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疯狂英语突破功能疯狂英语突破功能 1B1B疯狂英语突破功能 1B祝愿常用短句 (1)Good luck and success to you!祝你好运!祝你成功!(2)Have a good time!祝你愉快!(3)Best wishes to you!衷心祝福你!(4)I wish you the best!万事如意!(5)Happy New Year!新年快乐!(6)Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!(7)Happy Spring Festival!春节快乐!(8)The same to you.我也祝福你。(9)Happy birthday!生日快乐!(10)Happy anniversary!周年快乐!祝愿常用句型(1)I wish you all the very best in/with 祝你一切都好。(2)Good luck with 祝你成功。(3)Id like to wish you every success in/with祝你好运。(4)I hope everything goes well with/in.希望一切顺利。(5)Please give my best regards/wishes to 请给我最真诚的祝福。(6)Please remember me to 代我问候。(7)Say hello to for me. 替我向问好。14. Extending Congratulations 表达祝贺【疯狂实战一】A: Im going to get married.(我准备结婚了。 )B: Congratulations!(恭喜!)【疯狂实战二】A: I heard you won the first place in the Speech Contest. Congratulations!(听说你在演讲比赛中获得了第一名,祝贺你!)B: Thank you, It was very unexpected.(谢谢你,我根本没想到。 )【疯狂实战三】A: I must congratulate you on your promotion!(祝贺你高升!)B: Thank you very much.(非常感谢。 )A: Youve done excellent work.(你干得太出色了。 )B: Thank you for saying that.(谢谢你这么说。 )15. Expressing Gratitude 表示感谢【疯狂实战一】A: Thank you for everything.(感谢你所做的一切。 )B: You re welcome.(不用客气。 )【疯狂实战二】A: I really appreciate your help. I couldnt have done it without you. Youre so kind.(非常感谢你的帮助,要不是有你,我肯定完不成任务。你真是太好了。 )B: Dont mention it. Im glad to do it.(不用谢,我非常乐意。 )【疯狂实战三】A: You know, I keep forgetting to thank you for lending me your car.(你知道吗?我总是忘了感谢你把车借给我。 )B: Oh, it was nothing.(哦,没什么。 )A: No, I mean it! It was very nice of you to lend it to me. Im very grateful to you.(不,我是说真的。你真是太好了,肯把车借给我。我真的很感激你。 )B: Im glad I could do it.(我很乐意帮上忙。 )【现场演绎一】Wang Ling has just received the First prize in the 21st Century National English Speech Contest held in Beijing. Now she is being interviewed by a news reporter from China Daily.王玲刚刚在北京举行的 21 世纪全国英语演讲比赛中获得了一等奖。现在一个中国日报的新闻记者正在采访她。A: Congratulations, Wang Ling. This is really an achievement to be proud of.(恭喜你,王玲。这真的是一个很值得骄傲的成绩。 )B: Thank you.(谢谢。 )A: Im from China Daily. My names Jim.(我是中国日报的记者。我叫吉姆。 )B: Glad to meet you.(很高兴认识你。 )A: Your spoken English is excellent. All the judges were amazed. Would you like to tell us how you have achieved this? (你的英语口语非常棒,所有的评委都感到震惊,能跟我们谈谈你是如何做到的吗?)B: Well, I dont know what to say. Im very grateful to receive this prize. I appreciate this honor very much. I love English and I speak every chance I get. I really never expected to win such an important contest though.(唔,我不知道该说些什么。得到这个奖我很感激,获得这个荣誉我深表感谢。我热爱英语,一有机会我就说英语,但是我真的从来都没有想到过能在这么重要的竞赛中获胜。 )A: When did you start learning English?(你什么时候开始学英语的?)B: My parents are both college English teachers. They encouraged me to speak English when I was very young. Id like to thank them for introducing me to the international language.(我的父母都是大学英语教师,我很小的时候他们就鼓励我说英语。我要感谢他们引导我学习这门国际语言。 )A: Did you have English in your primary school?(你读小学的时候有没有学英语?)B: No. My primary school didnt teach English. My parents speak English to me at home and I learned grammar at middle school. I want to express my gratitude to my middle school English teachers who taught me grammar over the years. (没有,我读的小学没有教授英语,我父母在家里和我说英语,在读中学的时候我学习了语法。我想感谢这些年来教我语法的中学英语老师。 )A: Did you learn spoken English at college?(你在大学里学英语口语吗?)B: No. I have to say that I really learned spoken English by practicing Crazy English. Li Yang inspired me a lot and I just followed him as an example. Hes really been a wonderful teacher to me although we have never met. (没有。我得说我是运用疯狂英语方法来学习口语的。李阳给了我很多启示,我只是以他为榜样来学习英语。虽然我和他从未谋面,但是对我来说,他真的是一位出色的老师。 )A: I see you owe a lot of your success to your parents and teachers.(依我看你把你的成功很大部分都归功于你的父母和老师们。 )B: Yes, really. I also want to thank my classmates. I practiced speaking with them at college. This prize means a lot to me. Im really grateful to them and to everyone who helped me throughout the years. I appreciate the honor but feel I really have to share the credit for my success with all those who helped me so much. Thanks again.(是啊,真的。我还想谢谢我的同学们,在大学里我跟他们一起练习说英语,获得这个奖对我来说意义重大,我很感谢他们,也很感谢这些年来帮助过我的每一个人。我很荣幸得到这个奖,但我觉得我真的应该把这个成功的荣誉与那些帮助过我的人一起分享。谢谢。)【现场演绎二】Academy Awards Speech奥斯卡颁奖典礼致辞Good evening! Ladies and gentlemen, Thank you! Thank you so much! Oh, My God. I just cant believe it. Is it real or am I just dreaming? Please forgive me. I am, I am just so shocked and so thankful. I never expected this award tonight. Im very grateful to receive this award for “Best Actress.” I cant begin to tell you how much I appreciate this great honor. There are so many people Id like to thank. First of all, I want to thank my parents for bringing me into this world. I also want to express my gratitude to all of my teachers over the years, but especially to my acting teacher Clark Johnson who taught me everything I know. I want to thank my husband, for his understanding and kindness. And finally, I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to Martin Miller, for being there when I needed him. There are just too many people I should
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