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七年级英语七年级英语 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?学案学案一、学习目标一、学习目标 1(1)让学生学会询问地点、方位。)让学生学会询问地点、方位。(2)学会向询问者指引方向、陈述路径。)学会向询问者指引方向、陈述路径。(3)学会对地点特征作简单描述。)学会对地点特征作简单描述。2让学生识记:让学生识记:go straight, turn left/right, go along in the neighborhood, near here , on the left/right二、预习导学二、预习导学1.话题引领话题引领(1)A: -_ _a post office near here? B: No, there isnt.Its _Bridge Street.(2)A:Hi, _ _B: Yes. How can I help you?2.知识引领知识引领1. _ _ 邮局邮局 2. _ _ 中心大街中心大街 3. _ _在在.对面对面 4. _ _ 紧靠紧靠.的旁边;贴近;最的旁边;贴近;最接近接近 5. _ _在在.前面前面3 语法聚焦语法聚焦 (1) Is there a bank near here? 这儿附近有银行吗?这儿附近有银行吗?There be 意为意为“某处有某物某处有某物”其中其中 be 动词随着其后面名词的单复数形式而变化动词随着其后面名词的单复数形式而变化_ _ many parks in our city. 我们市里有许多公园。我们市里有许多公园。(2)但是当句中有两个以上的名词作并列主语的时候,遵循)但是当句中有两个以上的名词作并列主语的时候,遵循“就近原则就近原则”。There _ one teacher and 57 students in the classroom.教室里面有一个老师教室里面有一个老师和和 57 个学生。个学生。There _three books and a pencil-case in the backpack.书包里有书包里有 3 本书和一本书和一个铅笔盒。个铅笔盒。 三、重点难点三、重点难点1掌握句型:掌握句型:(1)Is there a bank near here(in the neighborhood)?Yes, there is a bank on 。.(2)Where is the library? Its next to the bank.(3)Go straight and turn right.2、重点短语、重点短语1. next to the library 紧挨着图书馆紧挨着图书馆 2.in front of the bank 在银行前方在银行前方3.near the restaurant 在餐馆附近在餐馆附近 4.across from the park 在公园对面在公园对面5.between the post office and the store 在邮局和商店之间在邮局和商店之间6.in the neighborhood 在附近在附近 7.near here 在附近在附近 8. on the left 在左边在左边9. go/ walk downstreet 沿着。路走沿着。路走 10. go/walk straight down street 11. turn left Turn right 左转、右转左转、右转 12. on your right 在你的右边在你的右边13 a busy street 一个喧闹的街道一个喧闹的街道 14 get to the supermarket 到达超市到达超市15 enjoy the citys quiet 享受城市的宁静享受城市的宁静 16 enjoy yourself 玩的开心玩的开心17 enjoy reading 喜欢,享受阅读喜欢,享受阅读 18 have a good time 玩的开心玩的开心19 have fun 玩的开心玩的开心 20 take/ Have a walk 散步散步 21 take a taxi 打的打的22 go by taxi 打的打的 23 go through the park 穿过公园穿过公园 24.be hungry 饥饿饥饿25 go across the street 穿过街道穿过街道 26 welcome to my school 欢迎来我们学校欢迎来我们学校27 a good place to have fun 享乐的好地方享乐的好地方 28 the way to my school 到我们学校的路到我们学校的路29arrive in Beijing 到达北京到达北京 30 arrive at the library 到达图书馆到达图书馆四、知识链接四、知识链接1.句型结构:(句型结构:(1)there is 的一般疑问句结构:的一般疑问句结构:Is there.?(2)用)用 where 对句子中的地点状语提问。对句子中的地点状语提问。(3)祈使句的表达:)祈使句的表达:Turn right and go straight along Bank Street.2. 句子总结句子总结1.Excuse me, Where is the post office? 打扰了,邮局在哪?打扰了,邮局在哪?Its next to the library.它在图书馆隔壁它在图书馆隔壁2.Is there a park in the neighborhood?Yes, there is.附近有公园吗?有附近有公园吗?有3.Can you tell me the way to the book store? 能告诉我去书店的路吗?能告诉我去书店的路吗?4.Go down on the right.沿和平路向右拐沿和平路向右拐5.The payphone is across from the bank. 电话亭在银行对面电话亭在银行对面6.There is an old hotel and three parks. 这有一个老旅馆和三个公园这有一个老旅馆和三个公园7.This is the beginning of the tour. 这是旅行的开始这是旅行的开始is a good place to have fun. 大桥街是享乐的好地方大桥街是享乐的好地方9.Let me tell you the way to the airport.让我告诉你到机场的路吧让我告诉你到机场的路吧10.I hope you have a good trip. 希望你旅途愉快希望你旅途愉快11.Turn left when you see a big supermarket.看到大超市左转看到大超市左转五、重点解析:五、重点解析:1. across 介词介词“横过横过”Be careful when you walk across the busy street.当你穿过繁忙的街道时要小心。当你穿过繁忙的街道时要小心。The duck wants to swim across the river.那只鸭子想游过这条小河。那只鸭子想游过这条小河。2. across from 介词词组介词词组“在在对过对过”The bank is across from KFC. 银行在肯德基的对面。银行在肯德基的对面。The restaurant is across from the National Library.那家饭馆在国家图书馆的对面。那家饭馆在国家图书馆的对面。3. next to “在在旁边旁边”The supermarket is next to the flower shop.超市在花店的旁边。超市在花店的旁边。The small garden is next to our school.5. betweenand 介词介词“在两者之间在两者之间”The post office is between the library and the cinema.邮局在图书馆和电影院之间。邮局在图书馆和电影院之间。The pay phone is between the supermarket and the bank on .公用电话在中央大街上的超市和银行之间。公用电话在中央大街上的超市和银行之间。6. down 介词介词“沿着;顺着沿着;顺着”The library is down this street on the right.图书馆在这条街的右侧。图书馆在这条街的右侧。Go down this street, youll find the bank.沿着这条街走,你就会找到那家银行。沿着这条街走,你就会找到那家银行。7. on the left/ right “在左边在左边/右边右边”注意介词要用注意介词要用 on8. Is there?Is there 是是 There be 句型的一般疑问句,表示句型的一般疑问句,表示“某处有某物吗?某处有某物吗?”e.g. Is there a post office near here?在这附近有一个邮局吗?在这附近有一个邮局吗?Is there a supermarket in your neighborhood?在你们的社区有一个超市吗?在你们的社区有一个超市吗?Are there many shops in this district?这个区域内有很多商店吗?这个区域内有很多商店吗?七年级英语七年级英语(下下) Unit8 单元检测提高单元检测提高 一一 单项填空单项填空 ( ) 1. - _, is there a bank near here? - _, I dont know. A. Excuse me, Sorry B. Sorry, Excuse me C. Excuse me, Excuse me D. Sorry, Sorry ( ) 2. - Thank you for your help. - _. A. No, thanks B. Youre welcome C. Dont say it D. All right ( ) 3. There is _ old library. _ library is near a hotel. A. a, A B. an, A C. an, The D. the, The ( ) 4. There _ a big library and two parks in the city. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( ) 5. - I want to send(寄寄) this letter. Is there a _ near here? - Yes, there is one behind the Sky Hotel. A. bank B. restaurant C. post office D. supermarket ( ) 6. - Excuse me, sir. _ - Go down this road and turn left. Its next to a white house. A. Hows the weather(天气天气)
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