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浦东新区论文:浦东新区综合配套改革试点动态跟踪研究浦东新区论文:浦东新区综合配套改革试点动态跟踪研究【中文摘要】上海浦东作为中国改革开放的象征和社会主义现代化建设的缩影,在我国改革开放进程中具有特殊地位和战略意义,其每一步改革发展备受外界关注。在浦东开发初期,浦东新区试图在体制上进行突破和创新,因受到各方旧有体制机制的束缚和约束,结果不但使浦东的改革难以凸显系统性、整体性,也使得诸多改革成果在各方压力下发生变形,难以对全国其他区域改革产生示范带动作用。2005 年 6 月 21 日,国务院批准浦东新区进行全国综合配套改革试点,中央政府将综合配套改革试验权首先赋予浦东新区,是对浦东开发开放15 周年成就的充分肯定,更希望浦东新区继续发挥推动制度建设“先行先试”的示范带动作用,为全国改革发展作出探索、贡献经验。在历时六年的改革中,浦东政府在推进政府管理体制改革、探索开放型经济运行体制、深化科技体制创新、构建公共服务体系、统筹城乡发展等诸多方面进行了深入探索和实践,取得了阶段性成效。在新的起点上,浦东新区如何认清自身发展方位,进一步总结五年综改历程谋划“十二五”发展,向纵深推进开发开放,建成完善的综合配套改革试验区,具有深远的现实意义。本文通过对浦东开发开放历程、浦东综合配套改革试点的战略背景和实施方案、浦东综合配套改革的进展与成效进行梳理总结、对比分析,并在分析全国其他综合配套改革试验区基础上,得出经验和启示。针对浦东新区“十二五”期间面临的新形势、新任务,本文提出了浦东新区综合配套改革的四大发展战略、四大突破点和重点领域、五大保障举措。 “四大”发展战略:一是重点突破、开拓引领战略;二是有的放矢、主动出击战略;三是群策群力、开门综改战略;四是打造团队、提升素质战略。 “四大”突破点和重点领域:一是结合国家战略,探索中央相关管辖权属下放的体制机制改革;二是结合城乡统筹,探索产业资本引入农业经济的体制、机制改革;三是以公务员制度改革为重点,深入推进政府管理体制改革;四是聚焦张江科技产业和人才高地,加大创新型城区建设力度。 “五大”保障举措:一是形成三位一体的领导机制,加强对浦东综改的领导;二是成立浦东综改咨询委员会,群策群力搞综改;三是成立“浦东综改保障基金”,实施开门综改长效机制;四是推行“网络综改”,形成全民关心综改的氛围;五是组织综改专题小组,扎实推进项目综改。【英文摘要】Pudong, Shanghai as a symbol of Chinas reform and opening up and miniature of socialist modernization. It has a special status and strategic significance in the process of reform and opening up of China, its every step of the reform and development arise much attention outside. Early stage of development in Pudong, it was trying to have breakthroughs and innovations, and arising shackles and constraints from the old institutional mechanisms of the parties. That results in not only difficult to highlight the system and integrity of reform of Pudong, makes a lot of achievements become deformation in the reform under the various pressure, and its more difficult to have demonstration effect for other regions of the country.June 21,2005, the State Council approved a national comprehensive reform of the Pudong New Area, the central government give the right to Pudong New Area comprehensive reform pilot, fully affirmed the achievements of the 15th anniversary of Pudong New Area,-hopes it will continue to play to promote pilot demonstration effect the Pudong New Area, to explore the development of the countrys reform and contribute to the experience. During the six years reform, the Pudong government in promoting government reform, exploring the open economy operating system, deepening the science and technology system innovation, and building the public service system those many other aspects of urban and rural development conducted in-depth exploration and practice, it made the great results in stage. In the new starting point, for Pudong New Area, how to recognize their own position, and further concluded Five-year Comprehensive Plan for “Second Five” development, to push the development deeply, to well built comprehensive reform pilot area with far-reaching significance.Through summary and comparative analysis of the process of developing and opening up of Pudong, strategic background and implementation of programs, the progress of comprehensive reform of Pudong and the effectiveness of the comprehensive reform, and other based on the other pilot areas reform of the country, it has the experience and inspiration.For the new situation and new tasks of Pudong New Area in “Five-Second” period, this paper proposes initiatives of comprehensive reform of Pudong New Area, the Four Development Strategies, Key Areas and Four Break Points, and Five Security.Four Development Strategies:first, major breakthroughs, leading the strategy development; the second is targeted, proactive strategies; third, to bring about comprehensive and open reform strategy; Fourth, team building, to enhance the quality of the strategy.Four Break Points and Key Areas:first, with national strategies, and explore the relevant institutional mechanisms under the jurisdiction of the reform; the second is a combination of urban and rural areas of institutional reform, and explore the introduction of industrial capital structure to agricultural economy; third, civil service system reform as the key to further promote the government management system; fourth, Focus on Zhangjiang high technology industries and talent to increase efforts in building innovation-oriented city.Five Security Initiatives:first, the leadership of the formation mechanism of the Trinity, to strengthen the leadership of Pudong Comprehensive Reform; second is the establishment of Pudong Comprehensive Reform Advisory Committee, the team which will work out comprehensive reform; third, set up a comprehensive reform of Pudong Security Fund, and the implementation of integrated change the open long-term mechanism; fourth, implementation of the comprehensive network change, to form a comprehensive reform of the atmosphere of national concern; fifth, set up thematic group to organize comprehensive reform, and push forward comprehensive reform program.【关键词】浦东新区 综合配套改革试验区 综合配套改革试点【英文关键词】Pudong New Area Pilot Area of Comprehensive Refo
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