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1Unit 9 Mark Twain- Mirror of America 1 Cruise 1)n 乘船游览 They went on a cruise to Wuhan.2) vi. 乘船巡游 They will go cruising in the Mediterranean.cruise missile 巡航导弹 cruise train 旅游列车 cruiser 巡洋舰 The cruiser was surrounded by the enemy.bruise bru:z n.瘀伤, 伤痕, 擦伤Patriotic: Feeling, expressing, or inspired by love for ones country.爱国的, His speech was full of patriotic sentiments.patriotic song 爱国歌曲 patriotism 爱国主义; 爱国心, 爱国精神 patriotism education 爱国主义教育dealt (give out as a share ) deal dealt dealtdeal out 分配, 分给 deal in 买卖, 经营 deal with 1)惠顾; 与交易, 和做买卖 2)应付, 处理; 对待 3)论述, 涉及frailty, (性格或行为上的)弱点, 缺点 be likely to yield to temptation frail 脆弱的, 薄弱的, (尤指身体)虚弱的 2 Digest 1)透彻了解 It often takes a long time to digest new ideas.2) 消化 3) n.摘要, 文摘, 汇编 digestion di5dVestFEn 消化能力 digestive di5dVestiv adj.消化(食物)的 digestive disease 消化系统疾病Score: 1) v(在游戏、 比赛中)得分 to score a point 得一分 2)(在游戏,比赛中)给人评分,判分,记分 Will you score for us when we play?3)(游戏、比 赛的)得分,评分 4)宿怨,旧仇 I have some old scores to settle with that fwllow.5) A group of 20 items.20 个一组 score for 批评 Critics scored him for his foolishness.score off 使出丑; 驳倒 She enjoys trying to score off other people.scoreboard 记分板 scorecard 记分卡3. downstream 7daun5stri:m在下游; 顺流地 We were rowing downstream towards the sea.downright 完全地 That road is downright dangerous!downhearted 垂头丧气的, 无精打采的 downstairs 楼下 upstream adv. 逆流(的). Drain: vt. 迷住 The heartless witch cast a spell on the poor little girl.cast anchor 抛锚, 定居下来 cast down 抛下, 丢下 The enemy cast down their weapons.Show 展览; 展览物; 展览会 There is a flower show in the park.橱窗 widow show 巡回演出 a traveling show 杂耍 variety show.together with 和一同, 连同 He sent her some books, together with a dictionary.他送了她几本书, 外加一本词典。soak up 1) 吸收, (使)充满 The ground soaked up the rain.2) 大量而迅速地吸取 Dont soak up everything uncritically.2不要不加批判地接受一切。5.pioneer1)拓荒者; 开发者 Pioneers from the East settled in this region in 1875.2) 先驱者; 创始者; 先锋 He is a pioneer in modern medical practice.3) vt.开拓, 开发, 创始 This company pioneered the use of silicon chip.volunteer 志愿者, 志愿兵; commandeer vt.征募, 霸占 engineer deer steer careeracquaint E5kweint 1) vt.使熟悉, 使了解 This book acquaints the students with the ancient cultures of Europe.2) 通知, 告知 Acquaint him with your plans.acquaint oneself with / of 开始知道 acquaintance 相识的人, 熟人 acquaintanceship 相识, 相熟 6. dry up 1) (使)干涸 The ground dried up quickly after the rain.2)英擦干碗碟 Help me dry up after lunch.3)非正住口 I wish the conversation will dry up.7. Rebuff 粗暴拒绝, 轻蔑回绝: “He had . . . forgotten himself, had gone too far in his advances, and had been rebuffed” .Refuse 拒绝; 回绝 Ill make him an offer he cant refuse.To decline 辞谢; 谢绝(邀请等) to refuse courteously: We asked her to come to our party, but she declined.Reject 表示因为不令人满意有缺陷或无用而抛弃 Choose the good apples and reject the bad ones.Endure 1)(长时间地)忍受, 忍耐, 容忍 You neednt endure.2) vi.持续, 持久, 坚持下去 We cant endure much longer in the desert without water.Lasting; continuing; durable:持久的;忍耐的: a novel of enduring interest.1.Togratitude” is an adverbial of result. Other examples: 2.to sbs surprise 3.to sbs satisfaction, 4.(to sbs disappointment; 5.to sbs pleasure, 6.to sbs delight, 7.to sbs horror, 8.to sbs astonishment etc Much to his horror, he found the cabin flooded. The kids did extremely well in their exam, to their satisfaction) )8 strike: 1)突然发现(矿藏等) *strike oil 发现油矿 *strike it rich 发横财 He struck it rich in real estate.2)打, 击 Strike while the iron is hot.*strike for 为争取而罢工 The bus drivers are striking for higher wages. Strike /struck /struck Stick/ stuck /stuckTrade trade agency 商务代办处, 代理商 trade agreement (国际)贸易协定, 劳资协议, trademark registered 注册商标 Tradesman 商人; (尤指商店的)店主 The local tradesmen have objected to the plans.Board: 1) v 上船;坐船;搭乘(公共交通工具) He boarded the bus.2)(供某种特殊用途的)板 drawing board制图板 chess board棋盘 darts board掷镖靶 dread board砧板 notice board布告板 3) 膳食费用 board and lodging膳宿费 Each student has to pay $100 a month for board and lodging.34) 委员会;理事会;董事会 Our company has 3 women on its board of directors. His uncle is now on the Board.5) (pl)戏剧;舞台 He has been on the boards all his life.then and now ( set phrase. Similar ones: 1) here and there; 在各处, 零星分散地 2) in and out; (1) 进进出出(2) 曲曲弯弯 3) back and forth; 来回地 4) high and low; 到处 5) day and night, 夜以继日地; 日夜 6) far and near ; 远近, 到处, 四面八方 7) come and go 来来往往; etc)9 ) experiment with 以做试验 experiment on 在上做实验 The pupils are experimenting on frogs.Column 1)栏, 专栏(文章) There are two columns on each page of this dictionary.2) 柱, 圆柱 The dome was supported by white marble columns.issue 1)问题, 议题; 争论点 There was no issue at all between us.2) 发行物 There is a new issue of Christmas stamps every yearissue cost 发行成本 issue department 发行部 issue paper money 发行纸币 issue from 从大量涌出 Smoke issues from the chimney.2)由于产生 His difficulties issue from his lack of knowledge.Ring:戒指, 指环 He has a gold ring on his finger.2) 环状物, 圆圈 She wears a pair of pretty ear rings.3) 团伙, 帮派 The aucti
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