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发点小作文的连接句.是私下找新东方的一个原雅思考官要的.基本都还比较适用.觉得还是词汇的 flexible 很重要.当然,根据别人的东西创建属于自己的东西最重要.呵呵.虽然 Task 1 比较不重要.但是还是希望能帮到有需要的烤鸭啦1.The graph offers a pictorial representation with reference to.The data is measured and recorded as.2.Primarily with regard to the global tendencies .it should be noted that.Additionally.3.Moreover,one area of data that displays evident development is the .which multiplied markedly .similary.illustrated a conspicuous upsurge.4.Futhermore,to focus on obvious slumps inthe data ,it should be observed that the value for .conveyed a visiable reduction .Likewise,.5.As a final point it should also be noted that .remained unchanged .流程图的:1.primary in the initial phaset.2.Subsequently,in the following stage.3.consequently ,in hte ensuing step.4.following this, with the next part of the procedure is .5,after this at the next point.6.during the penultimate juncture.7.in the closing process .雅思阅读十大题型核心解题思路之考前总结 List of Headings文章由若干段话组成,要求给每段话找个小标题。小标题即指该段话的段落大意,中心思想,主旨。点评:正确的 Heading 通常为由该自然段中心句改写而成的名词性短语。【例】文章:An organization is only as good as people it employs. Selecting the right person for the job involves more than identifying the essential or desirable range of skills, educational and professional qualifications necessary to perform the job and then recruiting the candidate who is most likely to possess these skills or at least is perceived to have the ability and predisposition to acquire them. This is a purely person/skills match approach to selection. 答案: Heading:The person-skills match approach to selection True/False/Not Given题目为若干个陈述句,要求根据原文所给出信息,判断每个陈述句是对(ture)、错(false)、还是未提及(not given) 。点评:题目通常在陈述 A 事物与 B 事物之间的关系,而关系通常被设置为考点。通过题目中的关键词找到原文该题出处,作对比理解。【例】原文:Women could not take part and were forbidden, on pain of death, even to attend the games.题目:The spectators, as well as the participants, of the ancient Olympics were all male.答案:True Summary 该类题目是一小段文字,是原文或原文中的几个段落主要内容的摘要改写,摘要中留出几个空要求考生填空。常分为填空式和选项式两种考法。点评:通过空格前后的信息回原文定位,在原文找到答案后注意填在空格中的词性修改。【例】文章:This Atlantis was a noble, sophisticated society that reigned in peace for centuries, until its people became complacent and greedy. Angered by their fall from grace, Zeus chose to punish them by destroying Atlantis.题目:SummaryPlato ascribed the destruction of the continent to Atlanteans complacency and greed , which incurred punishment from the Greek God. Matching通常由三部分组成:题目要求、选项集合、题目集合。要求考生根据某种关系将题目与选项配对。题目不具有顺序性,即题目的顺序和原文的顺序不一致。点评:看清题目和选项间的关系,短暂记忆题目关键词。重点考查 Scanning 能力,即很快从文章中找到所需信息的能力,较少考理解。 Multiple Choice多项选择题。点评:在题干中找出关键词回原文出处,找到心中的答案,再对比 ABCD 四个选项。 Sentence Completion两种考试形式:题目一个陈述句,但留有一个或两个空格,要求根据原文填空;或给出句子前面部分,要求在后面的若干选项中选择正确的表达补全题目句子。点评:填空式 Sentence Completion 就是一句话 Summary;选择式 Sentence Completion 注意句子的语法语义前后一致性。【例】题目:Doctors are unsure whether statins can benefit 选项:A. a variety of brand namesB. people with low levels of cholesterolC. breakdown of muscle tissueD. normalize high blood pressureE. a statin ingredientF. allow statins to be sold over the counter答案:B (Statins 这种药只能对病人有好处) Short Answer每个题目都是一个特殊问句,要求根据原文作出回答,对答案有字数要求。点评:注意特殊疑问词本身。【例】题:What are the dates of the two major eruptions of Mount St. Helens before 1980?答案:about 1900 B.C. and around A.D. 1500 (回原文找到答案必然为两个时间并列) Diagram/Flowchart/Table Completion(填图填表题)题目中有一个图表或一个表格,其中有一些信息,留出空格,要求根据文章填空。点评:通常较简单,涉及答案信息常集中于文章中间的一个段落,注意快速答题。最后提醒各位同学,通过雅思阅读的备考复习训练而获得的高级英语阅读能力将使你终身受益,这也正是雅思阅读考试的终极目标。Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.雅思听力考试之替换原则在 IELTS 听力考试中,替换是出题者经常使用的一个原则,而且每套试题中都必然多次出现。在最近的 CAMBRIDGE III 中,这种出题方式也得到了充分的体现。可见考生掌握这种题目的重要性了。这种替换出现在题干中的关键词和关键词组不会在原文中直接出现,而是通过一些语言手段在磁带中传递出来,迷惑考生,现将出题原则总结如下:1.同义词的替换。在剑桥 III 的第 4 套听力题目中,SPEAKER 在磁带中使用了 downside,drawback 和 weak point 来代替题目中的 disadvantage,又如 society 和 community 之间的替换,sign 替换 indication; cost 和price 等。2.同义词组的替换。例如:题目中的 main attraction 在听力原文中可能是以 you cant miss particularly 来表达的; 又如, at the time=in the past, aim at= in order to, high labour turnover=high rate of staff change 等常考的词组,请考生注意总结 。3.逻辑关系的替换。 这是考试中最难的一种替换关系。好在考在阅读部分的可能多。最常见的是因果关系的替换。原文中是 A affect B ,那麽在答案中可能是以 because A , B 的形式出现 .4.主动与被动的替换:例如,Coffee farming provides work for 30 million people 替换成了 30 million people earn a living by growing coffee.5.加减关系的替换:某题原文为 Er, the bottles made in most places contain about three-quarters new glass and the rest is recycled.该题题干为 Most bottle makers use about _% recycled glass.用总数 1 减去3/4 得 1/4,再转换成百分数即得答案,正确答案为 25% 考生在做题时如遇到某到题目题干原文关键词的替换出现,则应提高警惕,不要总是想当然得认为原文中一定会出现题目中的原文。判断正误题 听力的试题中的判断正误题与阅读试题中的判断正误题有所不同,由于听力的原文只放一次,考生不能像做阅读题 那样反复回到原文中去找答案,所以听力试题中的判断正误题一般可以直接从原文中找到答案,而不需要做复杂的 推理。注意: 1. 替换的出现。 at no time = never 2. 否定说法。 at no time , never ,cant ,must not , by no means , be free of 3. 程度限定词。 单纯地让考生判断正误难度较低,于是 IELTS 常用一些程度限定来考查学生。如:all , some 之类。对于出现程度 限定词的考题,所出现的限定词必定是考点,考生可不看全句,只看主语和程度限定词,有的放矢,题目便迎刃而 解。常见的两种程度限定: 绝对性限定:没有余地的限定。 如:all ,must , must not , only , can , can not , at no time, by no means ,a
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