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第四集第四集Op: 第一条越洋电报电缆,由340500公里的铜和铁线构成,沿着2876.95公里的海底铺设。一旦电缆就位,你便可以通过电脉冲和通信密码随意发送消息,到地球的另一边。人类天生就有着分享想法的冲动.和想要眼见为实的欲望,这些都来自于我们共享的需求,因此我们才会时不时地传递信号的暗示,并寻找别人发出的各种信息。我们总是在等待消息,渴求联系。如果我们没有获得消息,并不总是因为消息没有发出,有时是我们不够用心。The first transatlantic telegragh cable was made of 340500 miles copper and iron wire,designed to streach 2876.95 miles along the ocean floor .Once the cable placed,you could use electrical impluses and single code to send any message you wanted to the other side of the world.Humanbeings are hard -wired with the impulses to share our ideas.and desire to know weve been heard.Its all our part of our need for community.The why we are constantly sendding out singles and signs.Its why we look for them from other people.Were always waitting for messages.Hoping for connection,And if we have missed the messages,its doesnt mean that it hasnt been sented to us.Sometimes it means we havent been listening hard enough. Ends:尽管我们创造了所有的通讯技术,但没有比人类的声音更厉害的发明了。当我们听到一个人在说话的时候,我们会本能地想去倾听,想要发自内心地理解他,即便是说话的人结结巴巴,词不达意。即便我们听到的全是嘶吼 或是痛哭,又或者是 歌唱,那是因为 人类的声音和世界上所有物体的共振都不相同,因此我们能在一整支管弦乐队的伴奏中听到演唱家的歌声。无论是什么环绕着它,我们总能听到歌声。In spite of all our communacation technology,no invention is as effictive as the sound of hunman vioce.When we hear the hunman vioce,we instinctively want to listen in the hope of understanding it,Even when the speaker is searching for the right words to say.Even when all we hear is yelling ,or crying,or singing,Thats because the hunman vioce resonates differently from anything ele in the world.Thats why we can hear a singers vioce over the sound of a full orchestra.We always hear the singer,no matter what surrounds it.
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