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英语词汇学英语词汇学第一单元第一单元 英语词汇概说英语词汇概说IntroductionQuestions:1. Why do we need to learn lexicology? Answer: 2. How do we learn lexicology? Answer: 3. What is our class like? The Schedule of the Lexicology (90 minutes)1. To deal with the homework assigned last time. 2. The new unit. Stage A : teachers lecture Stage B: Q employ employee grammatical words 语法特征 I am reading a book. 在该句中每个词都具有语法特征。Compare: take took taken takes (时态); apple, apples (单复数) ;I, me; he, him; she, her; we, us (主格与宾格) stability 稳定特征eg. House, 不能写成 hoose, huoes, etc. used independently 独立使用特征- Will you come here tomorrow? - Certainly./ Definitely./ Hopefully. - Look! Enemy! - Fire!以上是一个单个词可以担当起一个句子功能的例子。It is a new TV. TV is a home appliance. They like watching TV at night.以上三句说明 TV 可以独立使用在多个完全不同的句子中,而且所起作用也可以不尽相同。结论:结论: 词是在口语和书面语中能独立、自由使用并具备完整意义的词是在口语和书面语中能独立、自由使用并具备完整意义的语言最小单位。语言最小单位。II. 什么是词汇1. What is vocabulary?vocabulary n., pl. -laries.1. all the words of a language.2. a list or collection of words and often phrases, usu. arranged in alphabetical order and defined.This edition of Shakespeares plays has a good vocabulary at the back.3. the stock of words used by or known to a particular person or group.He has a vocabulary of about 20,000 words; the specialized vocabulary of nuclear physics.Vocabulary is a collective noun. 一个具有集合概念的名词。2. English vocabulary(1) The growth of vocabulary(2) The size of the vocabulary(3) Word frequencyIII. 什么是词汇学什么是词汇学What is lexicology?“词汇学词汇学”是研究词汇背后规律性和系统性以及词汇的结构关系和是研究词汇背后规律性和系统性以及词汇的结构关系和类别的学科,它运用语言学的相关理论,研究语言中有关词汇的问类别的学科,它运用语言学的相关理论,研究语言中有关词汇的问题,讨论词的形态结构及构成方式,探讨词的意义即语义关系,阐题,讨论词的形态结构及构成方式,探讨词的意义即语义关系,阐述词汇的发展变化过程,涉及相关的词典知识。述词汇的发展变化过程,涉及相关的词典知识。意义:学好了词汇学不仅可以了解英语词汇的普遍规律、分析研究意义:学好了词汇学不仅可以了解英语词汇的普遍规律、分析研究现代英语词汇现象和英语词汇的演变和发展,还有助于掌握英语词现代英语词汇现象和英语词汇的演变和发展,还有助于掌握英语词汇学习的方法、途径、手段和策略。汇学习的方法、途径、手段和策略。二、当代英语词汇的现状二、当代英语词汇的现状1.语言是信息的载体,21 世纪是语言学的时代。 2. 用数据说话 现在世界上计算机储存的信息 80%以上以英语为媒体,50%的报纸用英语出版, 75%的信件用英语书写,60%的电台用英语广播,互联网上 90%以上是英语信 息,其中 80%以上的信息和 95%以上的服务是世界上最主要的英语国家之一美 国提供的。Neologisms (新词,新词的使用)(新词,新词的使用): how are new words created? coined words 生造的词(之前词汇中没有的)geek dweeb acronyms 首字母缩略词(当成一个新词,有独立连续发音)radar : radio detecting and ranging laser: light amplification (by) stimulated emission (of ) radiation. URL 读成 earl DOS 读成 doss GIF 读成 jiff alphabetic abbreviations ( 首字母缩略词,发音时单独读字母音)www IT HTML (Hypertext Markup Language 超文本链接标示语言) IP (Internet Protocol 网际协议) clippings 截短式缩略词prof.: professor fax: facsimile photographic opportunity: photo oporthographic abbreviations (正字法缩略) Dr. Mr.: mister AZ: Arizona MB: megabyte blends 混合缩略词motel (motor hotel ) brunch ( breakfast and lunch) trashware ( trash and software) proper nouns hooker ( prostitutes who followed the troops of General George Hooker)guillotine ( an instrument of execution named after its inventor, Dr. Joseph Guillotin ) Borrowingsguava cocoa tomato chocolate Mexico Question: Will English survive as king of languages in the world?Exercise网络通讯(如:电邮、手机等文字通信)常用缩略式和表情符网络通讯(如:电邮、手机等文字通信)常用缩略式和表情符(emotions) 。用英语解释下列缩略式和表情符:。用英语解释下列缩略式和表情符:1. B4_ 2. BTW_ 3. FYI_4. GR8_ 5. IMHO_ 6. LOL _ 7. OTOH _ 8. POV _ 9. QOS _10. RTM _ 11. SBI _ 12. SRI _ 13. SYS _ 14. TBC _ 15. TIA _16. Ur _ 17. VG _ 18. Wysiwyg _ 19. the Net _ 20. the Web _ 21. : ) _22. ; ) _ 23. : ( _ 24. :-D _ 25. :-0 _A riddle: What is it that is The beginning of eternity, The end of the time and space, The beginning of every end, and The end of every race?
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