第1页 / 共1页
文物之友文物之友(第六期第六期)報名表格報名表格 Application Form for Friends of Heritage (6th Batch)您的個人資料您的個人資料(英文請填正楷大寫英文請填正楷大寫) Your Personal Particulars (Please complete in English block letters) 姓名(中文) 先生/ 小姐/ 女士 香港身份証/護照編號 Name(Chinese)_ Mr./ Miss/ Mrs. H.K.I.D. Card/Passport Number _ (英文) (English)_ 性別出生日期 職位及機構 Sex _Date of Birth _ Post and Organization_ 聯絡地址 Correspondence Address _電話(辦公室 ) (住宅) _ Telephone (Office)_ (Home) _ 傳真號碼傳呼/手提電話號碼 Fax No. Pager/Mobile Phone No._ 電郵/網址 Email/Website _教育程度教育程度 Education Qualifications 機構/學校名稱 Name of Institutions / Schools獲取學歷 Qualifications Obtained修讀範圍 Field of Studies中學程度 Secondary Level 大專或以上程度 Post Secondary Level 其他 Others您曾有參與義務工作的經驗或接受過有關訓練嗎?您曾有參與義務工作的經驗或接受過有關訓練嗎?有Yes沒有NoDo you have any experience in providing voluntary services or relevant training?如有,請列明工作或訓練性質、機構名稱、服務日期及有關資料: If yes, please state the nature of work or training, the name(s) of organization(s), date(s) and any relevant information.您曾有文物保護工作的經驗或接受過有關訓練嗎?您曾有文物保護工作的經驗或接受過有關訓練嗎?有Yes沒有NoDo you have any experience in heritage conservation work or relevant training?如有,請列明工作或訓練性質、機構名稱、服務日期及有關資料: If yes, please state the nature of work or training, the name(s) of organization(s), date(s) and any relevant information. 對古物古蹟辦事處工作的興趣範圍對古物古蹟辦事處工作的興趣範圍 Areas of interest in the work of the Antiquities and Monuments Office (請在下列適合的空格填上 “”) (Please “” against the appropriate boxes below.) I.考古 Archaeology (例如:田野考古發掘、室內文物處理及考古繪圖) (e.g. field excavation, indoor finds processing and archaeological drawing) II. 歷史建築 Historical Buildings (例如:建築物的登記、研究及建築繪圖) (e.g. recording of buildings, research and architectural drawing) III. 教育及推廣 Education & Publicity (例如:古蹟導賞團、展覽導賞員及設計古蹟教育活動) (e.g. heritage tour guide, docent of exhibition and designing educational activities at historic sites) IV. 其他 請註明 Others Please specify : _ (例如:設計、攝影、翻譯及電腦等) (e.g. design, photography, translation and computer, etc.)可擔任義務工作時間可擔任義務工作時間 Available time for voluntary workI.星期一至五Weekdays時間Time : _II.星期六Weekends 時間Time : _III.星期日Sundays時間Time : _IV. 公眾假期Public Holidays時間Time :_申請加入文物之友的原因與期望,及其他有關資料:申請加入文物之友的原因與期望,及其他有關資料: Reasons for applying for Friends of Heritage and expectations, and any other relevant information:申請人簽署日期 Applicants Signature: _ Date : _辦事處專用欄辦事處專用欄For Office Use Only 接受申請表日期申請批核由 Application Received on : _ Application endorsed by : _個人資料(私隱)條例通知個人資料(私隱)條例通知 申請人提供的資料會用作申請文物之友。根據個人資料(私隱)條例第18、第22及附表1 內第6原則的規定,您有權要求查閱 及更正所提供的個人資料。若對填報個人資料一事有任何疑問,包括要求查閱或更改資料等,請與古物古蹟辦事處教育及宣 傳組聯絡,電話:2208 4408,傳真:2377 9792。 Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Notification The personal data provided by means of this form will be used for application of the Friends of Heritage. You have the right to request access to and to correct personal data in accordance with section 18, 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.Enquiries concerning the personal data, including the request for access and correction, please contact the Education and Publicity Section of the Antiquities and Monuments Office, Tel: 2208 4408, Fax: 2377 9792.致致: 古物古蹟辦事處教育及宣傳組古物古蹟辦事處教育及宣傳組 To: EP Section, AMO 傳真傳真 Fax: 2377 9792
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