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31.to break down 抛锚;故障句子:1.On the way home,my car broke down.在回家的路上,我的车抛锚了。2.We had to walk up to the tenth floor,because the elevator broke down.电梯坏了,所以我们只好爬楼梯上 10 楼。3.The young lady suddenly broke down and revealed cried.那位年轻的小姐突然无法控制感情而哭了起来。4.The prisoner finally broke down and revealed all the facts of the crime.犯人最后供认并道出犯罪的一切事实。5.My motorcycle broke down on our way to Kenting,so we continued on our journey by train.在去垦丁的途中我的摩托车抛锚了,因此我们改搭火车继续旅程。32. to become of 有.遭遇;结局为.句子:1.What will become of the children if their parents should die?若这些孩子的双亲死了,他们该怎么办?2.What has become of Joe recently? I havent seen him for two months.乔最近怎么了?我已经两个月没见到他了。3.I dont know what has become of the girl saw last week.我不知道上星期见到的那个女孩怎么样了。4.What has become of my pen?我的笔怎么不见了?5.I wonder what has become of my old house. I have been away from it for more than twenty years.我已离开 20 多年,不知道老家现在变成了什么样子。33.to have on 穿着句子:1.All the students of senior high schools here must have on uniforms.这里所有的高中生都必须穿制服。2.Betty had on a pretty silk robe.贝蒂穿了一件漂亮的丝袍。3.After the bath,the baby had nothing on.洗过澡后,那婴儿什么也没穿。4.Had she a hat on?她有没有戴帽子?5.The swimmers on the beach had nothing on except Bikinisuits.海滩上的游泳者除了比基尼泳装外什么也没穿34. to come true 实现;证实句子:1.Our dreams will come true someday.我们的梦想总有一天会实现。2.Its so incredible that his dream about making money should come true.真是太不可思议了,他的发财梦竟然成真。3.What the newspaper said about the weather for today has certainly come true.报纸的天气预测果然无误。4.Everything Tom predicted has come true.汤姆所预言的一切都已被证实。5.His ambition to be a singer will come true someday.他想当歌星的理想会有实现的一天。
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