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1实用英语中高级口译教程1世界上还有担心一旦中国的领导人换了,政策会不会变。Some people in the world are speculating that chinas policy might change once the countrys current leaders are not around.我刚才已经回答了那个问题,不会变,也变不了!I have just answered that question. Our policy will not change, nor is it possible to be altered.中国要想自己发展起来,就必须这样做,谁也变不了!China must continue to pursue that policy if it hopes to develop itself. And no one can change the policy.但这不是我们一厢情愿就能决定的事情。However, this is not a matter that depends soly on our own wishful thinking.如果有谁要把战争强加于我们,我们不怕。should anyone in the world impose a war on us, we are not afraid.这没有什么好怕的,无非再拖若干年。There is nothing to worry about except that our plan will be postponed for a number of years.一打完仗我们就继续搞建设。But we will resume our construction as soon as the war is over,目前,我们国内的形势还算不错。At present, we are enjoying a fairly good domestic situation.一心一意搞经济搞建设。We are concentrating our attention on our economy and construction.我们的外交政策是符合我们的宏伟目标的。Our foreign policy is 2in line with that magnificent goal.尽管这个目标对有些人来说没什么了不起,但是我们自己仍然称之为宏伟目标。Although that goal appears insignificant to some people, we hail it among ourselves as a magnificent goal.江泽民主席接受来自的采访 President meets guests from NYT2001 年 8 月 8 日,江泽民主席会见了纽约时报主席兼发行人A.S, J.L, 纽约时报执行编辑以及他们所率领的代表团,并就一些热点话题阐述了中国的立场。On Aug,8 2001, president had an interview with, A.S, the chairman of the NYT company and publisher of NYT, the executive editor of NYT and the delegation led by them, during which president elaborated chinas position on a number of hot issues.江泽民:中国共颤动是一个具有 80 年的历史和 6400 万成员的大党。 它具有丰富的斗争经验和执政经验。 Jiang: The communist party of china is a major party with 80 years history of and 64 million members. It has rich experience in struggle and governance.我们始终坚持将马克思主义基本原理和中国的具体实际相结合。We have always persisted in combining fundamental tenets of the Marxism and the reality of china.独立思考问题,并且毫不动摇地走建设有中国特色的社会主义3的道路。We form our own opinions independently, and have unswervingly followed the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.我们党的理论路线方针政策是符合实际的。Our partys theory, guidelines and policies are in keeping with the real conditions of china.给中国带来了巨大的变化并因此而得到中国人民的衷心拥护。They have brought enormous changes to china and have therefore have won full support of the Chinese people.中国共产党作为具有 12 亿多人的大国执政的党,必须与时具进。As a ruling party in the country with over 1.2 billion people, CPC must keep abreast of times.中国的政治改革江:中国是一个具有 5000 多年历史的文明古国。China is a civilization country with more than 5000 thousand years history.但是人民真正当家作主,成为国家,社会和自己命运的主人,只是在新中国建立后才实现。But it is only after the founding of the new china that its people became the true masters of their country, their society and their own destiny.这是中国人民政治地位的根本性的转变。Which represents a fundamental change of the political status of the Chinese people.观察当代中国政治,首先要认清这个大前提,This is the most 4important feature for one to recognize in observing present-day politics of china.忽略了这一点,将不能从根本上正确认识到中国政治体制的本质是人民民主专制。Otherwise, it would impossible to have a correct understanding of the nature of the Chinese politics, which is the peoples democratic.发展社会主义民主政治是使我们始终不渝的奋斗目标,It has always been our goal to develop the socialist democratic politics.我们早已提出,没有民主,就没有社会主义,就没有社会主义现代化 We have long pointed out that without democratic, there would be no socialism, let alone the socialist modernization.社会主义民主政治的本质是人民当家作主。The essence of the socialist democratic is that people are the true masters of their own country.我们进行社会主义改革就是要进一步发扬社会主义民主和法制,完善社会主义民主的具体制度, The very objective of our social reform is to develop our socialist democracy and the legal system, improve the mechanisms of the socialist democracy,保证人民充分行使民主选举,民主决策,民主管理和民主监督的权利,增强党和国家的活力, ensure the people their full rights to democracy elections, democratic decisions making, administration and democratic supervision, increase the vitality of 5the party and the state,全面调动基层和广大群众的积极性,推进决策科学更民主化,把社会主义体制的特色和优势进一步发挥出来 fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the grassroots units and general public, make the decision making process more scientific and democratic, give greater scope to the advantages and features of the socialist system.进一步发挥出来 Give greater scope to 就是要隐藏信息:“目的”-objective世界是丰富多彩的,各种文明和社会体制应当求同存异并,取长补短。Our world is a diverse and colorful one. All civilizations and social systems should try to find common ground and shelve differences and draw upon each others strong points to make up for their own deficiencies.shelve 置于架子上, 缓议, 搁置, 解雇 vi.倾斜求同存异 try to find common ground and shelve differences取长补短 draw upon each others strong points to make up for their own deficiencies.我们不能照搬照抄别国的政治制度。We should not copy the political system of other countries mechanically.照搬照抄 Copy mechanically我们进行政治体制改革,要充分考虑我国的历史背景,经济发展水平,以及文化教育水平。When conducting our political 6reform, we must give full consideration to our historical background, economy development level, and cultural and educational level of our country.预祝第五届中国国际民间文化艺术节圆满成功,祝朋友们身体健康,生活愉快 I wish the 5th china internatinal fol
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