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Complaints about the Hotel 投诉酒店脱口而出This is quite unusual. Ill look into the matter.这很少见,我会调查些事的。Please accept my apology on behalf of the hotel.请接受我代表饭店的道歉。Im sure everything will be right again next time you come.我保证您下次再来时一切都会好了。Im awfully sorry far that. Ill see to it right away.我对此非常抱歉,我马上处理此事。Im sorry to have caused you so much trouble, but Ill manage to solve the problem before long.我很抱歉为您带来了很多不便,但我会想办法很快解决问题的。Please relax. Ill take care of it according to your request.请放心,我将按您的要求办。Ill ask our manager to come and take care of your request.我去叫经理来处理您的要求。Ill check immediately and call you back.我立刻检查并给您回电。Well look into the matter immediately. Thank you for telling us.我们会马上调查这件事,感谢您告诉我们。Im awfully sorry for my carelessness.对于我的粗心大意我非常抱歉。对答如流 精彩对话Dialogue OneMay I come in?我可以进来吗?Sure. Come in, please.当然。请进。Whats the matter, sir?先生,怎么了?The television doesnt work at all.电视根本看不了。Im very sorry. An engineer will come and check it immediately.非常抱歉,工程师会立刻前来检查。Oh, and another thing, the sheet is dirty, too.对了,还有一件事,床单也是脏的。Im very sorry about that. We will change it soon.对此我们非常抱歉,我们会马上换的。Quickly, please.请快点。Dialogue TwoWhat can I do for you?能为您做点什么?The wallpaper is coming off.墙纸脱落了。Is it? Where?是吗?在哪儿?Next to the mirror in the bathroom.卫生间的镜子旁边。Oh, its probably because it gets so damp in the bathroom.哦,可能是因为卫生间里太潮湿。Id like to change another room.我想换一个房间。OK. No problem.行,没问题。Dialogue ThreeRepairman. May I come in?我是修理人员,能进来吗?Come in.进来吧。Whats the trouble, sir?先生,遇到什么事了?The curtain is broken.窗帘坏了。Do you mind if I move the suitcase?我把行李箱移开,您介意吗?Oh, no. Go ahead.哦,不介意,移吧。Its OK.好了。Yes, thats right.是的,好了。If you need any other things, please let us know.如果您需要其他什么东西,请告诉我们。I will.我会的。Dialogue FourCould I see the manager please? I have a complaint.请问我能见经理吗?我要投诉。Can I help you?我能为您做些什么吗?Yes. I think my room hasnt been cleaned for a long time. Its so dirty.是的。我想我的房间好久没有人打扫了,太脏了。Im really sorry to heat that. Ill attend to it right away.听你这么说我非常抱歉,我马上处理。One doesnt expect this sort of thing in a well-run hotel.怎么也想不到在一个经营不错的饭店里竟然有这样的事情。No, madam. I do apologize.是的,夫人。非常抱歉。The light isnt bright enough, too.房间的灯也不够亮。OK. Well change it soon.好的,我们马上给你换。出口成章虫子没睡觉虫子没睡觉A guest checked out of the hotel very early in the morning. The sleepy-eyed desk clerk accepted the room key and said “Good-bye, sir. I hope you slept well last night.”“I slept like a log, if you must know,” snapped the departing guest. “But your bed-bugsthey were up all night!”一位顾客在清晨办理结账手续离开旅店。睡眼惺忪的服务员接过房间钥匙,随后说道:“再见,先生。我希望你昨天夜里睡得好。”“如果你一定要知道的话,我睡得很死, ”正要离开的顾客厉声说。 “可是你们的臭虫它们整夜没睡!”
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