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基于沟通理论对合众国际社进行分析 导读:合众国际社总部设在华盛顿市中心,在贝鲁特,香港,伦敦,圣地亚哥,汉城, 东京设有办事处。该组织提供的公共和私营机构的内容,提供广泛的产品范围包括新闻简 报和深入的分析。本论文由留学论文网留学美国中心留学生论文代写频道整理推荐。 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to explain my internship experience as a Public Relations and Special Media Event Coordinator with United Press International. This report will cover my work at UPI and will incorporate general organizational communication and public relations theory relating to my experience with UPI. It will highlight my role and my experiences in the organization, my analysis of the organizations existing communication structure, and further suggest ways that communication can be improved in the diverse and interesting organization that is United Press International.POSITION While at UPI I worked all aspects of a multimedia newsmaker event called Our Water and engaged in several self-directed initiatives for the betterment of the organization. These initiatives included, reinvigorating UPI.coms Military Matters feature webpage, researching and providing a plan for engaging publics via social media websites, and pitching UPIU, UPIs online initiative for aspiring journalists, to appropriate, fruitful audiences. My supervisor was the organization president, who I answered to directly, in addition to the UPIU International Coordinator, who I assisted directly.Our Water Event Our Water was a multimedia newsmaker event on preventable water-related illnesses in developing countries hosted by UPI. The intent of this event was to bring journalists and water experts together to highlight the world water crisis. This was to be the first of many events that UPI planned to host with the goal of shedding light on an issue or problem and trying to provide solutions. I was responsible for all preparatihttp:/uklunwen.cn/lxslw/2110.html ons, promotion, and logistical organization for this event. To prepare, I first had to diligently research the topic of preventable water-related illnesses and identify and contact organizations and experts involved in working to solve the global water crisis. I arranged the event participants and attendants, secured the venue location, arranged catering, designed the press packet, wrote and sent press releases and facilitated media coverage for the event. Moreover, I had an opportunity to work with video, online, and editing departments to construct a variety promotional materials, such as video advertisements. The event included a broad range of academics and government officials as moderators and panelists and approximately 80 attendees engaged in discussion. The event was a success.After the Our Water event ended there was a lull at work. I took this as an opportunity to explore new ways to both learn and be beneficial to the organization. Investigating the varied facets of UPI, I identified three areas of interest that I believed could use some improvement: an outdated military feature webpage, an underutilized journalism learning tool UPIU.com, and UPIs ineffective application of social media.U.S. Military Matters webpage houses several webpages, called “features,“ off the homepage. The U.S. Military Matters feature webpage caught my attention because of my career and my interest in military public affairs. I was disappointed to see that the page was grossly outdated. Looking into this further, I discovered that page views had dropped 77% since January 2009. I brought this to the attention of my supervisor and several others in the office, but no one expressed concern or offered a reason why the page had not been maintained and allowed to slip into decay. Rather, my boss asked that I instead take a look at UPIU.com, another stagnant website, to see if I could come up with a solution to increase traffic to this site.an online platform initiated for aspiring journalists. Its open to anyone with an interest in reporting and telling a story, whether thats through text, photo, video, or audio. UPIU.com has aspiring journalists posting from countries all over the world, many of them university students at journalism schools and schools of communication. All the work that gets posted to UPIU.com is reviewed by UPIU editorial staff and UPIU mentors, who offer feedback directly to the authors. In addition, work that meets UPI copy standards is often selected for publication (usually with some editorial tweaking first) to UPIs official news site, UPI.com, with a professional byline. Users benefit not only from exposure to the wide variety of international perspectives reflected in the stories that go up, but also from direct contact with industry professionals, the experience of posting to an online news platform, building an online portfolio, and possibly getting published to a news site thats currently averaging about 5 million page views a month.After learning of these two areas of needed improvement, I proposed a combined solution. In order to keep the Military Matters webpage u
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