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1扬州市八里中心小学备课纸总 课时 第 1 课时 上课时间 教学内容教学内容Unit 5 How are you? 教学目标教学目标1. Enable the Ss to understand and say “How are you ?” “Fine, thank you, And you ” “Not bad ”or “Not so good .”2. Raise the Ss interest to learn English. 3. Encourage the Ss to have good cooperation with one another. 教学重难点教学重难点1. Enable the Ss to understand and say “How are you ?” “Fine, thank you, And you ” “Not bad ”or “Not so good.” 教学设计教学设计教学步骤教学步骤教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动A Warm up1. Greetings the Ss: Good morning /afternoon,clas s? Glad to see you!Revision: Show me your English book,Show me your rubber,etc. What colour is it? 3. Now, lets sing, OK ? Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Miss Liu. Ss: Glad to see you!Ss listen and act. Ss show the things and say what colour is it. Ss : OK! Sing two songs. “Hi, Nancy”. “Colour song”2B PresentationA. Lets talk . (1) Lets make a dialogue: T: (show a toy) Look, this is my friend Peter, he wants to be your friend, Do you like him? Ss make a dialogue with deskmate. Ss: Yes! Ss:Hello, Peter. Sa: Hello, Peter, Im . Sb: Good morning, Peter, Im , This is my friend . 扬州市八里中心小学备课纸教学步骤教学步骤教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动3T: (Toy Peter) Hello, Im Peter, Nice to meet you . T: Nice to meet you, too . (2) Lets listen to the tape, please listen carefully, then answer my questions : a. How many kids do you know? b. What do you remember? c. Who is not so good? (3) Teach and learn: How are you? /Fine, thank you. a. T holds up two fingers (the two fingers are opposed) Finger 1: Hi, How are you? Finger 2: Fine, thank you. b. Practice in pairs. c. check d. Lets sing together.Hello! How are you ! (1) Learn to say: Fine, thank you, And (how are )you ? b. Read after the T. 同法教授: How are you? Not bad, thank you. Not so good. Im sorry.Sing: “Hello! How are you? ”Sc: Nice to meet you, Peter.Ss listen to the tape with the questions.Ss answer the questions. Ss learn the pattern: How are you? /Fine, thank you. First Read after the teacher. Second: Practice in pairs.同桌对话。Ss sing a song: Hello! How are you !Ss learn to say: Fine, thank you, And (how are) you? Ss read after the T.Ss sing a song.扬州市八里中心小学备课纸4C Consolidationa. T shows the pictures and asks: what is Yang Ling saying about? Im fine? Not bad? Not so good ?b. Practice in pairs.Ss look at the pictures and answer Ts questions. Ss Say: “Not so good.” Ss practice in pairs.D Exercise1. Listen to the tape.2. Try to repeat.3. Read after the tape.4. Action.Ss listen to the tape.Ss try to repeat.Ss read after the tape. Ss practise with your friends.作业设计作业设计Practice the dialogues to your parents .板书设计板书设计Unit 5 How are you ? How are you? Fine, thank you. / Not bad, thank you. And you? Im fine, too. Not so good. Im sorry. 教学反思教学反思扬州市八里中心小学备课纸5总 课时 第 2 课时 上课时间 教学内容教学内容Unit 5 How are you? 教学目标教学目标1. Enable the Ss to understand and say the eight words . 2. Let the Ss do “Show me your pens /rubbers /”教学重难点教学重难点Enable the Ss to understand and say the eight words .教学设计教学设计教学步骤教学步骤教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动A Free talk1. Listen and do : T: Hands up / down . Books up / down , etc. 2. Whos wearing today ?(复习颜色单词) 3. Sing the song “Goodbye”. 4. Greeting. 5. Free talk .Ss listen and do.Ss review the colours.Ss sing “Goodbye”.复习上一课所学.学生二人一组练习 所学内容. B PresentationA: Learn: pencils, pens, ball pens . (1) Learn to say: “pencils”Read after the T Ss: pencils Ss: a green pencil扬州市八里中心小学备课纸6教学步骤教学步骤教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动B Presentati onA: Learn: pencils, pens, ball pens . (1) Learn to say: “pencils” a. Read after the T. b. What colour is it ? (eg: a green pencil ) c. Contrast: a pencil T: Show me your pencils. Show me your rubbers. Show me your ball pens, etc. 2. Lets talk in English . 3. Ask and answer (T&Ss) T: Get up ,. T: Go to school now, .Ss listen and act (学生听老师指令 做动作) Ss make a dialogue use these sentences: Hello Good morning/ afternoon . This is How are you ?Ss: All right . Ss: OK. Ss: All right, See you ,Miss .9扬州市八里中心小学备课纸T: Go home now, . T: Go to bed now. 4. Ss make a dialogue .5. Play a game . Guessing game : Whats in my school bag? Ss: OK ,Good night . (学生边做动作边 回答) Ss use (Get up ,. Go to school now, . Go home now, . Go to bed now.) make a dialogue.C Presentation1. T shows the teaching picture and asks . a.How many people are there in the picture? b. What are they talking about? 2. Ss discuss. 3. Check. 4. Group works. T: If you can do it well, Ill give your group one star. 5. Action .Ss look at the picture and discuss the questions.Ss answer the questions.Ss group works: (全班分成四个小 组,进行竞赛) S1 act Mr Brown: Go to school now, Mike . S2 act Mike: All right, Bye, Dad .作业设计作业设计Go over what we learnt today.板书设计板书设计Unit 5 How are you ? Go to school now . Hi, Liu Tao How are you ? OK ,Good bye ,Dad . Fine ,than
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