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2006 年英语专业专升本试卷 (2)Passage 1Human wants seem endlessWhen a starving man gets a mealhe begins to think about an overcoat;when an executive gets a new sports car,visions of country clubs and pleasure boats dance into view.The many wants of mankind might be regarded as making up several levelsWhen there is money enough to satisfy one level of wants,another level appearsThe first and most basic level of wants involves foodOnce this want is satisfied, a second level of wants appears:clothing and some sort of shelterBy the end of World War II These wants were satisfied for a great majority of Americans Then a third level appearedIt included such items as automobiles and new housesBy 1957 or 1958 this third level of wants was fairly well satisfied Then,in the late 1950s a fourth level of wants appeared:the“lifeenriching” level(81)While other levels involve physical satisfaction the feeding, comfort,safety, and transportation of the human body-this level stress mental needs for recognition,achievement and happiness. It includes a variety of goods and services,many of which could be called“luxury”itemsAmong them are vacation trips,the best medical and dental care,and entertainmentAlso included here are fancy foods and the latest styles in clothingOn the fourth level,a greater percentage of consumer spending goes to services,while on the first three levels more is spent on goodsWill consumers raise their sights to a fifth level of wants as their income increases,or will they continue to demand luxuries and personal services on the fourth level?A fifth level probably would involve wants that can be achieved best by community action Consumers may be spending more on taxes to pay for government action against disease,ignorance,crime,and prejudice. After filling our stomachs,our clothes closets(衣橱),our garages,our teeth,and our minds,we now may seek to ensure the health,safety,and leisure to enjoy more fully the good things on the first four levels.41. According to the passage man will begin to think about such needs as housing and clothing only when CA. he has saved up enough moneyB. he has grown dissatisfied with his simple shelterC. he has satisfied his hungerDhe has learned to build houses42It can be inferred from the passage that by the end of the World War lI most Americans .ADAwere very richB. lived in povertyCbad the good things on the first three levelsDdid not own automobiles43All of the following EXCEPT are related to“physical satisfaction”DAAa successful career B a cozy homeCa good service Da family car 44The main concern of man on the fourth level is CBAthe more goods the betterBthe more mental satisfaction the betterCthe more“luxury”items the betterDthe more earnings the better45. The author is inclined to think that a fifth level BAAwould be little better than the fourth level Bmay be a lot more desirable than the first levelC. can be the last and most satisfying levelD. will become attainable if the government takes actionQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage:Passage 2We are all naturally attracted to people with ideas, beliefs and interests like our own Similarly,we feel comfortable with people with physical qualities similar to ours.You may have noticed how people who live or work closely together come to behave in a similar way Unconsciously we copy those we are close to or love or admire So a sportsmans individual way of walking with raised shoulder is imitated by an admiring fan;a pair of lovers both shake their heads in the same way;an employee finds himself duplicating his bosss habit of wagging a pen between his fingers while thinking(82)In every case, the influential person may not consciously notice the imitation, but he will feel comfortable in its presence And if he does notice the matching of his gesture or movements, he finds it pleasing he is influencing people:they are drawn to him.Sensitive people have been mirroring their friends and acquaintances all their lives, and winning affection and respect in this way without being aware of their methods. Now,for people who want to win agreement or trust,affection or sympathy. Some psychologists recommend the deliberate use of physical mirroringThe clever saleswoman echoes her lady customers movements,tilting her head in the same way to judge a color match,or folding her arms a few seconds after the customer as though consciously attracted by her. The customer feels that the saleswoman is in sympathy with her, and understands her needsa promising relationship for a sale to take placeThe clever lawyer,trying in a law-court to influence a judge, imitates the great mans shrugging of his shoulders,the tone of his voice and the rhythm of his speech.0f course physical mirroring must be subtle. (83) If you blink every time your target blinks, or bite your bottom lip every time he
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