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8 Ways to De-stress双语阅读:8种减压的方法Melissa Ambrosini翻译:Dolcerena(自1301张佳佳)Stress causes your body to release cortisol, a natural steroid hormone. This process puts your body into fight or flight mode preparing the body for whatever triggered it. Over time, this is not a good state to be in. While cortisol is an important and helpful part of the bodys response to stress, its vital that the bodys relaxation response be active so that it can return to normal following a stressful event. 压力导致了你的身体释放皮质醇。这是一种天然的甾类激素。这个过程让你 的身体进入非条件反射模式,也就是你的身体受到刺激后由脊柱来作出反应。 随着时间的流逝,保持这样一个状态并不好。既然皮质醇是人体响应紧张和 压力的重要而有效的物质,让身体得到放松的响应对于在紧张的环境下让身 体回到正常模式是至关重要的。In todays high-stress culture, often your stress levels dont have enough time to recover. The downside is: High levels of cortisol for extended periods of time have been shown to be seriously detrimental to your immune and digestive systems. High stress levels cause negative reactions such as insomnia and hormone imbalances just to name a few. This is why, not only for our mental health but our physical health, we need to keep our stress levels down.在当下的高压环境中,你的压力往往没有足够的时间得到缓解。不利的趋势 是:一拖再拖的高皮质醇状态会对你的免疫和消化系统造成极大的伤害。高度 的压力会引发像失眠症和激素失调等等的后果这仅仅举了几个例子。这 就是为什么,既是为了我们的心理健康也是为了生理健康,我们需要缓解压 力。Here are seven of my favourite ways to de-stress each day:在这里举几个我每天最喜欢的减压方法:1.Meditation Meditation is a great way to calm your mind and bring you back into the present moment. The best thing about it is: Its free! You can do it anywhere at any time. All you need to do is sit cross-legged on a cushion or upright in your chair, car, bus, plane, park bench anywhere. Make sure you are comfortable; spine straight, chin tucked in, shoulders should be down and relaxed. Turn your phone off and remove any distractions then, sit quietly and concentrate on your breathing. Slowly breathe in and out through your nose. Thoughts will come into your mind when you sit still, but when they do, just gently let the thoughts go and bring your attention back to your breathing. Repeat this for 20 minutes first thing in the morning and again just before bed. If youre new to meditation, start with 5-10 minutes and slowly increase the time as your meditation practice improves.冥想冥想是一种平心静气、回到当下的极好的方法。最棒的事:它是免费的! 你可以在任何时间、任何地点做冥想。你只需要盘腿坐在垫子上或笔直 地坐在椅子上,车里,公交车上,飞机上,公园的长凳哪里都可以。 确保你自己是舒服的;挺直脊柱,收回下巴,两肩要放松地下垂。把你 的手机关掉,屏蔽所有的干扰,然后安静地坐着,将你的注意力集中在 呼吸上。通过你的鼻子慢慢地一呼一吸。当你一动不动时,思绪会飘在 你的脑海中,但当它们要离去时,就让它们轻轻飘走吧,然后将你的注 意力再次转移到呼吸上。在起床之后和睡觉之前各做20分钟。如果你是 冥想新手,那就从5到10分钟开始,然后随着你的冥想能力提升再慢慢 加时间。2.Yoga Yoga encompasses the body and the breath. So, its not only a great form of exercise, but it incorporates meditation to slow down and calm the body and the mind. Try a yin yoga class or take yourself through a few sun salutations each morning. There are loads of free yoga resources online (no excuses!). Try to get to your favourite yoga class three or four times a week to really reap the benefits. Schedule it in your diary to make new priorities happen.瑜伽囊括了身体和气息。所以这不仅是一种绝佳的锻炼方式,也与冥想 协调着让身体和心智慢下来、静下来。尝试一门阴瑜伽课程(阴瑜伽:强 调整个身体的放松,清空一切杂念并结合缓慢自然的呼吸,长时间的动 作保持)或者在每天早上时让自己浸润在阳光里。大量的免费瑜伽课程 都可以在网上找得到(别找借口!)。尝试着每周三、四次和你最喜欢的 瑜伽课一起度过,这样你才能真正收获益处。在你的日程本上规划好, 你又有新的要做的事情了。3.Get in touch with nature Kick off your shoes and walk barefoot along the beach or in the park. Feel the sensation of the earth beneath your feet. Leave your iPod, phone, and watch at home and take the time to connect with Mother Nature. Better yet: Dive into the ocean! Your body and mind will love you for it. Make the commitment to connect with nature at least once a day. Before I dive into the ocean, I repeat everything I want to let go of. Then, as I dive in, I let everything wash away from me. Its very powerful! Studies show getting back to nature barefoot (Earthing and Grounding) allow our bodies to absorb negative ions and energy from the earth which have an anti- inflammatory effect on the body, reducing pain, stress and improving sleep.和大自然有个约会踢掉你的鞋,然后赤脚走在沙滩上或公园里。体会脚下的土地带来的感 觉。把你的iPod,手机和手表放在家里,抽出时间来和大自然母亲交流 一下。更棒的是:来个海中跳水!你的身心都会由此爱你的。努力让你 自己每天至少一次和大自然接触。我在跳进海洋中之前,都会重复一遍 我想要忘怀的一切。然后,当我跳进去之后,所有思绪都被海洋冲走了。 这真的很强大!有研究表明,光脚回归自然(泥土和地面)能让身体从 大地吸收负离子和能量,从而为身体提供了抗炎、缓解疼痛、助眠的功 效。4.Drink herbal tea If youre feeling super-stressed, coffee is not going to help! Drinking it whilst in a stressed state is like adding fuel to a fire, so try drinking a cup of warm, organic, herbal tea instead. The ritual of drinking tea, for me, is very calming. Either with friends or alone, there is something about tea that really makes me slow down and connect. Take yourself away from your commitments and doing something nurturing will also give you a physiological boost. Give it a try! TWP recommend mint, chamomile and ginseng teas to relieve stress and improve your sleep.喝草本茶压力巨大的时候,喝咖啡是完全不管用的!在充满压力时喝咖啡犹如 火上浇油,所以尽量用一杯温热的、有机的草本茶替代吧。喝茶这种仪 式本身,对我来说,就非常具有镇定作用。不管是和朋友一起还是独自 一人,茶中的某种魅力会真正地让我放慢节拍,洗涤身心。从责任中脱身而出,做一些疗愈的事情,也会带来一些心理激励的作用。试一下吧! TWP(一个健康饮食组织)推荐薄荷、甘菊和人参茶,它们会帮你缓解压 力、舒缓睡眠。5.
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