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尼基塔第一季第 01 集 Nikita Season 1 Episode 01-Nikita: My name is Nikita. 我叫 Nikita。 6 years ago, I was taken out of prison and forced prison: 监狱 forced: 被迫的 六年前,我被政府的一个秘密组织从监狱里弄了出去, by a covert unit of the government, to be an assassin. covert: 隐密的 unit: 单位 government: 政府 assassin: 暗杀者 并被迫成为一名杀手。 3 years ago, I escaped, escape: 逃脱 三年前,我得以逃脱, and have been hunted ever since. hunt: 追捕 ever since: 从那时到现在 并一直被他们追捕。 I was the first recruit to get out. recruit: 雇用 get out: 离开 我是第一个逃走的组织成员。 Im going to make certain Im not the last. certain: 确信 但我肯定不是最后一个。-Nikita: Come on! 快点! Come on, come on, come on! 快点!快点!快点! -Alex: Aahh! 啊! -Police: Stay right there! 不许动! Dont move! move: 移动 别动! Shes just a kid. kid: 孩子 她还是个孩子。 Taking this one down to solitary. solitary: 独居的 把她带去单间。 Watch out. Shes a biter. watch out: 小心 biter: 咬人的动物 小心. 她会咬人的。 Theyre going to love you down here.在这儿 他们会喜欢你的。 -Alex: I didnt do it! I didnt do it! 不是我干的! 不是我干的! Please! 求你了! -Michael: Evening, Alex. 晚上好,Alex。 It is Alex, right? 是叫 Alex 对吗? Never Alexandra. 不再用 Alexandra 这个名字了吧。 -Alex: Who are you? 你是谁? Where am I? 我在哪儿? -Michael: Well, youre not in prison anymore. anymore: 不再 嗯,你已经不在监狱里了。 Youre not even in Michigan, 你也不在密歇根州, although were the only ones that know that. although: 尽管 但这些情况只有我们知道。 Your death was officially ruled a suicide by the prison coroner on November First. death: 死亡 officially: 正式的 rule: 裁决 suicide: 自杀 coroner: 验尸官 监狱验尸官已于 11 月 1 日宣布你自杀身亡。 Your ashes are stored right here. ashes: 骨灰 store: 储存 你的骨灰就存在这儿。 My names Michael. 我叫 Michael, I work for the government. government: 政府 我是为政府做事的, Weve decided to give you a second chance. decide: 决定 chance: 机会 我们决定给你一个重生的机会。 -Alex: Why? 为什么? Why me? 为什么选择我? -Michael: Because youre a young, attractive white female attractive: 有魅力的 female: 女人 因为你是一个年轻,性感的白人姑娘。with virtually no personal ties or paper trail. virtually: 几乎 ties: 结,绑 paper trail: 书面记录 trail: 痕迹 没什么个人牵绊,也没什么档案好查。 Now, those do exist, exist: 存在 现在,你虽然有这些条件, but theyre hard to come by. come by: 得到 但这些还差得远。 What really grabbed our attention, though, grab:攫取 attention: 注意力 而真正吸引我们注意的是 is how you managed to kill a criminal we were about to take out. manage: 设法 criminal: 罪犯 你设法杀死了一个,我们正打算弄出去的犯人。 -Alex: Aah! Ow! 啊! 哇! -Michael: His name was Kyle, by the way. 顺便告诉你,他叫 Kyle。 He was part of a smuggling ring. part: 成员 smuggling: 走私 他是一个走私集团的成员。 Stand and your wrist breaks. wrist: 手腕 break: 折断(骨头等) 你要起身的话,你的手腕就断了。 -Alex: I didnt kill no one! 我没杀任何人。 It was Ronnie! 是 Ronnie 干的! -Michael: Your boyfriends body was found next to his apartment, apartment: 公寓 你男朋友的尸体已经在他公寓旁被发现了, dead from an overdose. overdose: 服药过量 死于嗑药过量。 No one showed up to his funeral, either. show up: 露面 funeral: 葬礼 而且没人去参加他的葬礼。 Your life is over, Alex. 你的生命已经结束,Alex。 Im here to offer you a new one. offer: 提供 我现在是给你一个重生的机会, But you have to be willing to earn it.earn: 获得 但你必须愿意去获得这个机会。 -Alex: What do I gotta do? gotta: 必须(等于 have got to) 我要去做什么? -Michael: Learn. 学习。 How not to sound like a teen meth whore, for starters. sound: 听起来 teen: 青少年 whore: 娼妓 先学会不要说话像个爱嗑药的小婊子, Learn to stand up straight. straight: 笔直的 学习站直了, Learn how to walk right. 学习如何正确的走路, Learn how to talk right. 学习如何得体的说话, Learn how to serve your country. serve: 服务 country: 国家 学习如果为你的国家效力. instead of just yourself. instead: 不是而是 而不是只为自己。-Man: Chica.chica: 【小妞】A name for a girl, preferably an extremely hot girl, that you find pride in just knowing her-from urban dictionary 小妞, You. 你过来。 Como te llamas? 你叫什么名字? -Nikita: Nikita. 我叫 Nikita。 -Man: Nikita. Nikita 啊, Never seen you before, Nikita. 以前没见过你嘛 Nikita。 Who brought you here? 是什么风把你吹来的? -Nikita: Elena. Yelena? Elena,还是叫 Yelena? She said there was a cool party, 她说这儿有个很棒的派对,So, uh, here I am. 所以,呃,我就来了。 -Man: Venga. venga: 派对 来吧, Come. 过来。 Have a drink. 喝一杯。 -Nikita: I was kinda hoping to stay dry. kinda: 有一点 我不太想下水, Why dont we go to the bar? bar: 酒吧 我们去酒吧好吗? -Man: As you say, this is a cool party. 如你所说,这是个很棒的派对。 If you want to stay, 如果你想呆在这儿, youre going to have to get.wet. 你就得. “湿“身。 That wasnt so bad, was it? 没那么糟糕是吧? -Nikita: I would have preferred the bar. prefer: 偏爱 我宁可去酒吧, Its just that 只是因为, this is going to make taking your bodyguard out so much harder. bodyguard: 保镖 要在这里干掉你的保镖麻烦多了。 -Man: Como? 为什么? -Nikita: Target is down! I need extraction at the service entrance. 目标解决掉了! 我需要从服务通道撤退。 -Michael: Negative. negative: 拒绝 不行。 Extraction impossible. extraction: 抽出 impossible: 不可能的 你逃不出去。 -Nikita: What? 什么? -Michael: You always had trouble listening, didnt you?trouble: 困难 你的听力一向不好,是么? -Nikita: Michael! Please, I need to get out of here. Michael! 拜托,我要离开这里。 -Michael: Still dont hear me. I told you. 还是没明白,我再说一次。 There is no out. 你逃不掉的。-Nikita: Hi, Gary. 嗨,Gary。 -Gary: Hi, Gary? 嗨,Gary? Thats a nice touch, honey, touch: 接近 这感觉不错,亲爱的。 but I aint buying anything. 可我并不需要服务。 -Nikita: Ah, all right. 噢,那好吧。 Lets try this again. 再试试这个吧。 Hi, Daddy. 嗨,爸爸。 -Gary: Nikita. Nikita 啊. Wow. 喔。 -Nikita: You really let this place go after C
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