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1 / 3小学六年级英语毕业复习试题小学六年级英语毕业复习试题 5一. 判断单词中的划线部分发音是否相同,打“”或“”。( )1. A. like B. tight( )2. A. bad B. cake( )3. A. egg B. he( )4. A. dog B. home( )5. A. but B. blue( )6. A. use B. club 二. 根据图片将单词补充完整,并抄写在四线格内:三. 给下列短语找到正确的图片,连线:四. 联词组句1. yesterday, where, they, did, go _2 / 32. to, Zhong, Shan, Park, get, I, can, how _3. help, me my, could, lessons, you, with _4. the, have, take, good, a, medicine, and, rest _五. 选择填空,括号内填入标号:( )1. How _ are you? Im ten. A. oldB. youngC. /D. nice ( )2. Susan _ here yesterday. A. cameB. comeC. is comingD. comes ( )3. He _ basketball after school every day. A. playB. playsC. is playingD. played ( )4. Look at Mary, She _ now. A. is dancingB. dancedC. danceD. dances ( )5. What does the weather report _? A. sayB. speakC. tellD. talk ( )6. _ your phone number? A. How manyB. WhatsC. How muchD. What ( )7. _ pencils do you have? A. How manyB. HowC. How muchD. What are ( )8. What _ your mother do? She is a nurse. A. doB. areC. doesD. is ( )9. I _ 12 years old next year. A. amB. will beC. wasD. is ( )10. _ you got a computer? A. DoB. AreC. HaveD. Will 六. Mary 说了什么?请将下面的单词连成正确的句子,并抄写在四线格内。are, what, you, going, this, to, do, afternoon, 七. 答语选择,括号内填入标号:I. ( )1. Where are you from? A. Sure, here you are. ( )2. Whose book is it? B. Thank you. ( )3. See you tomorrow. C. Its Toms. 3 / 3( )4. Happy birthday! D. Im from Canada. ( )5. May I use your pen? E. See you. II.( )6. What is it like? F. By subway. ( )7. How much is it? G. Its long and thin. ( )8. Could I speak to Jean? H. Yes, I am. ( )9. How can I get to the park? I. Speaking. ( )10. Are you free tonight? J. Its six yuan. 八. 选择正确的选项,将对话补充完整,将标号填在横线上。A: What are you talking about? B: Tom and I are talking about meeting Peter _. A: When does his flight arrive? B: _ tomorrow afternoon. Will you go with us? A: _. When and where shall we meet? B: _ 1:00 in front of the school gate? A: _. See you then. A. All right B. With pleasure C. at the airportD. How about E. About half past three九. 阅读短文,做出正确的判断,正()误():This is me. Im Dong Yan. Im from Harbin, a beautiful city. Its very cold there in winter. But its warm in my room. In the picture, Im wearing a thick coat and warm shoes. Im making a snowman with my friends. We are very happy. I like ice skating and I can do it very well. 1. Harbin is a nice city. ( )2. Its warm there in winter. ( )3. In the picture, Dong Yan is making a card. ( )4. Dong Yan can do ice skating very well. ( )5. Dong Yan doesnt like making a snowman. ( )
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