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走遍美国走遍美国 Episode24Episode24Hi, Mom. 嗨,妈。 Hi, Robbie. 嗨,Robbie。 Youre home from school early. 你今天从学校回来得早。 Yeah, theyre getting the assembly hall 是啊,他们在布置大礼堂, ready for the graduation ceremony, 为毕业典礼做准备, so we all got to go home early. 所以我们都非早回家不可。 Too noisy to study. 太吵了,书看不下去。 Well, now that youre here, 嗯,既然你回来了, you can help me with dinner. 你就来帮我准备晚餐。 I need those potatoes peeled and sliced. 那些马铃薯需要剥皮和切片。 Mom, give me a break. 妈,让我喘口气。 Alexandras coming over to help me Alexandra 就要来帮我 study for my math final. 温习数学,准备期末考试。 Well, in that case, 嗯,既然这样, you can wash the dishes and clean up after dinner. 你就在晚餐后洗盘子,收拾桌子。 Can I invite Alexandra to stay for dinner? 我可以请 Alexandra 留下来吃晚餐吗? Of course. 当然可以。 Thanks, Mom. 谢谢,妈。 You and Alexandra 你和 Alexandra have become good friends, havent you? 成了好朋友,不是吗? Yes. I like her. 是的,我喜欢她。 Shes a terrific person. 她人很好。 Im going to miss her 我会想念她 when she goes back to Greece. 她回去希腊时
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