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七年级英语上册 Unit3 Is this your pencil? Section B 编写人:刘芸 李丽娜 张美歌 王晓芳一自主学习1.电脑游戏 _ _ 2.学校图书馆 _ _3.去老师那里拿 _ _ _ _ it 4.它们是你的吗?_ they _? 5.发邮件到 Mary163.com.与我联系_ _ _ Mary163.com二合作探究 1. I lost a set of _ (key).2. Please _ (call) Lucy at 532-4587.3. Is this _ (you) ring? -Yes, it is.4. _ (be) your books in your backpack?5.你可以向史密斯女士请求帮助 You can _ Ms Smith _ _.6.我妹妹请求我帮助她。My sister _ me _ _ her.7.我父母不让我看电视。My parents _ me _ _ watch TV.8.一些学生在教室。_ _ _ in the classroom.9.学生中的一些在教室。_ _ _ _ in the classroom.10.This is my _,these are his _(watch).11.Can I _ TV?(watch)12.你怎样拼写它?_ do you _ it?将下列句子改为一般疑问句。13.This is my clock._?14.These are her books._?15.Those are his oranges._?三、课堂巩固1.-Is that a baseball?-_.A.Yes,that is B.No,it isnt C.Yes,its D.Its a baseball2.-Is this _ pencil? -No,it isnt._ is yellow.A.his;her B.his;His C.her;Her D.her;His3.What about _ at the gate(门口) of our school?A.meet B.meets C.meeting D. to meet4.-_ you spell “book”? -B-O-O-K。A.What B.How C.How do D. can5.A set of keys _ in the classroom. A.am B.is C.are D.be6.Look!This is _ ID card. A.a B.an C.the D./7.-Is this your new notebook?-No.it isnt.Ask Bill,He is looking for(寻找) _.A. mine B. yours C.hers D.his8.-Whose pen is this?-Oh,its _.I was looking for it everywhere(到处).A.you B.yours C.me D.mine9.-Here is a schoolbag.Whose(谁的) is it?-Oh,its _.Thank you !A.my B. mine C.me 10.Peter is my best friend.He often helps _ with science(科学) 。A.me B.you C. his D.her答案:一1.computer game2.school library3.ask the teacher for4.Are yours5.E-mail me at二1.keys 2.call 3.your 4.are 5.ask for help6.asks to help 7. ask not to 8. some students are 9. Some of students are10.watch ; watches; 11. watch12.How spell 13.Is this your clock?14.Are these her books?15.Are those his oranges?三 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.D 9.B 10. A
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