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海量资料下载 免费学习英语 www.englishvip.com/xinlw.htm (申请网址)洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务Fiorinas Commencement Address: Never sell your soul 给毕业生的人生忠告:千万不要贩卖你的灵魂5 月 7 日,惠普公司前 CEO 卡莉-费奥瑞娜(Carly Fiorina)在美国北卡罗 来纳州农业技术州立大学毕业典礼上发表演讲。这是卡莉被惠普董事会“驱 逐”后,首次在公开场合露面。 在讲演中,卡莉说,回想起在惠普的 5 年,自己没有丝毫的后悔,她现在的心境非常“宁静安稳”。50 岁的卡莉幽 默的表示,她现在开始重新准备简历,等待面试的机会。 在这场题为 “你的天分是上帝馈赠的,你的成就是对上帝的回报”的讲演中,卡莉同时 也谆谆告诫即将走入社会的毕业生,“不要放弃你的内在本性,千万不要贩 卖你的灵魂,因为没有人能够支付得起”。 以下为卡莉讲演全文。(Heres what she told the graduates and their guests at the North Carolina Agricultural something that takes me back to the earliest memories I have in life.One day at church, my mother gave me a small coaster with a saying on it. During my entire childhood, I kept this saying in front 离任的消息传开后,我给学校打 电话,问道:你们是否仍希望我 前来担任毕业典礼的演讲人呢? Renick 校长让我安心下来,他说: “卡莉,如果说和以前有什么不 同的话,那就是你可能现在比以 往与这些学生更相似。”他是对 的。毕竟,我现在正在准备自己 的简历,罗列自己的介绍人,我 买了一套新套装以备面试。如果 这里有招聘人员在场的话,我大 概 11 号就有空了。无论如何,我要感谢大家听 我的演讲,这是我离开惠普之后 的首次公开露面。我非常希望来 到这里,因为这个学校由于我所 坚信的一些东西而显得与众不同, 这些东西把我带回到我生命中最 初的记忆中去。记得有一天,在教堂,母亲 给了我一个小盘子,上面有一条 谚语。在我整个童年时期,我将 那条谚语摆放在房间的小书桌上, 今天还可以把那个盘子拿给你们 看。上面写着:“你是什么由上 帝的天赋注定,而你成为什么则 是你献给上帝的礼物。”这些话至尽仍然对我有着巨 大的影响。这个学校与我同样深 信的是,当我们思考自己的生命 时,不应该受到其他人的陈词滥 调或偏见好恶的限制;相反,我 们应该坚持自己对未来发展的判 断,坚持自己对成就大业的把握, 坚持对自己能有所作为的信念。 Jesse Jackson 的经历告诉我们, Ronald McNair 的经历告诉我们, Greensboro Four 的经历也告诉我 们,注重发展性的人比注重局限 性的人在生活中获得的要多得多。海量资料下载 免费学习英语 www.englishvip.com/xinlw.htm (申请网址)洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务of me on a small desk in my room. In fact, I can still show you that coaster today. It says: “What you are is Gods gift to you. What you make of yourself is your gift to God.“Those words have had a huge impact on me to this day. What this school and I believe in very deeply is that when we think about our lives, we shouldnt be limited by other peoples stereotypes or bigotry. Instead, we should be motivated by our own sense of possibility. We should be motivated by our own sense of accomplishment. We should be motivated by what we believe we can become. Jesse Jackson has taught us; Ronald McNair taught us; the Greensboro Four taught us; that the people who focus on possibilities achieve much more in life than people who focus on limitations.The question for all of you today is: how will you define what you make of yourself?To me, what you make of yourself is actually two questions. Theres the “you“ that people see on the outside. And thats how most people will judge you, because its all they can see ?what you become in life, whether you were made President of this, or CEO of that, the visible you.But then, theres the invisible you, the “you“ on the inside. Thats the person that only you and God can see. For 25 years, when people have asked me for career advice, what I always tell them is dont give up what you have inside. Never sell your 大家现在面对的问题是:如 何定义自己成为什么样的人?对 我而言,这实际上是两个问题: 一个是人们从外表上看到的“你” ,这是大多数人判断你的方式, 因为那是他们所能看到的全部, 例如:你在生活中是什么人,是 某个国家的总统,还是某个企业 的 CEO;但是,还有一部分的你是 看不到的,这就是内在的“你”, 是只有自己和上帝才明白的人性 本质。25 年来,当人们向我询问 职业生涯的意见时,我常常告诉 他们,不要放弃你的内在本性, 千万不要贩卖你的灵魂,因为没 有人能够支付得起。我所说的“不要贩卖自己的 灵魂”,就是不要违背自己的本 性,不要掩盖你的天赋,也不要 放弃你的信念。无论结果看起来 可能多么的可怕或糟糕,无论保 持自己本性的结果是什么,总比 出卖灵魂好很多。在到达今天之前,大家经历 了无数的检验和测试,你们比我 更清楚地知道:从你们离开校园 的这一刻起,还要不断接受测试。 接受这些测试的原因,是你们或 许不适合某些人对你们应该做什 么工作、成为什么人的预想或模 式化的观念。人们对于你们能做 什么不能做什么、应该做什么不 应该做什么有着模式化的概念, 但是,只有当你们愿意让他们影 响你们时,他们才能影响你们, 只有当你们愿意他们控制你们时, 当你们放弃自己的内在本性时, 他们才能控制你们。我的这些感想来自自己的经 验。在毕业离校的那一天,我曾海量资料下载 免费学习英语 www.englishvip.com/xinlw.htm (申请网址)洛基国际英语 竭诚为您服务soul? Because no one can ever pay you back.What I mean by not selling your soul is dont be someone youre not, dont be less than you are, dont give up what you believe, because whatever the consequences that may seem scary or bad - whatever the consequences of staying true to yourself are - they are much better than the consequences of selling your soul.You have been tested mightily in your life to get to this moment. And all of you know much better than I do: from the moment you leave this campus, you will be tested. You will be tested because you wont fit some peoples pre-conceived notions or stereotypes of what youre supposed to be, of who youre supposed to be. People will have stereotypes of what you can or cant do, of what you will or wont do, of what you should or shouldnt do. But they only have power over you if you let them have power over you. They can only have control if you let them have control, if you give up whats inside.I speak from experience. Ive been there. Ive been there, in admittedly vastly different ways - and in many ways, in the fears in my heart, exactly the same places. The truth is Ive struggled to have that sense of control since the day I left college.I was afraid the day I graduated from college. I was afraid of what people would think. Afraid I couldnt 经很害怕,担心别人会怎么想, 担心我不符合要求,担心做出错 误的选择,担心让辛辛苦苦工作 供我念大学的人失望。我毕业时获得了中世纪历史 和哲学专业的学位,如果你们有 一份需要关于哥白尼或者 12 世界 欧洲僧侣知识的职位,那就非我 莫属了。然而这一职务市场并不 太大。我当时计划去读法学院, 并非因为这是我一生的梦想,而 是因为我相信别人期望我如此。 既然我意识到永远成不了母亲那 样的艺术家,那么至少
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