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河北经贸大学毕业论文I房地产开发公司网站 (2)摘 要本论文是关于新源发房地产开发公司网站的开发与设计整体过程的简 要阐述。 本文主要包含有中文摘要、外文摘要、目录、正文、致谢、参考文献、 附录七个部分,其中主要是正文部分。论文正文部分包括:引言,论文主 体和结论。引言说明了当前领域的现状,该毕业设计工作的选题目的和意 义及论文所要研究的内容。论文主体是论文的核心部分,占主要篇幅,内 容分为系统概述,系统分析,网页制作中色彩的应用三个部分。第一章为 该系统的简要概述和开发工具,主要介绍了 Dreamweaver UltralDev、PWS4.0、Access 2000 等的基础知识,为读者理解本系统打下 一定的基础。第二章系统分析是重中之重,约占全篇容量的 3/5,详尽论 述了房地产网站设计的四个工作流程,即:前期规划及目录结构的设置; 静态网页的制作;数据库的开发;网页与后台资源的动态链接。其中又以 前两个步骤为重点来阐述。关于审美观在网页制作中的体现这方面,虽然 在我国起步还比较晚,有些理论还不成熟,但是随着电脑科技的飞速进步, 我相信网页设计这门艺术的前景将是美好的。由于这个问题涉及到学科之 间的交叉,在这里我只简单论述一下二者之间的关系。 通过阅读该论文,你会对该网站的基本功能和具体运作方法有更深一 步的认识,同时第二部分可以作为网站的制作指南,我们希望对于广大的 网站制作初学者会有所启发.河北经贸大学毕业论文IIAbstractThis thesis is a expatiation concerning the whole process of the website development and design of the xin yuan fa real estate .This text mainly contain seven parts: the Chinese abstract, the English abstract, table of contents, the text, the compliment, the reference and the appendix part .Among them the text is the most important part. The text part of the thesis include: the preface, the body of the thesis and the conclusion. The preface explains the present condition of the current realm, the work of the graduate projects selection purpose meaning and the main concents of the research of thesis. The thesiss core part is the body part, and occupy the main space. The contents of it is divided into three parts: the summarize of the system, the analysis of the system and how to apply to the color in the design of the web page. Chapter 1 concents the simple and terse summarize of the system and the developing tool of the system, and primarily introducing the foundation knowledge of Dreamweaver UltralDev, PWS4.0, Access 2000 etc., so it will lay the determinate foundation to catch on the thesis for the readers. Chapter 2 is the analysis of the system , and it is the most important part of the important part, and it is roughly occupy a whole article capacity of 3/5,.It particularly expatiate the details of four workflows of the design of real estates web site, namely: 河北经贸大学毕业论文IIIestablishing of the previous programming and the setting of the structure of the catalogue, the creation of the static web page ,the databases exploitation and the dynamic link to the web page and the backstage resources. Among them the form two steps come to the important expatiation. As for the embodiment of the esthete in the design of the web page, although the beginning of it is later in China and some theorys are not yet mature along with the fast-speed progress, I believe that there is a good foreground for the art of the design the web page .Because this aspect refers to the across of the subjects, in this thesis I only can give a simple treatise of the relation of the two subjects.To read this thesis, At the same time, the second part will be a guidebook of the design the web site, we hope that it will be a determinate suggest for a great deal of beginners in the progress of the create of web site. KeyWordS Webdatabase,ODBC, Access, DSN, DreamweaverUltraDev河北经贸大学毕业论文1目录目录 系统概述与系统开发环境系统概述与系统开发环境.11.1 系统概述.11.2 系统开发环境.11.2.1 硬件开发环境.1 系统设计系统设计.32.1 系统分析.3 2.2 静态网页的设计.5 2.3 数据库.8 2.4 网页与数据库的链接.9 网页色彩的应用网页色彩的应用.113.1 色彩的象征.11 3.2 冷暖色调与对比色调.12 3.3 背景色与字体的颜色.12结束语结束语.13河北经贸大学毕业论文1 系统概述与系统开发环境系统概述与系统开发环境1.11.1 系统概述系统概述本系统为“房地产网站开发与设计中国河北新源发小商品特色市 场” ,设计语言为 VBScript,数据库为 Access 2000,网页制作用 Dreamweaver UltralDev。新源发房地产开发公司主要以商业房为主要业 务对象的房地产开发公司,其中以小商品批发为主要商业经营项目。该企 业为适应现代信息科技决定充分利用现代化商业和管理技术开拓自己的业 务,本小组负责此网站的开发。通过认真阅读新源发公司具体工作环境阅 读公司相关资料
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