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速达求职网的设计与实现摘 要 现如今传统的求职方式越来越不能满足当今企业和求职者的需要。随着 Internet 的发展,网络上兴起了很多求职网站。求职网站的出现,给求职者和招聘单位带来了很大的方便,但目前针对我们在校大学生、应聘毕业的求职网站很少,并且现有的这些针对在校大学 .摘 要现如今传统的求职方式越来越不能满足当今企业和求职者的需要。随着 Internet 的发展,网络上兴起了很多求职网站。求职网站的出现,给求职者和招聘单位带来了很大的方便,但目前针对我们在校大学生、应聘毕业的求职网站很少,并且现有的这些针对在校大学生的求职网都是以营利为目的,很多得不到大学生的信任。为了给在校大学生和招聘单位提供一个良好的求职、招聘的平台,本课题拟实现一个速达求职网。本系统有利于企业利用网站快速的发布招聘信息,浏览更多求职者的信息找到自己所需要的人才;求职者能够在求职网上创建个人简历、职位浏览、申请、职位搜索;为保证招聘企业的合法性,企业相关证件要通过管理员的检查后才能成为合法的企业用户,本系统采用+SQL server2000 实现。 关键词:求职网;JSP;SQL server2000 Design And implementation of online job websiteAbstractNow, the traditional way of job hunting couldnt meet the needs of company and applicants .With the development of Internet , the online job websites have been appeared. The online job websites take convenience for applicants and companies. But current websites have disadvantages. In special, few websites are opened to the university students and the present graduating students. And almost of them only want to get more benefits than services. The system is a good platform for company to promulgate the information of employ, to hunt what they need, and for applicants to create personal resume , to browse position , to apply position ,to search position and so on . Key words: Online Job Website; JSP; SQL server2000互联网的发展给人们的日常生活带来了很大的变化,越来越多了人通过互联网在足不出户的情况下方便、快捷的获取到自己所需要的信息;通过互联网我们的商家、企业、政府可以很方便的、及时的发布自己的信息。利用互联网我们可以为求职者、招聘企业单位提供一个双向选择的平台,大大简化过去传统的求职方式,提高企业单位的工作效率,给求职者提供一个更大更好的求职环境。速达求职网就是在互联网的发展下、求职者和企业单位的需求下建立起来的。功能模块划分根据对求职者和招聘单位的分析,按照系统开发的基本观点对网站进行分解,对网站做如下划分:个人用户:注册、登录、简历创建、职位搜索、职位浏览及申请、应聘记录、注销企业用户:注册、营业执照上传、登录、招聘职位发布、浏览简历、求职者应聘记录管理员:企业注册信息审查、传信息审查、修改标记。 某药业股份有限公司的财务战略分析(选题审批表,任务书,开题报告,毕业论文字)摘 要:随着行业技术革新速度的加快以及激烈的竞争环境,许多企业面临着很多来自外部环境的威胁。企业要在风云变幻的市场竞争中求的生存和发展,就需要企业自觉深入地进行战略分析。财务战略管理的研究正在日渐成为财务管理领域的新热点。财务战略的制定与实施是企业战略中的重要组成部分。财务资源和可以增值的机会对于企业来说是有限的,所以能不能有效筹集、合理分配财务资源是企业的重要工作。本文就北京某药业股份有限公司的财务战略进行了深入的研究。本文首先分析了财务战略的背景与研究意义,概述了财务战略的内涵、特征以及目标等,接着本文结合了该药业股份有限公司自身特点分析了其内外部环境,运用 SWOT 分析法对其财务管理现状进行了分析,从而发现该公司存在的问题和不足并且对其提出了相应的解决方案。关键词:药业股份有限公司;财务战略;SWOT;Study On Financial Strategy Of The Double-crane Pharmaceutical co., LtdAbstract: With the accelerating pace of the industries technological innovation and the competitive environment, lots of enterprises are facing with many challenges from outside. The enterprises are required to proceed the strategic analysis consciously and profoundly in order to survive and develop in the changing markets competition. The research on the financial strategy management is becoming a hot issue in the field of financial management. The formulation and implementing of the financial strategy had become an important part of the corporate strategy. The financial resources and the chances to make itself accrued are limited in a company, thus, it is significant to raise and allot financial resources effectively and reasonably. This paper is focus on the profound research on the financial strategy of the Double-crane Pharmaceutical co., Ltd. Firstly, it analysed the background and the purport of studing this subject and expounded the proceeding, development, meanings, features and types on financial strategy. Secondly, it elaborate the thought and the structure of the research. In addition, in this paper, the research, studied by the academic circles recently was analyzed. Whats more, it integrated the internal environment with outer environment of the Double-crane Pharmaceutical co., Ltd, estimated the companys financial condition, found out the deficiencies in the financial management and put forward some feasible suggestion.Key words: The Double-crane Pharmaceutical co., Ltd; Financial strategy; SWOT;摘要:左曲柄是摩托车发动机配气机构上的零件,左曲柄是曲柄连杆的左边曲柄左曲柄在结构上主要要与液针轴承,正时齿轮,连杆,及向心球轴承相连,成为曲柄连杆与排气门,活塞组合相连,曲柄连杆机构是内燃机实现工作循环,完成能量转换的传动机构,用来传递力和改变运动方式。工作中,曲柄连杆机构在作功行程中把活塞的往复运动转变成曲轴的旋转运动,对外输出动力,而在其他三个行程中,即进气、压缩、排气行程中又把曲轴的旋转运动转变成活塞的往复直线运动总的来说曲柄连杆机构是发动机借以产生并传递动力的机构。通过它把燃料燃烧后发出的热能转变为机械能。两端带堵的中空摇臂轴是通过气门摇臂轴支座固定于气缸盖上,两摇臂间装有弹簧,防止摇臂左右移动。机油从气门摇臂轴支座的油道经摇臂轴内腔和摇臂中的油道流向摇臂两端进行润滑。左曲柄上的链轮随曲轴旋转,通过链条带动凸轮轴链轮旋转。凸轮轴的旋转,使气门摇臂上下摆动,控制进、排气门按时开闭。本设计内容包括气门摇臂轴支座工艺规程及夹具设计时必需的毛坯选择、加工余量确定、切削刀具、机床选择及机动时间计算机等方面资料,同时对制订机械规程的方法也做了适当的论述。理论上分析,此工艺过程和夹具是切实可行的。 关键词:左曲柄 夹具设计 工艺分析 工艺规程Left crank parts machining process planning and equipment designAbstract: The left crank is on the motorcycle engine valve train parts, the left crank is a crank and connecting rod of the left crankLeft crank in structure with the fluid needle bearings, timing gears, connecting rods, and ball bearings attached to the heart, a connecting rod and the exhaust valve, piston combination connected to connecting rod is the internal combustion engine working cycle, energy Conversion of transmission used to deliver power and changing the way of exercising. Work, connecting rod for power trip in the reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary crankshaft motion, external output power, while in the other three trips, that is, the intake, compression and exhaust stroke of the crankshaft again rotary motion into reciprocating linear
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