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摘 要I摘摘 要要新时期对教育提出了新的要求。自 2001 年以来,我国大范围地启动了第八次基础教育改革工作。素质教育,是我国新一轮课程改革关注的焦点问题之一。新课程标准的首要理念是更好地促进学生的发展,学生的发展是通过数学学习实现的,切实关注学生的数学学习过程。初中是培养人才不可缺少的基础教育阶段。当前有不少初中生在学习中存在各种心理障碍,厌学是其中最普遍、最有危害性的问题。有厌学情绪的学生讨厌学习,不愿意主动学习,对学习毫无兴趣,视学习为负担,把学习当作一件痛苦的事情,不能从事正常的学习活动,后果严重的会导致逃学或旷课,甚至辍学。论文从南华县初级中学学校的实际情况和学生数学厌学的现状出发,利用调查访谈法、文献分析法、理论探讨法、个案研究法在龙川初级中学开展学生数学厌学的原因调查与并提出解决的对策。论文写作的目的是为了落实新课程理念,提高南华县农村初级中学学生数学学习成绩。由调查访谈,龙川中学学生厌学的外部因素可归纳为:教材因素、学生因素、教师因素、家庭背景和环境因素;内部因素可归纳为:学习需求、学习动机、学习兴趣、情绪和情感、意志等。解决学生数学厌学的相应对策有:提高教师专业化水平,重视差异、分层教学、优化作业布置,改革评价的机制。研究表明,学生在学习数学的过程中产生的厌学心理,需要老师从心理学的角度去认识和分析,并进行恰当地疏导。也就是说,作为一名数学教师,不仅要探索本学科的知识系统,还要不断地探索其他相关学科的知识,引导学生健康地学习,提高他们分析问题和解决问题的能力,教学质量才有可能进一步提高。关键词:关键词:龙川初级中学;数学厌学;对策研究;个案研究AbstractIIAbstractAbstractThe new time of education has made new demands. Since 2001, China launched the eighth basic educational reform in a large scale . Quality education is the focus of the Chinese new round of curriculum reform. The new curriculum standards the primary idea is to better promote the development of students.The development of students is achieved through learning, and students concerned about the mathematical learning process.Junior high school is an indispensable stage of basic education in training. Currently, personnel many middle school students have all kinds of psychological barriers in learning, Dislike study is one of the most common and most dangerous problem. The students who have dislike study emotional hate learning, unwill to take the initiative to learn, have no interest in learning, think learning as burden, think the study as a painful thing, and they can not engage in normal learning activities. It would result in serious consequenles, such as absenteeism or truancy , Or even dropping out of school. From the South China County school junior middle schools students and the actual situation of the status of mathematics dislike study, papers use of investigative interviews, document analysis, the theory of law, case studies of students in junior middle schools in Ryongchon dislike study mathematics process reason investigation and give Measures to solve. Thesis writing is aimed at implementing the new curriculum ideas, enhance the South China County math achievement of students in rural junior middle schools. By the survey interviews, secondary school students dislike study Ryongchons external factors can be summarized as: teaching, students, teachers, family background and environmental factors and internal factors can be summarized as: learning needs, motivation, emotions and feelings, will, etc. . The corresponding countermeasures to solve mathematical Dislike study are: enhance the level of professionalism of teachers, emphasis differences, teaching hierarchical, and optimize the layout operations, reform of the evaluation mechanism.AbstractIIIThe research shows that: the dislike study psychological that ocours in the course of students learning math needs teacher to understang, analysis. and appropriately facilitat from a psychological point. In other words, as a math teacher, not only to explore the subject of knowledge systems, but also continue to explore other relevant disciplines of knowledge, guide the students to study healthly and enhance their analytical and problem-solving ability, the quality of teaching can May be further improved. Key words: Longchuan junior middle schools; mathematical dislike study; countermeasures; case study目 录III目目 录录摘 要.IAbstract.II目 录 .III术语及符号说明 .V第 1 章 绪 言 .11.1 研究的背景.11.2 学生数学厌学的研究概述.21.2.1 关键名词的界定 .21.2.2 学生数学厌学的研究现状 .31.3 研究的目的、内容与意义.51.3.1 研究的目的和内容 .51.3.2 研究的意义 .51.4 研究思路与方法.
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