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PART ONEQuestions 1 - 7o Look at the statements below and the extract on the opposite page frorn a reportGroup, a human resoufces consultarrcy irr the IJSAr Which section (A, B, C orD)does each slatement 1- 7 referto?r For each stalement 1 - 7, mark one letter (A, B c or D) on your Answer Sheet.r You will need to use some of these letters more than once.Example:to staff by the Davis| | |0 lt is less expensive to maintain the current customer base than to increase it.o | 凸 凸The company has had limited success in convincing customers that it can offer a variety of humanresources solutions.It has been necessary to monitor expenditure carefrrllyExpertise in different cultures is a major selling point for the companyThe companys performance is strongly linked to its reputation.The company is confident of its ability to expand.The company makes ongoing efforts to improve the standard of its servrce provisionMany consLrllinq bLrsinesses lla“,c Ierfonred badly irt this perioclV 厂嘎、夕Report for StaffIt has been a chailenging year, wrtt-t the global economy contrrbuting to ipcreased markel competttion However. the end results were fairly respectable, especiatty considering theindustrys generally poor financial results The Davis Group has always focused on growing revenue, solving client problems, identifying new opportunrties and winrng new clients Although, the company had to spend more time than usual this year on cost controt, our people continued to listen to their clients and deliver appropriate consulting solutionsAlthough we have changed our name and introduced a new global brand, many clrents still do notregard us as a broad-based human resources consultancy We hope that our new international campaign, which explains to clients the wide range of services we offer, will help change that perception lt is significant that 50% of our revenue this year came from outside the USA, making us a truly global player. we have enormous growth potential, especially in emerging markets such as Asia and Laiin America.These days, most of our clients, even those with operations in only one country, compete in a global marketplace. As a result, they see the value of working *ith ,r. our strength on the ground in many countries has allowed us to share knowledge to develop and deliver world-class solutions. For those clients who are global firms, our worldwide presence has allowed us to build international networks to address their special needs. They appreciate that our intellectual capitalis based on a deep understanding of local needs and conditionsWe continually aim to maximise our revenue and enhance professionalism across the solutionsoffered by the firm. obviously, winning new clients is always important, but we should remember that it is often easier and more cost-effective to broaden relationships with exrsting ciients. By providing a wider range of solutions, we add value, strengthen our clients view of us as a trusted advisor and build long-term partnerships. Our success is based on being known as the most professional and highest quality firm in the human resources consultancy buliness.Turn Over ) ?# tPART TWoQuestions I - 12Read ilre arlicle below aborrt the drfferences between chief executives and entrepreneurschoose the best sentence fr-om the opposite page 1o filleach of the gapsFor each gap 8 - 12 , mark one letter (A - G) on your Answer SheetDo not use any letter more than once.There is an example at the beginning, (0)The ever-increasing attraction of undergraduate courses in business studies demonstrates that many young people begin their working lives determined to be a success in business. Many of them will have ambitions of becoming bosses. (0) . G. . That should be the questionwhich all ambitious young business people ask themselvesSome graduates learn how to run a business tnsomeone elses time and then in their early thirties start out on their own. That course of action is relatively common and straightforward. (8) . Often, however, their business flair comes at the expense of more mundane business skills such as team building and maintaining harmony.A recent study, in which seventeen successful entrepreneurs took part in in-depth intervtews. as did a similar number of chief executives concluded that honesty and strong moral principles are important characteristics of entrepreneurs who achieve lasttng success According to the various tests and self- assessment questionnaires used In the interviews, 70 per cent of entrepreneurs have these characteristics, as opposed to only 28 per cent of chief executives. (9) . lt wouldseem that most entrepreneurs deserve more credit than people generally give them.This ethical style of leadership fosters a culture in which expectations are uncompromisingly high and in which people believe they will be properly rewarded for their individual contribution (10) Employees often complain that the worst kind of bosses are the ones who own the busines
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