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六级词汇六级词汇/六级词汇启航六级词汇抛砖引玉六级词汇启航六级词汇抛砖引玉 1 中西合璧 Morose 木 rose 郁闷,阴沉 Chaos n. 混乱,紊乱;(天地未出现的)浑沌世界 Embarrass 使尴尬 Amorous 好色的,色情的 Gangster 匪徒 Frail 废咯 脆弱,易受伤害 Sting 死叮 刺痛, 刺激 Annoy 闹 使烦恼 庖丁解牛 通过语音、词义、词性解剖单词 Appropriate Ap/propr/iate 合适的 Aspiration A/spri/ation Spirit n. 抱负 Sprite Luxury Lux/ury 奢华的 Homogeneous Homo/gene/ous 同种族的 Homogeneously 单一地,同样地 Sophisticated Soph/ist/icated Soph- 有智慧的 老练的,世故的 Sophomore Suffer more 大二 Freshmen 大一 Notorious Noto/rious 臭名昭著的 Acquaintance Ac/quaint/ance Quaint 古怪的 熟悉的 追根溯源 词根 前缀 后缀 变形 前缀代表方向 Pro- 向前,pre- 在前 Profound 向前找 - a. 深刻的,深远的 Proficient 向前做 a. 熟练的,精通的 Progressive 不断前进的;进步的;进行的 Precaution 在注意之前 n. 预防,防备,警惕 Preclude vt. 预先排除,预防,阻止,妨碍 Predecessor n.前辈,前任者 Com- 共同的,(con/cor/col) Community n. 社区,社会 Collaboration Col/labor/ration 一起劳动 合作 六级词汇六级词汇/六级词汇启航六级词汇抛砖引玉六级词汇启航六级词汇抛砖引玉 2 后缀代表词性 动词后缀:-ate Regulate Reg 统治,管理 Regular 有规律的;规则的 调节,调整;校准;控制,管理 Exaggerate Ex/agge/rate V. (使)扩大;(使)增加;夸张 动词后缀:-ify Notify Notice/fy 使知道 - 通知,通告 Exemplify Example/fy v.举例证明(解释) 名词后缀:-ee Refugee Refuse - ee 被的人 被拒绝的人 - n.难民,流亡者 Trainee, Employee 名词后缀:-ness 状态 品质 Pleasantness n.愉快;和蔼可亲 Truthfulness True/th/ful/ness n. 诚实 Robustness 坚固性,健壮性; 形容词后缀:-ful, -less Merciful adj.仁慈的;宽大的 Faithful Faith 信仰;信念;信任 adj.忠诚的;忠实的;忠贞的 Doubtful Doubtless Reckless a. 粗心大意的;鲁莽的 形容词后缀:-ous 富含的;有品质的 Ambitious 有雄心的 Cautious Caution/ous a. 小心的,谨慎的 Disastrous Astro 星星 a. 灾难性的;悲惨的 后缀代表词性 形容词后缀:-able Innumerable In/numer/able a. 无数的,数不清的 Invaluable In/value/able a. 无价的,价值无法衡量的 六级词汇六级词汇/六级词汇启航六级词汇抛砖引玉六级词汇启航六级词汇抛砖引玉 3 铁索连环 Were trying to _ him with confidence. Expire Aspire Inspire Spire Spirit 呼吸 Expire vi.终止;期满;失效;呼气;断气 Our holidays will expire next week. Expired adj.到期的 Overdue Aspire v.热望;立志 He aspires after knowledge. Aspiration n.抱负;热望;志向;渴望 He has no aspiration for fame. Inspire v. 鼓舞;激发;产生;赋予.灵感 Inspiration 灵感; 鼓舞人心的东西 The answer came to her in a flash of inspiration. 物尽其用 Make full use of your surroundings. Use your eye to see Smash v.打碎;粉碎;猛撞 n.破碎;撞击;轰动的演出; Disguise v.掩饰;假装;假扮 n.伪装;伪装物 Use your ears to hear Habits form character, and character determines destiny When you look up at the stars, please put a star which, as my soul. Please keep this one family, the Autobots, as they protect you. Guard them, protect their future. The many mysteries that we will never be able to unlock, but our identity and its reasons for existence, not to answer, the answer, in our body, I am Optimus Prime, I sent a message to my creator, please do not find the trouble, otherwise I will not miss you. Soul n.灵魂;心灵;精神 Soul mate The eye is the window of the soul. Mystery n.谜,神秘;奥秘;秘密;神秘的人或事 Mysterious adj.神秘的;不可思议的 Existence Exist v.存在;生存;活着 n.存在;生存 Prime 最好的;首要的;典型的 Principal adj.主要的;首要的 Use your Mouth to speak and hand to write. Produce, produce, produce. No matter how shy you are or how much you dont “get” English, force yourself to speak. Use your body to move Elegant Feeble Greasy Scorn 行文造句 Try to use the word to make a sentence Try to use the word to make a sentences. Deliberate Libra 深思熟虑的,审慎的;故意的 Dedicate v.致力于;献出 Literate n.识字的人;受过教育的人;博学的人 adj.博学的 Literate people dedicate to deliberate work. 艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线 If you are doing your best, you will not have to worry about failure. 六级词汇六级词汇/六级词汇高频串讲六级词汇高频串讲六级词汇高频串讲六级词汇高频串讲 1 六级词汇出奇制胜 高频核心词汇 常见的 用法多样的 出题点 中西合璧法 Constrain Con- 共同,全部 Strain 束缚,紧张,拉扯 加强紧张的情绪 v. 强迫,约束,限制 Constrain sb. to do/constrain sth. We should not be constrained to take some boring lessons, because this may constrain our creativity. Contain Con/tain 包含,容纳 Container 控制,遏制(困在容器里) The aim is to constrain rather than contain China. 目的是为了限制中国而不是遏制中国 Restrict V 限制;约束 Restrict sb. from doing I restrict myself from eating two cupcakes a day. Strict adj.严格的;精确的;完全的 Strict in sth. Strict to sb. Limit n.限度;限制;界限 v.限制;限定 Surely there is a limit to what one can bear. Limitation n.极限;时限 Limited 有限的 Unlimited 无限的 You are a person of unlimited potential. We should devote our limited life to the unlimited work of serving people. Confine v.限制;禁闭 n.范围;界限;约束;限制 The thief was confined in a prison. Confine sth. to 把限制在 His talk is confined to two topics. 蓦然回首 Constrain- Contain Strain Restrain Restraint Restrict Strict Limit Limitation Limited - Unlimited Confine Confine sth. to 六级词汇六级词汇/六级词汇高频串讲六级词汇高频串讲六级词汇高频串讲六级词汇高频串讲 2 Economy n.经济;节约 Economic adj.经济学的;经济的; Do you know the economic policy of this year? Economical adj.节俭的;经济的;合算的 Riding a bicycle is eco-friendly and economical. In the long run, it is economical to buy good quality goods. Frugal adj.节俭的;俭朴的 Although hes become rich, hes kept his frugal habits. Thrifty adj. 节俭的;精打细算的 She was a thrifty woman and managed to put aside some money every month. Environmentally friendly Environment n. 环境,周围状况;自
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