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国内图书分类号: U469.6 学校代码: 10213 国际图书分类号: 629 密级: 公开 硕士学位论文硕士学位论文 (工程硕士工程硕士) 散装水泥运输车车架有限元分析及改进 硕 士 研究生: 姜雁雁 导 师: 崔胜民 教授 申 请 学 位: 工程硕士 学 科、专 业: 车辆工程 所 在 单 位: 威海市交通学校 答 辩 日 期: 2009 年 6 月 授予学位单位: 哈尔滨工业大学 Classified Index:U469.6 U.D.C:629 Dissertation for the Masters Degree in Engineering FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS AND IMPROVEMENT ON BULK-CEMENT SEMITRAILER FRAME Candidate: Jiang Yanyan Supervisor: Prof. Cui Shengmin Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Engineering Specialty: Vehicle Engineering Affiliation: Weihai Traffic School Date of Defence: June,2009 Degree-Conferring-Institution: Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文 摘 要 随着经济的迅速发展,国内对散装水泥运输车的需求越来越大。因此, 开发研究散装水泥运输车,无疑具有重要的现实意义。 车架作为非承载式车身结构的主要承载部件, 要承担汽车的大部分载荷, 其性能直接关系到整车性能的好坏。车架的性能主要取决于车架在静态载荷 和动态载荷下的响应情况,因此对车架进行静、动态响应分析不仅可以评价 车架自身的性能,而且还可以作为整车的行驶平顺性等性能的评价指标。其 结果还可以为车架的优化设计和结构改进提供理论依据。 本文首先介绍了国内外散装物料运输车的研究现状,以及 LG9480GFL 型散装水泥半挂运输车的结构、主要部件,用 PRO/E 三维建模软件建立了半 挂车车架的三维实体模型, 并利用 ANSYS 软件进行了静态分析和动态分析, 分析结果表明,所设计的车架结构合理,强度能够满足要求,低阶振型对车 架结构的影响主要表现为扭转, 高阶振型对车架结构的影响主要表现为弯曲, 车架的各阶固有频率没有和载荷的振动频率相重合,车架安全。最后以原始 模型的分析结果为基础,提出了改进方案。 通过对原始模型和改进模型的分析对比,可以更客观地了解散装水泥车 的结构特性,这不仅在其早期结构设计中有着重要的指导意义,而且为厂方 生产提供了重要的参考依据。另外,文中的一些设计方法对其它类似的设计 来说也具有一定的参考价值。 关键词:半挂车;车架;罐体;有限元;模态分析 -I- 哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文 Abstract With the rapid development of the economy, more and more bulk-cement semitralers are needed in our country. Therefore, making a research on the bulk-cement semitrailers has a most practical significance undoubtedly. Frame is the most important part of a non-load-bearing body structure. Its performance is directly related to the vehicle performance. Its performance is determined by the response under the static load and dynamic load. So the characteristics of the frame can be estimated and the evaluation index of the vehicle riding comfort can be given by researching on the response analysis of the frame under static load and dynamic load. The analysis result can provide a theoretical basis for its structural optimization. At the beginning the research situation of the bulk-materials semitrailers at home and abroad is introduced. The structure and primary parts of the LG9480GFL bulk-materials semitrailer is researched. And the 3D model of the semitrailer is established by PRO/E software. The static analysis and dynamic analysis is finished by ANSYS software. The analysis results show that the structure of the frame is rational and its strength can meet to the requirements. Low-order vibration mode of the frame structure is mainly expressed in torsion. High-order vibration mode of the frame structure is mainly expressed in bending. The natural frequencies of the frame are not coincident with the vibration frequency of the load, and the frame is safe. An improved solution is provided according to the analysis results of the original model. The structural characteristics of the bulk-cement semitrailer is understood objectively by comparing with the original model and improved model. This provides an important guide for its early structure design and an important reference for enterprises. In addition, some design approaches in this paper provide a reference to other similar designs. Keywords: Semi-trailer,Frame,Tank,Finite element,Modal analysis -II- 哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文 目目 录录 摘 要 I AbstractII 第 1 章 绪论1 1.1 课题来源及目的 1 1.2 国内外散装水泥运输车的发展状况2 1.2.1 国内散装水泥运输车的发展状况2 1.2.2 国外散装水泥运输车的发展状况3 1.3 本文研究的主要内容4 第 2 章 散装水泥运输车车架设计的总体原则5 2.1 散装水泥运输车总体结构 5 2.2 车架总成6 2.3 车架的要求 7 2.4 车架纵、横梁及其连接的选择 8 2.4.1 车架纵梁形式的确定8 2.4.2 车架横梁形式的确定8 2.4.3 车架纵梁与横梁连接形式的确定9 2.5 半挂车车架的制造工艺及材料选择
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