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2009 年江苏省无锡市初中毕业升学考试年江苏省无锡市初中毕业升学考试英英 语语 试试 题题第第卷(客观题卷(客观题 共共 55 分)分)一单项选择单项选择 在 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白出的最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。 (本大题共 15 分,每小题 1 分)1. Which of those radios sounds _ ? The smallest one.A. good B. wellC. better D. best 2. _ the teachers in their school is about 200 and one fourth of them are _ teachers.A. A number of; womenB.A number of; womanC.The number of; womenD.The number of; woman 3.It will_us several years to learn a foreign language well.A.costB.takeC.spendD.use4.It must be John who is in the office. Im sure it _be John, I saw him off at the railway station just twenty minutes ago. A.wontB.mustntC.cantD.neednt 5.If you cant decide which of the two novels to borrow, why dont you take_? I wont read them this month. A.bothB.allC.anyD.either 6.Hell use what he has_her a new dress.A.boughtB.to buyC.buyingD.been bought 7.Did you give Dick a call?A.whenB.thoughC.untilD.because 8.Its not_good idea to drive for four hours without_break.A.a; aB.the; theC.a; theD.the; a 9.I find this computer game _to play.A.enough easyB.easy enoughC.enough easilyD.easily enough 10.Xiao Li said she would rather _join us.A.did notB.to notC.notD.not to11.Hello! Can I speak to Mr White?Sorry, he isnt here right now. He_to the theme park.A.will goB.was goingC.has goneD.has been 12.Mr Lin gave the textbooks to all the students_the ones who had already taken them.A.exceptB.includingC.amongD.with 13.They _the train until it disappeared in the distance.A.sawB.watchedC.noticedD.realized 14.The old lady didnt know_when the house caught fire.A.How to doB.how to do itC.what to doD.what to do it15.Excuse me, sir. Is the swimming pool open all day?_.Only from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM.A.Yes, of courseB.Thats right C.Sorry, Im not sureD.Sorry, Im afraid not 二、完型填空二、完型填空 先阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可 以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 (每小题 1 分)Jean is a bright young woman who comes from a rich and famous family. She goes to a good college and has everything that money can buy. The 16 is that the people in Jeans family are so busy that they can hardly find time to be with her. In fact, Jean is quite 17 .So Jean spends a lot of her time on QQ. She like s beng anonymous (匿名的). Talking to people who do not 18 about her famous family and her rich life. She uses the name Linda on QQ and has made a lot of friends who she 19 with quite often.Last year Jean made a very special friend on QQ. His name was David and he lived in New York. David was full of stories and jokes. He and Jean had a 20 interest in rock music and modern dance. So they always spent hours talking happpily on QQ and sometimes they even 21 the time. Of course they wanted to know more about each other. David sent her a picture of himself: He was a tall, good-looking young man with a big, happy smile. 22 time went by ,they became good friends and often sent cards and small things to each other.When Jeans father told her that he was going on a business trip tp New York, she 2 3 him to let her go with him, so that she could give David a surprise for his birthday. She would 24 him the latest DVD of their favourite fock singer. But when she knocked on Davids door in New York, she found that the special friend she had 25 to was a twelve- years-old boy named Jim.16. A.reasonB.problemC.questionD.truth17.A.proudB.dilightfulC.lonelyD.alone18.A.thinkB.tellC.careD.know19.A.meetsB.worksC.playsD.connects20.A.commonB.differentC.sameD.mixed21.A.lostB.forgotC.choseD.watched22.A.SoB.BecauseC.AsD.Since23.A.allowedB.promisedC.askedD.liked24.A.lendB.returnC.recommendD.take25.A.writtenB.listenedC.saidD.replied三阅读理解三阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该 项涂黑。 (本大题共 30 分,每小题 2 分) AThis was one of the interesting games I liked best when I was a little girl.My sisters and used to play it for hours at a time.We had twenty-six small pieces of cardboard.On each of these we had printed a letter of the alphabet (字母表).Before we started to play,we decided what the game would be about.Let us imagine that we chose to play animal.One of us would then mix up (弄乱)the cards and turn over one of them.If the letter on the card happened to be C,we would try to think.as quickly as possible.of an animal which began with C,such as cat,cow,camel and so on.The one who first gave the name of the animal received that card. This was done with each of the twenty-six cards.In the end the person who had the most cards won the game. 26. Which of the following drawings is like the cardboard?27. How many cards do you need to win the game?A.All. B.Half.C.None D.More than anyone else has. 28.Why did the write and her sister like the game very much?A.It helped them to know more about animals.B.It helped them to remember the names of animals.C.They could learn something while they had a g
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