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迈克尔迈克尔坎宁安论文:坎宁安对伍尔夫双性同体思想的继坎宁安论文:坎宁安对伍尔夫双性同体思想的继承与发展承与发展【中文摘要】美国当代作家迈克尔坎宁安因其普利策获奖作品时时刻刻蜚声美国文坛,其小说以弗吉尼亚伍尔夫的名作达洛维夫人为蓝本进行了再创作,是坎宁安向伍尔夫遥致崇高敬意的作品。伍尔夫认为“伟大的心灵是双性同体的”,坎宁安实践了这一点,并进一步说明双性同体也是男女关系的最佳状态,这体现了他追求两性的对话和融合的思想。本文将首先梳理双性同体的概念及其形成的理论基础,然后从人物塑造、象征意象、叙事的时间模式等几个方面研究坎宁安对于伍尔夫双性同体思想的继承与发展。【英文摘要】The contemporary American writer Michael Cunningham wins renown in literary circles for his Pulitzer Prize-winning fiction The Hours. By recreating Virginia Woolfs masterpiece Mrs. Dalloway, Cunningham pays his highest tributes to Woolf remotely.Woolf considers that“a great mind is androgynous”. Cunningham practices her ideal, and further explains that androgyny is the best state of gender relations, which reflects his ideology for the pursuit of dialogic fusion between the two genders. This thesis fir.【关键词】迈克尔坎宁安 时时刻刻 弗吉尼亚伍尔夫 达洛维夫人 双性同体【英文关键词】Michael Cunningham The Hours Virginia Woolf Mrs. Dalloway androgyny【目录】坎宁安对伍尔夫双性同体思想的继承与发展 内容提要 4-5 Synopsis 5 摘要 6-10 Abstract 10-17 Introduction 17-21 Chapter One Theoretical Basis of Androgyny 21-28 1.1 Platos Androgyne 21-23 1.2 Freuds Bisexuality 23-24 1.3 Jungs Anima and Animus 24-25 1.4 Woolfs Androgyny in Literature 25-28 Chapter Two Cunninghams Inheritance of Woolfs Idea of Androgyny 28-39 2.1 Mrs. Dalloway: The Image Melting Masculinity and Femininity 28-34 2.1.1 Mrs. Dalloways Masculinity 28-31 2.1.2 Mrs. Dalloways Femininity 31-34 2.2 Clarissa: A Modern American Mrs. Dalloway 34-36 2.3 Richard: A Modern Male Virginia Woolf 36-39 Chapter Three Cunninghams Development of Woolfs Idea of Androgyny 39-53 3.1 Symbolic Images of Androgyny 39-44 3.1.1 Kisses Between Mrs. Dalloway and Sally, Woolf and Vanessa,Laura and Kitty 40-42 3.1.2 Care Between Clarissa and Richard 42-44 3.2 Androgynous Time Model for Narration 44-50 3.2.1 Physical Time 44-47 3.2.2 Psychological Time 47-50 3.3 Different Orientations of Androgyny 50-53 3.3.1 Woolfs Androgyny: An Ideal State of Writing 50-51 3.3.2 Cunninghams Androgyny: An Ideal State of Living 51-53 Conclusion 53-55 Works Cited 55-57 导师与作者简介 57-58 Acknowledgements 58
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