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第 1 页 共 3 页What is personal leadership brand? A=the man who is wear white shirt B=the man who is wear black suit and very thin C=the man who is wear brown suit and a litter fatA: Hello on Paul Michaela director of content for Harvard business digital. Our guest today are Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood .Authors of leadership brand developing customer focused leaders to drive performance in build lasting value. Dave and Norm are coal founder, they are consulting form of our RBL group. Dave is also professor of business of university of Michigan. Dave and Norm, Thanks to join the program today. A: Ok, our subject today is leadership, and our mission is to help our audience to develop their own personal leadership brand. So here is the obvious opening question: what is a leadership brand? B: A leadership brand is when you are personal strength, deliver yourself to somebody else. There is a lot of thinking today about building on your strength. Do what you know how to do well. We will-you thats true and completed .because find really good something but somebody like getting value from it -its like to build leadership brand .For example in college I studied English .I am ? at sitting in the couch reading novels .I do that -than when I know. but you know it doesnt pay bills .to build leadership brand have to go be under you strength, you have to make sure your strength, or delivery value to somebody whos going use them. and when you can do that you build identity ,a brand is an identity. In the mind of those that use that strength. that personal identify becomes our reputation. It becomes sense and symbol of who you are A: so can you give some example of a leader with a well establish leadership brand? C: Oh, well, you know ityou can think of people like reach who is the CEO of a verging. And when as think evident on several vacation is compared his leadership brand to some like Jacy.Jack Welch. and so you see reach brand is very quite for when he is in public Im sure thats when he is in persons, so its plan for innovate, for casual in terms of madder thats all sure he is not everywhere in time, he lives in Colombia islands, so he is got this not Colombia islands some work what we are want to be. Whereas in next to the for brain on the image of we have about verge, they are innovate, they are put plan for company. They are more casual. Whereas if we think about GE ,so you think about project motor jack Wilson request , just one word around the style tends to be a litter more serious more , we always wearing the suit ,talk about capability, execution ,keep the promise, strategy and so on ,just a much different style ,they also reflex the kind of the company at the general reactor ,vary different style both different brains and identities the both kind suffer the firm at the represent . A: Ok ,so ,thats the second discussion ,but I want to develop leadership for myself ,how can I go better do it, B: My sense, you have got that, because you have identity, you have reputation, you have the known way to be known by others, the way we to start to go is to say two 第 2 页 共 3 页things the same time, on the one hand ,what am I good doing ,not just whats the structure , whats my predispositions and are you predisposed to questions and inquiry But on the other hand, who are the audiences Im trying to serve. When you can bring together your prejudice positions to the audiences youre trying to serve. You can begin to involve and change leadership brand. Pop, you want to be known this is a leader, you can want to be known somebody whos gifted, and you are really both as good, but you are even better. A: You are too kind. B: Probably, but thats OK, But you want to be even better than ever .And so you begin to say heres how I want to be known by those who have interact with . That is the customer that is the identity. Then I begin to say, on my personal prejudice positions in a range possibility making that happen. I want to be known as a listening teacher. So I spent a lot of time to learn how to teach. But even I know that I can not be introvert, I am introvert by nature. I am pretty supposed that I can build me personal brand .So the building of a personal brand begins by understanding who we are.And how we want to be known by those we need to serve. A: So do I need to some kind of statement that says here is my brand? B: You know you can do this in a lot of ways. Ah, others in our field say have a personal mission statement have your personal shield. If that helps for you do, to be honest, you are already got the mission statement .You wear your brand, through your behaviors everyday. We would just like to be conscious of what that is and be aware that the identity that I create can effectly deliver value you those who Im trying to serve. We also think that this leadership brand on personal level or private any level differs.
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