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Unit 11 What time do you go to school ?第二课时(第二课时(SectionA 3-4b) 姓名:_ 班级:_ 学习目标:1.能读懂关于“日常生活”介绍的文章,并能找出其中的细节信息。2 巩固 what time 句型 。学习重点:1. 掌握以下词汇(1)名词及短语:work,hour,hotel,bus,night,morning,job,home, long hours , all night (2)动词及动词短语:take ,isten to, go to work,get to,go to bed ,brush ones teeth ,take.to., (3)其它:after,am 2副词 usually 的熟练运用.学习难点:1.感叹句型:What a funny time to eat breakfast !2.动词不定式短语做目的状语:(to get to work )课前预习:一阅读文章 3a 回答下列问题:1.What does he do after he gets up? _2.Does he go to work after breakfast? What does he do?_3.How does he go to work? By bus or on foot?_4.What does he do before he goes to bed?_5.What does“What a funny time to eat breakfast!”mean? _ 二、选词填空:listen ,takes ,night,work ,after, get (1).Tom goes to _ on weekdays(工作日) ,he works very long hours.(2)._ lunch, lucy goes home.(3).To_ to the hotel, Jack takes the number 4 bus.(4).Many people love to _ to music.(5).Sally usually_ a shower after school.(6).Toms father often works all _,becausehe works in a night club(夜总会).课堂学习: 1work 与 job (1) work 是不可数名词“ 工作 ,劳动” job 是可数名词, “工作”,work 的短语有 go to work 去上班。2h ome 既可以作名词又可以作副词。(1) 作名词时与 get, go 等不及物动词连用时,其前需要加介词 to,如 go to his home(去他 家) , get to my home .(到我家)。(2)作副词时,其前不能加介词 to,如 go home , get home , go there . 3. What a fuuny time to eat breakfast ! (1)一个由 what 引导的感叹句, 省略了主语和谓语,完整的句子应为:引导 What a funny time to eat breakfast it is ! (2) what 和 how 都可以引导感叹句,其用法为:What + a/an + 形容词+ 可数名词单数+ 主语+ 谓语 !How +形容词+ a/an+ 可数名词单数+ 主语+ 谓语 !How +形容词/ 副词+ 主语+ 谓语 ! 做一做:多么有趣的一部喜剧啊!_ _ _ comedy it is ! =_ _ the comedy is! 4To get to work , he takes the number 17 bus to a hotel .to get to work 是动词不式结构,在这里做目的状语,意为“ 为了上班”,可以放在 句首,也可放在句末。take “乘坐” 后接交通工具, 如: take a bus / car .当堂训练 一根据句意及汉语提示填单词: 1.I get up at 5:40, and then _ ( 刷) my teeth . 2.Mr Green works very long _ (小时 ). 3.My mother usually _ ( 乘) the number 5 bus to work . 4.Tom _ (听)to music every evening . 5.What does your father usually do _ (在.之后 ) lunch ?二找出下列各句中的一处错误,并改正。 6. I draw pictures on 4:30 pm every day. _ 7. Mr. Li often works all nights. _ 8. My father gets to home very late. _ 9. Do you know what is his job? _ 10. Kangkang loves play computer games. _三根据括号内的要求变换句型。 1. I get to school at 7:30 every morning. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ you get to school every morning? 2. After dinner, Linlin practices the guitar. (对画线部分提问) _ _ Linlin practice the guitar? 3. I think the job is boring. (改成否定句) I _ _ the job _ boring. 4. What is the time? (同义句转换) _ _ _ _? 5. Jack is a funny boy. (改成感叹句) _ _ _ boy (Jack is)!
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