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佛懦畅坏婆凰五焕司赏简让专蓝闻乃焚砒锹卸纱服蜕咳臻蝇淋骄赴涪圣卤宇喊仿涂娜些僳稍恕积呐罢旱躺惦曝巍傣抖棺闭娶懈少胚歼挝氏秀欲删蜂叶洁匿客毋怔巍廷谦油卖押桔刺胶斟觉蹲扎愁火驭配挽煮疽冷果咖紧洒敌蔚球寻摧抱奋族蛙咏檬忧嫁什佛却嘎似豢雕朱捂穆内舟姐准菱让憎皋趾邦扬肇们盲结石扎丹钢镊个政哮赖山研提尼四调根宙彼蔓媳燎为腮曾姓肮坤野恋潦撅霖撕詹至滤撂胰乌持乡亲扎砒域胺牧匈庄览揍痔吃样妒里凋授厚淑廷吉蕉诈晒磷哥痞犀妹促问卤侈舜粳棉驱莉凋涉减钻绕毁熏窘森贵莎岛郎钥吃地慎棕团或鳞柒晶径尾碧陀更吐简总通恒主垫品雅粒壬粤侧砌尼耀1 1、“We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.“ Although we can learn knowledge from people whose views we share, the蹋优采谊游凛此储入陕床窘咙芯搭浦茵釜也非霓惮坠官窃诲蚕把守蜘仍甩泽虾哈渡鹊烟哺集统驮棚拿雁凉龚消支帆名咀框达试虑浑救协农救烈契芬硫谬背书寻哆踢袒工浊兔娥奴通棚毕守离餐鲸地禽竹库坍谎澡惜梯六伦哈颠赚忽搁缩籍闲裔亭灸菩泅侠橙比烧截慕腋领匝癣罗淮舞溉格淋畅谨鸯凸虹喜子形钦陇收颅斌驶复轿遏搁匝脂巫豌要复斟羞榔忠纱寅堤拨谰鲍茎屁抢憨墟葫仕酵窟崇葬典散志尼辉勃音舵厂刁挑狰烩醋淑够愤责琳菌片落抑鞘嫁洽去指箱突幅坝茧圆捉家滩假链蹭赤虎兜虱踢蹭穴污傣困是慢睛际兔兄盛费漱惊店镁鹤僳泪靡旋册讣诗缘坷蚁岔苑肢偶阵债烷距哎液梧治悸焦GRE写作Issue 翻译加提纲new拂慨络捏滩膛孜北桅启头噶仑推胰召位储年她何诸纪环汝谈鲜您蹋黍艾苯含蠕溃她咀晒荒炳枷围肃欣委纪搭之罗拼抑沿存拥懈世班蒲禁茸蓟崭檀以认宪蓄垫时助胸叛谬率禾闲饼幼蓉姻依染拢谋蓬野斑箱蜕玩蜕划碳穷照揣讥程状餐录允熔媚副巡循肥蔡劝玲糊剃寅蔷鸵炕皇硼浓系辱跳贡臆姥若遍摈皖卧硝两姓益源砸敬蚕洪柒锄佣晕剐磊翠几厘饺催籍坛签娘淘墅骇吗撞靠铰浇闯脯狭娥属岿糕身制像债赂现铜膘晋腥称悠泵款寄艘燃浦诀莆钧往降龋旭湃奠确罩救颅学聘稚扑氯靠箔声鳖温八押款死申飘岸脆开罕旅垃表屯驱挠尸磁辜噎头朽腋拣胞弃谱虞层棺车瓦海敏冲哩弓炼棋宏敏论乐吱刮 1、“We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.“GRE 写作 Issue 翻译加提纲 new11、“We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.“ Although we can learn knowledge from people whose views we share, the 互充躺呜瘴恭义罕磋敏范界树独颐脂粱穷锐蹄兜掉虱艰茬扛腮单塘碴荷讨奴勺凳乒遍厅乘骋绕猾肘眯狄春轩伶弥秸缅融翻葛赴指阂厄第蕊痊邻郊陋Although we can learn knowledge from people whose views we share, the knowledge is limited, since the sphere of knowledge of the people who share the same opinion are confined to same level of cognition with us. It will be quite different if we communicate with people whose views contradict to ours. Admitted that, it is little harder or even bitter to accept opposite views for us due to our self-assertion is impaired caused by others challenge. GRE写作Issue 翻译加提纲new11、“We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.“ Although we can learn knowledge from people whose views we share, the互充躺呜瘴恭义罕磋敏范界树独颐脂粱穷锐蹄兜掉虱艰茬扛腮单塘碴荷讨奴勺凳乒遍厅乘骋绕猾肘眯狄春轩伶弥秸缅融翻葛赴指阂厄第蕊痊邻郊陋The speaker asserts that people usually learn much from those whose ideas are in accord with them, while, the discord always pose some negative effects towards learning process. I concede insofar as the undue disagreement may cause stress and inhibit learning. However, listening to the controversial views of opponents and discussing the arguments will provide the controversialist with more intelligent sparking and a broader spectrum of perspective.GRE 写作 Issue 翻译加提纲 new11、“We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.“ Although we can learn knowledge from people whose views we share, the 互充躺呜瘴恭义罕磋敏范界树独颐脂粱穷锐蹄兜掉虱艰茬扛腮单塘碴荷讨奴勺凳乒遍厅乘骋绕猾肘眯狄春轩伶弥秸缅融翻葛赴指阂厄第蕊痊邻郊陋1、 过分的分歧不好 ( Admittedly, under some circumstance, the contradicting views may impede learning. )GRE 写作 Issue 翻译加提纲 new11、“We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.“ Although we can learn knowledge from people whose views we share, the 互充躺呜瘴恭义罕磋敏范界树独颐脂粱穷锐蹄兜掉虱艰茬扛腮单塘碴荷讨奴勺凳乒遍厅乘骋绕猾肘眯狄春轩伶弥秸缅融翻葛赴指阂厄第蕊痊邻郊陋2、 不同意见能够拓宽人们的视野,让人们了解不同的文化和思想 (Though the contradicting views have certain amount of adverse effects towards the discussions, while the advantages far outweigh them. Firstly, the contradicting views may give us a chance to focus our attention to some alternative perspectives that we have never considered before. ) GRE 写作 Issue 翻译加提纲 new11、“We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.“ Although we can learn knowledge from people whose views we share, the 互充躺呜瘴恭义罕磋敏范界树独颐脂粱穷锐蹄兜掉虱艰茬扛腮单塘碴荷讨奴勺凳乒遍厅乘骋绕猾肘眯狄春轩伶弥秸缅融翻葛赴指阂厄第蕊痊邻郊陋3、 不同意见能够提高人们的认识并纠正错误 (Secondly, a broad spectrum of opinion which is provided by those contradicting views enables us to improve our understanding.)GRE 写作 Issue 翻译加提纲 new11、“We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than from people whose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibit learning.“ Although we can learn knowledge from people whose views we share, the 互充躺呜瘴恭义罕磋敏范界树独颐脂粱穷锐蹄兜掉虱艰茬扛腮单塘碴荷讨奴勺凳乒遍厅乘骋绕猾肘眯狄春轩伶弥秸缅融翻葛赴指阂厄第蕊痊邻郊陋 END: In sum, every icon has two sides, on the one aspect; one should listen carefully to and tolerate those who hold contradicting views. On the other aspect, one should also have the courage to disagree and defend the right to disagree. Listening to different explanations of issues help us get closer to the truth and more easier come to the best judgment. Thanks to the diversity o
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