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20112011 计算机二级计算机二级 C C 语言习题集语言习题集一、程序填空题1.给定程序中,函数 fun 的功能是:将形参 n 所指变量中,各位上为偶数的去除,剩余的数按原来从高到低的顺序 组成一个新的数,并通过形参指针 n 传回所指变量。例如:输入一个数:27638496,新的数为:739。#include void fun(unsigned long *n) unsigned long x=0, i; int t;i=1;while(*n)/*found*/ t=*n % 10;/*found*/if(t%2!= 0) x=x+t*i; i=i*10; *n =*n /10;/*found*/*n=x;main() unsigned long n=-1;while(n99999999|nvoid fun(char *s, int a, double f)/*found*/FILE * fp;char ch;fp = fopen(“file1.txt“, “w“);fprintf(fp, “%s %d %fn“, s, a, f);fclose(fp);fp = fopen(“file1.txt“, “r“);printf(“nThe result :nn“);ch = fgetc(fp);/*found*/while (!feof(fp) /*found*/putchar(ch); ch = fgetc(fp); putchar(n);fclose(fp);main() char a10=“Hello!“; int b=12345;double c= 98.76;fun(a,b,c);3程序通过定义学生结构体变量,存储了学生的学号、姓名和 3 门课的成绩。所有学生数据均以二进制方式输出 到文件中。函数 fun 的功能是重写形参 filename 所指文件中最后一个学生的数据,即用新的学生数据覆盖该学生 原来的数据,其它学生的数据不变。#include #define N 5typedef struct student long sno;char name10;float score3; STU;void fun(char *filename, STU n) FILE *fp;/*found*/fp = fopen(filename, “rb+“);/*found*/fseek(fp, -1L*sizeof(STU), SEEK_END);/*found*/fwrite(fclose(fp);main() STU tN= 10001,“MaChao“, 91, 92, 77, 10002,“CaoKai“, 75, 60, 88,10003,“LiSi“, 85, 70, 78, 10004,“FangFang“, 90, 82, 87,10005,“ZhangSan“, 95, 80, 88;STU n=10006,“ZhaoSi“, 55, 70, 68, ssN;int i,j; FILE *fp;fp = fopen(“student.dat“, “wb“);fwrite(t, sizeof(STU), N, fp);fclose(fp);fp = fopen(“student.dat“, “rb“);fread(ss, sizeof(STU), N, fp);fclose(fp);printf(“nThe original data :nn“);for (j=0; j#define N 5typedef struct student long sno;char name10;float score3; STU;void fun(char *filename) FILE *fp; int i, j;STU sN, t;/*found*/fp = fopen(filename, “rb“);fread(s, sizeof(STU), N, fp);fclose(fp);for (i=0; isj.sno) t = si; si = sj; sj = t; fp = fopen(filename, “wb“);/*found*/fwrite(s, sizeof(STU), N, fp);fclose(fp);main() STU tN= 10005,“ZhangSan“, 95, 80, 88, 10003,“LiSi“, 85, 70, 78,10002,“CaoKai“, 75, 60, 88, 10004,“FangFang“, 90, 82, 87,10001,“MaChao“, 91, 92, 77, ssN;int i,j; FILE *fp;fp = fopen(“student.dat“, “wb“);fwrite(t, sizeof(STU), 5, fp);fclose(fp);printf(“nnThe original data :nn“);for (j=0; j#include void fun(char *s, int a, double f)/*found*/FILE * fp;char str100, str1100, str2100;int a1; double f1;fp = fopen(“file1.txt“, “w“);fprintf(fp, “%s %d %fn“, s, a, f);/*found*/fclose(fp) ;fp = fopen(“file1.txt“, “r“);/*found*/fscanf(fp,“%s%s%s“, str, str1, str2);fclose(fp);a1 = atoi(str1);f1 = atof(str2);printf(“nThe result :nn%s %d %fn“, str, a1, f1);main() char a10=“Hello!“; int b=12345;double c= 98.76;fun(a,b,c);6.给定程序中,函数 fun 的功能是根据形参 i 的值返回某个函数的值,当调用正确时,程序输出:x1=5.000000, x2=3.000000 x1*x1+x1*x2=40.000000#include double f1(double x) return x*x; double f2(double x, double y) return x*y; /*found*/double fun(int i, double x, double y) if (i=1)/*found*/return f1(x);else/*found*/return f2(x, y);main() double x1=5, x2=3, r;r = fun(1, x1, x2);r += fun(2, x1, x2);printf(“nx1=%f, x2=%f, x1*x1+x1*x2=%fnn“,x1, x2, r);7.程序通过定义并赋初值的方式,利用结构体变量存储了一名学生的信息。函数 fun 的功能是输出这位学生的信 息。#include typedef struct int num;char name9;char sex;struct int year,month,day ; birthday;float score3;STU;/*found*/void show(STU tt) int i;printf(“n%d %s %c %d-%d-%d“, tt.num, tt.name, tt.sex,tt.birthday.year, tt.birthday.month, tt.birthday.day);for(i=0; itypedef struct int num;char name9;float score3;STU;void show(STU tt) int i;printf(“%d %s : “,tt.num,tt.name);for(i=0; iscorei *=a;main( ) STU std= 1,“Zhanghua“,76.5,78.0,82.0 ;float a;printf(“nThe original number and name and scores :n“);show(std);printf(“nInput a number : “); scanf(“%f“,/*found*/modify(printf(“nA result of modifying :n“);show(std);9.给定程序中,涵数 fun 的功能是将不带头结点的单向链表结点数据域中的数据从小到大排序。即若原链表结点数 据域从头至尾的数据为:10、4、2、8、6,排序后链表结点数据域从头至尾为:2、4、6、8、10。#include #include #define N 6typedef struct node int data;struct node *next; NODE;void fun(NODE *h) NODE *p, *q; int t;p = h;while (p) /*found*/q = p-next ;/*found*/while (q) if (p-data q-data) t = p-data; p-data = q-data; q-data = t; q = q-next;/*found*/p = p-next ;NODE *creatlist(int a) NODE *h,*p,*q; int i;h=NULL;for(i=0; idata=ai;q-next = NULL;if (h = NULL) h = p = q;else p-next = q; p = q; return h;void outlist(NODE *h) NODE *p;p=h;if (p=NULL) printf(“The list is NULL!n“);else printf(“nHead “);do printf(“-%d“, p-data); p
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