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國立清華大學 105 學年度上學期宿費收費比例表 National Tsing Hua University for Fall Semester in 2016 Dormitory fees comparison table 單位:元 Unit: NT dollar 類別 Type 齋別 Dorm 房型 Room 說明 Introduction學期宿費 學期宿費 Academic year fee (3/4、1/2、1/4 宿費係依候補進住時間計算收費)(3/4、1/2、1/4 宿費係依候補進住時間計算收費) 全額 Total amount3/4 宿費 Three fourth1/2 宿費 Half amount1/4 宿費 One fourth 男研究生 Graduate student (Men) 冷氣 Ac room 明、平齋 Ming, Ping 2 人房 Twin Room4 10,170 7,628 5,085 2,543 冷氣 Ac room 明、平齋 Ming, Ping 1 人房 Single Room4、5 16,170 12,128 8,085 4,043 冷暖氣 Ac room ( heating) 清齋 Ching 2 人房 Twin Room4 16,600 12,450 8,300 4,150 冷暖氣 Ac room (heating) 清齋 Ching 1 人房 Single Room4、5 27,800 20,850 13,900 6,950 女研究生 Graduate student (Women) 冷氣 Ac room 學齋 Shiue 2 人房 Twin Room4 14,800 11,100 7,400 3,700 冷氣 Ac room 學齋 Shiue 1 人房 Single Room4、5 24,200 18,150 12,100 6,050 冷氣 Ac room 儒齋 Ru 2 人房 Twin Room4 14,800 11,100 7,400 3,700 冷氣 Ac room 儒齋單人房 Ru 1 人房 Single Room4、5 24,200 18,150 12,100 6,050 男大學生 Undergraduate student (Men) 冷暖氣 Ac room(heating) 新齋 (1F-4F) Hsin 1F-4F 4 人房 Quadruple Room9,170 6,878 4,585 2,293 冷暖氣 Ac room(heating) 新齋 Hsin 2 人房 Twin Room11,170 8,378 5,585 2,793 冷氣 Ac room 禮齋 Li 4 人房 Quadruple Room7 10,230 7,673 5,115 2,558 冷氣 Ac room 義 Yi 4 人房 Quadruple Room7 11,250 8,438 5,625 2,813 冷氣 Ac room 仁、實齋 Jen, Shyr 4 人房 Quadruple Room7,570 5,678 3,785 1,893 冷氣 Ac room 誠齋 Cheng 4 人房 Quadruple Room6,670 5,003 3,335 1,668 冷氣 Ac room 華齋 Hua 4 人房 Quadruple Room6,370 4,778 3,185 1,593 冷氣 Ac room 信齋 Shinn 2 人房 Twin Room11,170 8,378 5,585 2,793 冷氣 Ac room 碩齋 Shuo 2 人房 Twin Room11,270 8,453 5,635 2,818 冷氣 Ac room 碩齋 Shuo 3 人房 Triple Room9,070 6,803 4,535 2,268 女大學生 Undergraduate student (Women) 冷暖氣 Ac room (heating) 新齋 (5F-8F) Hsin 5F-8F 4 人房 Quadruple Room9,170 6,878 4,585 2,293 冷氣 Ac room 文齋 Wen 4 人房 Quadruple Room7,070 5,303 3,535 1,768 冷氣 Ac room 靜齋 Jing 4 人房 Quadruple Room7,870 5,903 3,935 1,968 冷氣 Ac room 慧齋 Huei 4 人房 Quadruple Room8,070 6,053 4,035 2,018 冷氣 Ac room 雅齋 Ya 2 人房 Twin Room11,070 8,303 5,535 2,768 國際學舍 International Student Dormitory 冷氣 Ac room 鴻齋 Hung 2 人房 Twin Room4 13,520 10,140 6,760 3,380 關懷宿舍 Care Dormitory 冷暖氣 Ac room (heating) 善齋 Shan 2 人房 Twin Room8 13,750 10,313 6,875 3,438 善齋單人房 Shan 1 人房 Single Room8 27,500 20,625 13,750 6,875 註 Introductions: 1. 適用期間 105.9.1106.1.31。 Applicable period 2016.09.01-2017.01.31. 2. 低收入戶免收基本宿費(男大學部:6,370 元、女大學部:7,070 元、男研究生:10,170 元、女研究生:11,070 元)。 Low income families only pay the general fee (Male Undergraduates $6,370NT、Female Undergraduates $7,070NT、Male Masters: $10,170 NT Female Masters: $11,070 NT) 3. 研究生除單人房外,皆為二人房;大學部除信齋二人房、碩齋二人房、雅齋二人房、新齋二人房(5 間)及碩齋三人房(4 間)外,其餘皆為四人房。 Graduate students have single person room and 2 people room, Undergraduate students have 2 people room in Shinn.Ya.Shuo, Hsin (5rooms) Dormitory, 3people room in Shuo dormitory (4rooms) and 4 people room for others. 4. 各棟宿舍使用冷氣皆以冷氣卡插卡付費,另明、平齋大燈及學、儒、清齋及禮齋大燈(靠近窗戶)、電扇及鴻齋廚房電器等也以冷氣卡插卡支付電費。 Every dormitory uses Air conditioner with Ac charge card system. Ming, Ping, Shiue, Ru,Li, Ching dormitories big light( near to window), the electricity fee of the fan in room and Hung dormitory Kitchen will be paid with AC charging card. 5. 明、平齋單人房內無衛浴設備,學、儒齋單人房二間共用一套衛浴,清齋單人房內配置獨立衛浴及 100 公升小冰箱。 Ming, Ping dormitory single person room doesnt have any bathroom inside and Ming, Ping, Shiue, Ru dormitory single person room one bathroom for 2 rooms, Ching Dormitory single person room has independent bathroom with 100Litre small refrigerator. 6. 依 97.5.26(96 學年第二次宿委會會議)決議,一旦水電瓦斯費調漲時,將依學校公告水電瓦斯費率,調漲幅度同比例調漲並補收宿費。 According to the Year 97, May 26th, school dormitory fees will rise along with the changing electrical and water fee. 7. 禮齋及義齋 105 年暑期進行大型整修工程,經 105 年 5 月 20 日 104 學年度學生宿舍管理委員會通過,自 105 學年第一學期起調漲禮齋每床宿費 980 元;義齋每床宿費 3,680 元。 Due to refurbishment of dorm Li and Yi, in the 105th Summer. Student Dormitory Administrative Committee has passed to raise dorm fees on May 20, 2016. From the 105th academic year, dorm fees will be raised in price of 980 NT dollars each bed of dorm Li and in price of 3,680 NT dollars each bed of dorm Yi. . 8. 具有身心障礙手冊者優先申請善齋關懷宿舍,申請方式及資格審查請向諮商中心資源教室許小姐(分機:62261)或住宿組楊小姐(分機:62056)洽詢。 People with disabilities can apply for a priority application. For application and other related information please contact Miss Xu (ext. 62261) or Miss Yang (ext. 62056)
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