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编 号: 硕士学位论文硕士学位论文 题目:题目:A Study on the Effect of Content-Based Instruction on the English Reading Teaching in Senior High School 内容教学法对高中生英语阅读教学的影响效果研究内容教学法对高中生英语阅读教学的影响效果研究 培 养 单 位: 沈阳师范大学 专 业 名 称: 外国语言学及应用语言学 指 导 教 师: 刘桂秋 研 究 生: 赵月 完 成 时 间: 2014/6/1 沈阳师范大学研究生处制 类 别 全日制研究生 教育硕士 同等学力 A Study on the Effect of Content-Based Instruction on the English Reading Teaching in Senior High School A Thesis Submitted to the School of Foreign Languages Shenyang Normal University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts By Zhao Yue Under the Supervision of Professor Liu Guiqiu March 2014 i Acknowledgements This thesis would never have been accomplished without the help and support of my supervisor, the professional faculty, the subjects and teacher who are involved in my study, my friends and families. I would wholeheartedly thank all of them. Firstly, I would especially thank my supervisor, Liu Guiqiu. She is an elegant and erudite woman, a devoted educator, a successful mother, and an adorable wife. It seems that the wind would slow down when it comes across her and she is always grateful to everything in life, which gives me a great influence. She is a supervisor not only in my study but also in my entire life. Secondly, my thanks go to the professors in Shenyang Normal University. They all gave me valuable suggestions on how to conduce my thesis. Thirdly, I would like to thank Mrs. Zhang and her students who had tried their best to cooperate with the whole experiment. Finally, I would like to thank my parents, my sister and my friends. They let me know that nothing is more powerful than selfless love. ii Abstract English is an important subject for senior high school students in China. Reading, as one of the literacy skills, is always highlighted, not only for it is being one of the four basic skills but also for it being one of the main ways for students to obtain the adequate English comprehensible learning materials. Therefore, reading is both the skill that needs to maser and the way by way of which students understand English thinking and obtain more broad cultural and world knowledge. Besides, reading comprehension is one of the main test items and counts much in the college entrance examination. It is never too much to explore how to improve English teaching effect in China. This study applied the content-based instruction (CBI) in the English reading class in Senior High School aiming to improve students English reading interest and comprehension with more emphasis on the reading contents rather than the language forms such as vocabulary, grammar and single sentence. It is more meaningful and theme based with the language forms embedded in the content, not the other way, which is represents the traditional way of reading teaching and learning. This three-month study started from March, 2013, with two parallel classes, respectively as the controlled class and the experimental class. And the teaching content and order are both textbook-based. Each module consists of the “Vocabulary and Reading” part. The research instruments include tests, questionnaire and interview. With the support of the software SPSS 16.0, independent sample test and paired-sample T-test were conducted. The results showed that CBI does have a iii statistically significant effect on improving both the students English reading comprehension and their reading interest. Key Words: CBI, English reading, reading comprehension, reading interest, high school students iv 摘摘 要要 在中国,英语作为高中生的主要学科而备受关注,而英语阅读理解的教学更是备受瞩目。原因不仅在于阅读是听、说、读、写四大基本技能之一,还在于它是学生获得足够多的可理解性输入的语料的重要来源。因此,阅读不仅应该作为学生的一种能力来掌握,还应使学生通过阅读, 了解英语母语者思维模式并获得更丰富的英语国家乃至世界文化知识;加之阅读在高考中占据的重要分值,使探究英语教学方法对阅读的影响显得非常必要。 该研究通过将内容教学法应用到高中英语教学中,旨在研究其对高中生英语阅读兴趣,以及英语阅读理解能力的影响效果。并更加侧重语言内容而非诸如词汇、语法和单句等语言形式。这种与传统阅读教学不同的教学法,以其将语言形式镶嵌在内容中的教学为特点,使语言教学更加有意义,更加基于主题。 本研究从 2013 年三月开始,历时三个月。通过设置两个平行班,即一个实验组,一个对照组,来进行基于学生课本中各个模块的主题顺序的内容教学。课本中每个单元的“词汇与阅读”部分是教学的主要部分。研究工具包括前侧与后侧;实验组实验前后的问卷以及对实验组的抽样访谈。并根据数据特点,通过SPSS 16.0 中的独立样本 T 检验以及配对样本 T 检验进行数据定量分析,并相应结合定性分析。结果表明,内容教学发法在提高高中生英语阅读兴趣及阅读理解能力上存在一定的影响。 关键词:关键词:内容教学法;英语阅读;阅读理解能力;阅读兴趣;高中生 v Contents Acknowledgements.i Abstract in English.ii Abstract in Chinese.iv List of Tables.viii Chapter 1 Introduction.1 1.1 Background of the Present Study.1 1.2 Purpose of the Present Study.3 1.3 Overall Structure of the Thesis.4 Chapter 2 Literature Revie
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