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1专题九专题九 情景交际与谚语情景交际与谚语 【基础训练基础训练】 1. - What do you think of the film Hero directed by Zhang Yimou?- _. I cant think too highly of it. (09 丹阳一模)A. Its really something B. It all depends C. Its just so-so D. Its really boring 2. Do you mind if I open the window? _I feel a bit cold. (09 黄冈一模)A. Of course not. B. Id rather you didnt C. Go ahead. D. Why not? 3.I cant repair these until tomorrow, Im afraid.Thats OK, theres _ . (09 黄冈一模) A. no problem B. no wonder C. no doubt D. no hurry4. Youre going to have a rise this month, arent you?Yes. only $100.Well, _.(2009 海安调研)A. the more. the better B. easier said than doneC. better than never D. better than nothing 5. How did you feel when Zhongman won the gold medal in the 29th Beijing Olympic Games?I couldnt be _.(2009 淮安四校联考) Amore excitingBmore excitedCmost exciting Dmost excited6. Have you gone over what the teacher taught in class? Not yet. Better remember: _.(2009 淮安四校联考) ADont count your chickens before they are hatched BA bird in hand is worth two in the bush CStrike while the iron is hot DAll roads lead to Rome7. Im applying for Fudan University. _ (2009 淮安四校联考) AWhy not Qin Hua?BGood luck. CCongratulations.DTake it easy 8. Shall I give you a hand with this as you are so busy now? Thank you. _.(2009 启东调研一) A. Of course you can B. If you like C. Its up to you D. It couldnt be better 9.- Excuse me, do you have the time? -_(2009 湖南一模) A. Yes, I do. B. Of course, I have. C. A quarter to ten. D. No problem. 10. - Im afraid I can only make a small contribution this time.-_. We really appreciate your assistance.A. The best things comes in small packages. B. The more, the better.C. Its better to give than to receive. D. Every little helps.211. -Shall I give you a hand with this as you are so busy now? -Thank you. _.(2009 徐州联考) A. Of course you can B. If you like C. Its up to you D. It couldnt be better 12.I cant get on well with some of my classmates. They just leave me in the cold. _ But whats the reason? (2009 南通调研) A. Sorry to hear that. B. How about that? C. Dont mention it. D. Never give up!13. Do you mean that he should prepare for his exam one year in advance? Sure. Anyway, . (2009 镇江调研二)A. actions speak louder than words B. Better late than never C. a good beginning is half done D. the early bird catches the worm 14. Alice, turn off the light and lock the door before you leave. _.(2009 泰安市一模) A. Got itB. Made itC. Heard itD. Taken it 15. Can I get you a cup of tea_ . (2009全国大调研)AThats very nice of you BWith pleasureCYou can,please DThank you for the tea 16. I think the company may not offer you a good pay._, I wont take the job. (2009 安庆二模) A. That is to say B. What is more C. In other words D. In that case17. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the British Museum? Sorry, Im a stranger here. _.(2009 绍兴市二模) A. Thanks, anyway B. It doesnt matterC. Never mind D. No problem18. Would you take this along to the office for me? _. (2009 长春一模) AWith pleasure BThats right CNever mind DDont mention it 19. - Im sorry I broke your mirror.- Oh, really? _. (2009 河北诊断) AIts OK with meBIt doesnt matter CDont be sorryDI dont care20. Im afraid I cant get on well in tomorrows interview._! Youve prepared for it for quite a few days and surely you will make it. (2009 绍兴市二模) A. Good luckB. Cheer upC. Dont mention it D. Never mind 21. I have a favour to ask you._.(2009 杭州一模)A. Go aheadB. Its a pleasureC. Help yourselfD. Ask, please 22. Are you going home for the holiday? I have no idea. _. (2009 九江六校联考) A. It depends B. Thats OK C. Never mind D. It doesnt matter. 23.May I take your order now? _.(2009 宁波市一模) A. Yes, Id like a dish of fish B. No, my affairs are in order C. Yes, we must obey orders D. No, it isnt my order 324. -Mr Smith, may I ask for a few days off? I am worn out.-_. We are too busy. (2009 西安四校联考二)A Dont mentionB Forget it C Dont worryD Thats right25. Jennyhow do you find the movie De Vinci Code?一 It _. I really wish to see it again. (2009 山东模拟五)Acouldnt be better Bcouldnt be worseCwas just so so Dlasted more than two hours 26. Mr. Wang, Kate has broken your beautiful glass! _. Accidents will happen. (2009 徐州冲刺卷) A. Dont mention it B. No trouble at all C. Doesnt matter D. Tomorrow is another day 27. Wow, its unbelievable. An old man aged 70 took the last national entrance examination and got good marks. Thats possible. As a saying goes, _.(2009 徐州冲刺卷)A. A
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