_六、为疑问句选择正确的答案(每题为疑问句选择正确的答案(每题 2 分,共分,共 10 分)分)26. Whats the weather like here in winter? A、 They are singing.27. Who can help me? B、 Its twelve 0 clock.28. How much is the hamburger? C、 Not very cold.29. What are the men doing? D、 Let me help you. 30. What time is it? E、. Its ten dollars and five cents.26. 27. 28 29. 30. 七、将与图意相符的句子前的序号填入图中的 内。 (每题 2 分,共 10 分)A. Shenzhou V flew to space in october,2003 . B. Im going to study math in middle school.C. Its cold, Im wearing a heavy coat .D. Jerry often goes to school by bike .E. Tom is very happy ,because he is going to have a long holiday .31 32 33 34 35八、阅读理解(每题 2 分,共 20 分)ATheThe TigerTigers s DinnerDinnerTiger: Good afternoon. Mrs Goat. .Let me eat you.Goat: Dont eat me, Mr Tiger. Im old. That deer is younger than me.(The goat runs away.)Tiger: Miss Deer, Miss Deer, Let me eat you.Deer: Oh, no. Many birds are standing over there. (The deer runs away.)Tiger: Birds, I will eat you. You are my dinner.Birds: (The birds fly away.) You are bad. We can fly, can you?Tiger: No, I cant . But where is my dinner?选择填空:( )36. The tiger is . A: full B: hungry C: scared( )37.The tiger doesnt eat the goat, because there is a over there.A: deer B: bird C: rabbit( )38.Can the bird fly? A: No, they can B: Yes ,they can. C: No, they cant.( )39.The tiger cant fly. He at last.A: eat dinner B: eat the goat C: doesnt have dinner( )40.I think the story is A、 clever B、 intersting C、 sad B阅读短文,判断下列句子正误,用“T ”或“ F”标出。Miss Smart is our English teacher. She is a nice teacher. She is forty years old. She is from New York. New York is a big city in the east of America. Now she lives in Haikou. She likes pop music and she can play the guitar. In the evening she likes watching TV and playing computer games. Her favourite sport is running. She likes running in the morning after she gets up. Every day she goes to school by bus and gets to school at 7:30. Miss Smart says Haiko
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