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文中提及到的 ADB.zip 文件 此方法不止識用於 Incredible S, 只要是有 NAND Lock 又可以取得 shell root 的 device 就可以使用此方法 (e.g Desire, Desire HD.)原廠 Rom 通常有大量跟機 Apps, 好用的當然好, 不好用的浪費電力和 RAM, Task Killer 並不能徹底解決問題. 还没有 Full Root 之前, 暫時是沒有方法將跟機系統 app 徹底移除, 但係可以同過 Temp Root 去 disable 没用的 app.好處: - 不影响保養 - 減少佔用 RAM / CPU, 加快系統速度 - 省電 - 一次性, 不需重覆再做壞處: - 佔用 ROM, Disable 后 app 仍然留在 ROM 入面, 但 Incredible S 有 1GB, 問題不大.1. Download and install HTC Sync http:/dl4.htc.com/Driver/HTC%20Wildfire/setup_3.0.5511.exe2. Download and install Notepad+ 没啥用的这一步3. Enable USB debugg (On Device) “Settings“ - “Applications“ - “Development“ - “USB debugging“4. Connect your phone to USB and select “Charge only“5. Download ADB.zip and unzip it to local hard disk. (e.g. C:DownloadADB) 6. Open “Command Prompt“ (On PC) “Windows“ - “Start Menu“ - “Run“ - “cmd“7. Go to Command Prompt“ windows - cdDownloadADB (Or the path you unzip the ADB.zip) - adb devices (Make sure the adb can found your phone before go to next step) - temp_root見到 “#“ 號代表你已經成功取得 shell 嘅 root access. (Reboot 會失去 root access, 有需要再次執行 temp_root 便可)8. Dump Package List # pm list package -f (This command will list out all apk)e.g. 藍色是 apk install 的位置, 紅色是 package namepackage:/system/app/teeter.apk=com.htc.android.teeter 这個 app 是裝在 system, 亦即是沒法 uninstall 的 app.package:/data/app/hk.cedime.inputmethod-1.apk=hk.cedime.inputmethod 这一個 app 是裝在 data, 亦即你自己从 market 下載或自行安裝 的 app, 可以自行 uninstall.9. Disable App 可以透過 script 一次過 disable, 亦可以 one by one.e.g. One by one (Disable Teeter) # pm disable com.htc.android.teeter如果發現 disable 錯了, 可以 enable 回去.# pm enable com.htc.android.teeter基本上 enable / disable 是即時生效, 只要你 restart Launcher 就會發現在 App Drawer 入面再找不到 Teeter. 但有部份 app 是要 reboot 才可以完全 disable, e.g. 輸入法, 所以都是建議 reboot.10. Disable App by script Open open pkgdisable.sh (ADB folder) by Notepad+, my list from 水機, 可能會同 行機有小許分別, 請自行加減.由第 2 行開始是 package list, 想 disable 就將 “pm“ 前面的 “#“ 移除, script 入面 有 example, 應該不難明白, 改完就 save.切勿移除第一行第一個 “#“Go back to Command Prompt“ windows - cdDownloadADB - batch_disableTips: - 小心選擇你需要 disable 的 apps, 一般来说 apk file name is very meaningful, 如 果不肯定 Google 多數有答案. - Disable app 後系統出現不穩定或 Force Close, review your app list, 只要你入到 shell, 就可以 re-enable 番 related app.- Disable HTC Sense 之前, 請先安裝其他 Launcher (e.g. Launcher Pro, AWD Launcher), 轉左 Launcher 才好 disable, 如果你選擇 disable HTC Sense, HTC widgets 都不需要 disable.Enjoy a faster Incredible S!disable list: # pm disable com.htc.KaiXinWidget pm disable com.htc.KaiXinWidget Package com.htc.KaiXinWidget new state: disabled # pm disable com.htc.KaixinFriendStream pm disable com.htc.KaixinFriendStream Package com.htc.KaixinFriendStream new state: disabled # pm disable com.htc.FriendStreamWidget pm disable com.htc.FriendStreamWidget Package com.htc.FriendStreamWidget new state: disabled # pm disable com.gwsoft.imusic.controller pm disable com.gwsoft.imusic.controller Package com.gwsoft.imusic.controller new state: disabled # pm disable com.sina.weibo pm disable com.sina.weibo Package com.sina.weibo new state: disabled # pm disable dopool.loader pm disable dopool.loader Package dopool.loader new state: disabled # pm disable com.jiepang.android.htcfs pm disable com.jiepang.android.htcfs Package com.jiepang.android.htcfs new state: disabled # pm disable cn.goapk.market pm disable cn.goapk.market Package cn.goapk.market new state: disabled # pm disable com.telecom.video pm disable com.telecom.video Package com.telecom.video new state: disabled #pm disable com.inventec.dreye.htc pm disable com.kaixin001.activity pm disable com.wuba pm disable com.qiyi.video pm disable com.jiepang.androidpm disable com.eshore.ezone pm disable com.besttone.hallpm disable com.SIE.HTCCT.PhoneAssistant# pm disable com.SIE.HTCCT.PhoneAssistant pm disable com.SIE.HTCCT.PhoneAssistant Package com.SIE.HTCCT.PhoneAssistant new state: disabled # pm disable com.youku.htc_general pm disable com.youku.htc_general Package com.youku.htc_general new state: disabled # pm disable com.htc.friendstream.sinaweiboplugin pm disable com.htc.friendstream.sinaweiboplugin Package com.htc.friendstream.sinaweiboplugin new state: disabled # pm disable com.qiyi.video pm disable com.qiyi.video Package com.qiyi.video new state: disabled # pm disable com.lectek.android.sfreader pm disable com.lectek.android.sfreader Package com.lectek.android.sfreader new state: disabled #
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