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1湛江湛江 VTS 指南指南出版本指南的目的是向用户简明介绍湛江港船舶交通管理系统(以下简称VTS 系统)的概况,船舶交管中心(以下简称 VTS 中心)有关船舶交通管理和服务方面的要求及用户需要了解的通航环境情况,以保障船舶航行安全,提高交通效率,保护水域环境,增进 VTS 中心和用户之间的理解与合作。Introduction This guide is in order to provide the users with a brief introduction to Zhanjiang Vessel Traffic Service(hereinafter referred to as VTS), and the requirements of the Zhanjiang Vessel Traffic Service Center(hereinafter referred to as VTS)concerning traffic management and service, as well as circumstances for navigation which may be necessary for vessels safe navigation, traffic efficiency and environment protection. This guide hopes to promote the understanding and cooperation between VTS and the users.湛江湛江 VTS 简简介介VTS 系统设置在交通部湛江海事局大楼值班室内,VTS 中心的地理坐标为:北纬:211121“N东经:1102452“E本系统主要技术设备及性能:设 备作用距离(海里)/性 能功能 雷达监控子系统20具有自动和手动跟踪功 能 VHF 通信子系统20具有多频道录音功能船舶数据处理子系统处理能力 30000 艘次具有各种统计功能录制重放子系统能重放船舶交通历史情 况自动和手动方式进行录 制2气象子系统全天候实时显示气象数 据具有统计和存储功能Zhanjiang VTS SummaryZhanjiang VTS System is located in the building of Zhanjiang Maritime Safety Administration, its coordinates is Latitude : 211121“N, Longitute : 1102452“E.The components and functions of Zhanjiang VTS EquipmentEffective Range (naut. M.)/FunctionsFunctionsRadar Surveillance Sub System20Auto b. tug-lines of less than 100 meters in length and less than 15 meters in width.5中国 CHINA湛江 ZHANJIANG区域程序 AREA PROCEDURE版本号 001 EDITION NO.001修正日期 REVISION DATE页号 8 PAGE NO.8船舶报告制度Vessels ReportVHF 工作工作频频道道 VHF Working Channel 到港到港预报预报: : 根据主管机关有关湛江港船位报告规定的时限和要求进行报告。 抵达抵达报报告告门线门线: :当船舶通过斗龙村北航道抵达湛江港 A8 号灯浮,或通过龙腾航道抵达湛江港 29 号灯浮时,应通过 VHF08 频道向湛江 VTS 中心 报告。 船舶船舶动态报动态报告:告: 1、 进港前;2、锚泊后;3、靠妥码头后;4、驶离码头前;5、起锚前;6、需乘潮进港前;7、出港后; 8、VTS 中心要求报告的其他事项。 发发生生紧紧急情况的急情况的报报告:告: 船舶发生或发现海上交通事故、污染事故、机损事故或人员意外等紧急情况时,或者发现助航标志或导航设施异常,有碍航行安 全的碍航物、漂浮物及其他妨碍航行安全的异常情况,必须立即向 VTS 中心报告。ETA report: It shall be done according to the procedures and contents required by the regulations on Vessels Report in Zhanjiang Harbour.Arrival report : It should be reported to Zhanjiang VTS Center via VHF CH08 when vessels, through Doulongcunbei Channel arrive at light buoy No.A8 of Zhanjiang Harbour, as well as vessels, through Longteng Channel arrive at light buoy No.29.Vessels Movement Report a. Arriving at VTS gate line; b. After getting anchored; c. After getting berthed; d. Before leaving the berth;e. Before heaving up the anchor;f. Before entering the harbour with tide;g. Departing from VTS gate line; h. Other items required by VTS Center.Emergency Report Vessels are required to report to VTS Center immediately about any traffic accidents,pollution incidents,engine malfunction,injury of persons and any emergency situations involved or found,as well as whenever finding abnormality of navigation aids;obstacles,drifting objects VTS 中心的工作频道:呼叫频道:08业务通话频道:65 注意: 所有在湛江港内航行、作业、锚 泊和靠泊船舶必须在 VHF 16 频道上,保 持守听。 呼叫: (中文):湛江港交管中心 (英文):ZHANJIANG VTSVTS Center Working Channel: Calling channel: 08 Speaking channel: 65Attention:All vessels navigating, operating, anchoring and/or berthing within Zhanjiang Harbour shall keep watch on CH16.Calling: English:ZHANJIANG VTS6and/or any other unusual circumstances impeding the safety of navigation.7中国 CHINA湛江 ZHANJIANG区域程序 AREA PROCEDURE版本号 001 EDITION NO.001修正日期 REVISION DATE页号 10 PAGE NO.10引航服务 Pilotage Service交通服务 Traffic Service禁 止 Prohibitions引航锚地: 湛江港第一、第二引航锚地是引航员登船 实施引领的起始点和终点。 强制引航:所有的外国籍船舶进出湛江港实施强制引 航。 引航服务: 本国籍船舶可根据需要申请引航服务。 Pilot anchorage: No. 1 and No. 2 Pilot Anchorage are respectively the starting point and ending point for pilotage.Compulsory pilotage: Compulsory pilotage is applicable to all vessels of foreign nationalities.Piloting service: Piloting service is provided on request for the vessels of Chinese nationality.VTS 中心可提供: 1、交通信息(需请求) 2、实时的气象信息(需请求) 3、航行协助(需请求) 4、支持联合行动信息(需请求) 5、交通组织服务(根据管理的需要)VTS Center can provide: a.Traffic information(upon request)b.Meteorology information(upon request)c.Navigational assistance(upon request)c.Information on supporting the allied activities(upon request)e.Traffic organization(according to management requirements)1、在本港锚地和航道内禁止进行捕鱼作业; 2、非经批准禁止在航道内进行试航、测速和校 正罗经。 3、民用船舶未经许可不得进入军事禁区内。外 国籍船舶和载有外国籍人的国内船舶不准在 军事控制区内停泊、抛锚和作业。a. Fishing is prohibited in anchorage and fairway.b. Navigation trial,speed test and magnetic compass adjustment are prohibited in the fairway without approval.c. Merchant vessels are forbidden to enter military district. Foreign vessels and Chinese vessels with foreign people on board are prohibited to anchor, berth and carry out operations in above district.
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