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班级 姓名 一、 选出你听到的单词,将序号填在题前的括号里。( )1.A.five B.fine C.friend( ) 2.A.four B.doll C.ball( ) 3.A.kite B.car C.can( ) 4.A.plane B.plate C.play( ) 5.A.ten B.tea C.two 二、 听写数字或数字组。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 三、圈出你听到的数字或数字组。(1)4 5 (2)28 24 (3)357 753 (2)971 977 (5)8521 8512 (6)1314 1413(7)8857779 8875779 (8)2219148 2314198(9)544 455 (10)698 968四、听录音,选出你听到的句子的正确答句,把编号写在题前的括号里。1.( )A.Thank you.B.Youre welcome.C.Happy birthday!2.( )A.Happy New Year!B.Happy birthday!C.Thank you.3.( )A.Im fine.B.Im five.C.Very well.4.( )A.4.B.Fine.C.Great!5.( )A.No.B.Great!C.Yes.6.( )A.OK!B.Youre welcome.C.Thank you.7.( )A.Sure!Here you are.B.No,thank you.C.Sure!How are you?8.( )A.I like Coke.B.No,thank you.I like Coke.C.No.I dont like Coke.9.( )A.Yes,you can.B.Sure.C.No.10.( )A.OK!B.Great!C.Fine!五、圈出下列句子中正确的单词。(1) I have a blue(bag, book).(2) I have ten(planes, plates). (3) I am (five, fine).(4) Fly a (kite, car).(5) Bounce the (ball, doll).六、听音给下列句子标号。( )How are you?( )Lets eat the birthday cake.( )Happy birthday!( )Happy New Year!( )How old are you?
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