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Page 3 Unit 1 Text A I Am Home 我回家了 I grew up on a farm with a huge family. There was lots of love, lots of space and lots to do. From gardening in the greenhouse to chasing our old goose, feeding the goats to gathering the cattle, the word “bored” never found its way into my vocabulary. The work for us was a labor of love. 我在农场里长大,生活在一个大家庭里。家中洋溢着爱,空间也很大,我们有做不完 的事。从暖房除草到赶我家那老迈的鹅,从喂山羊到赶牛群, 我从来没有说过“厌倦”这个 词。干这些活儿我们都非常卖力。My family and I were very close, spending most nights playing games or telling stories until it was time to go to bed. Falling asleep was never a problem for me. I just listened to the sounds of singing birds and dreamed of another day on the farm. This was my life, and I knew I was lucky. 我和我的家人亲密无间,大多数的晚上我们玩游戏或讲故事,直到睡觉的时候方肯罢 休。我从来没有睡不着的问题。我听着鸟儿的欢唱,梦想农场另一天的到来。这就是我的 生活,我知道我是个幸运儿。 When I was 12, though, something terrible happened that would change my life forever. My father suffered a serious heart attack and was diagnosed with heart disease. The doctors informed my dad that he would need to change his lifestyle completely, which meant no more farming life. We were forced to sell our home and move west. 然而,在我 12 岁时,一件可怕的事情发生了,它永远改变了我的生活。我的父亲的心 脏非常不舒服,被确诊为心脏病。医生告诉我的父亲他需要完全改变他的生活方式,这意 味着他无法再过农耕生活。我们不得不卖掉我们的房子,举家西迁。 The dry Arizona air was good for my father, and I was adjusting to a new school, new friends and a new way of living. While my surroundings were different and strange, they were also exciting and fun. As fate would have it, my life would soon change again, and in a very big way. 亚利桑那州的干燥空气对我的父亲有好处,我也在适应新的学校、新的朋友和新的生 活。我的环境不一样了,它既很陌生,但同时又激动人心,很有趣。像是命运的安排,我 的生活很快又发生了变化,而且变化很大。 One day, a personal manager from Los Angeles came up to me and asked if I had ever thought about being an actress. The idea had never crossed my mind. After talking it over with my parents, we decided that my mother and I would move to Los Angeles for a while and give it a shot. 有一天,洛杉矶有个经纪人来找我,问我是否想过当个演员。这个想法在我脑海里从 来不曾有过。和父母讨论后,母亲和我决定搬到洛杉矶住一阵子试试看。Thank goodness my mother was right by my side from the very start. Together, we approached it like an adventure. When my first film was a success, my mother and I both decided that it was time for her to depart and resume her life in Arizona. The little girl from the farm was disappearing and being replaced by a woman in the big city. 谢天谢地,母亲从一开始就和我在一起,我们母女俩对待这件事就像对待探险似的。 当我的第一部电影成功后,我和母亲一致决定母亲现在可以离开我,重新过她亚利桑那州 的生活。农场的那个小姑娘正在消失,取而代之的是一个大城市的女性。 I truly loved my job and was treated like a queen. And yet, something was missing. Slowly, a dark void found its way into my heart and began to eat away at my happiness. 我确实很热爱我的工作,而且享有女王般的待遇。可是,我总觉得缺了些什么,慢慢 地,我心里产生了一种阴暗的空虚感,它开始吞噬我的幸福。I tried to figure out what was missing. I tried working harder, then working less. I made new friends and lost touch with old ones. Nothing I did seemed to fill the void. I tried to remember when I was happiest. I asked myself what was important to me. Finally, I had the answer. I knew (what I had to do) to be happy. Once again, my life was about to change. 我试图弄懂我失去了什么,我就先试试更努力地工作,然后又试试少工作一点。我结 交了新朋友,失去了和老朋友的联系。然而我所作的一切无法填补这种空虚。我努力回忆 着我最幸福的时光,我问自己什么东西对我最重要。最后,我有了答案,我懂得了为了幸 福我该做什么。我的生活再次面临着改变。 I called my mother and father and said, “I miss you so much. I need my parents back. Im buying a place out here and I want you to move to California.” My father wasnt too keen on the idea of being back in the rat race, but I assured him that this time it would be nothing like that. So we began looking for a place just like (the one)I remember growing up in. 我打电话给我的母亲和父亲说:“我太想念你们了,我要在这里买房子,我要你们搬到 加州来。 ”我父亲对回到那种忙忙碌碌的生活不怎么感兴趣,但我向他保证,这一次绝对会 有所不同。这样,我们开始寻找一个家,像记忆中伴我成长的那个家一样。Then one day we found it: the perfect home, nestled in a warm and sunny valley with pear trees in the yard. The move renewed my familys happiness; the dark void in me began to disappear; and a sense of balance returned to my soul. I was home, again. 后来有一天我们找到了:我们完美的家,坐落在温暖、阳光明媚的山谷里,院子里长 着梨树。这次行动恢复了我的家庭欢乐,我内心的黑洞开始消失,我的心灵重新得到了平 衡。我回家了,我再次回家了。 Page 12 Unit 1 Text B The Edge 边缘线上边缘线上 The night before I left for Israel, I heard the same things I had heard all my life. “But why Israel? my father asked. “Theres a war over there, you know.” “Yes, Dad, I know. There are wars everywhere,” I answered. 在我出发去以色列的前一个晚上,我听着我一生老是听到的那些话。 “可为什么是以色 列呢?”我的父亲问我。 “你知道,那里在进行战争。 ”“是的,爸爸,我知道。战争到处都有, ”我回答说。 When these “discussions” took place, my sister, Kristy, would always try to break the tension. “Kathy,” shed suggest, “why dont you go to England for summer school. Its not dangerous and its still overseas.” 当这些“讨论”发生时,我的姐姐克丽斯蒂总设法打破这种紧张的局面。 “凯西, ”她建议 道, “你为什么不去英国上暑期学校?那里没有危险,而且那里也是国外。 ” I rejected the idea of England because it was not exciting enough. I wanted to experience something different. 我拒绝去英国是因为那里不够刺激,我想体验不同的东西。 My sister and I are three and a half years apart in age, but a world apart in the way we live our lives. Her life is neat and quiet. I take too m
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