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英文原著英文原著asas youyou likelike ititAS YOU LIKE IT 1 AS YOU LIKE IT William Shakespeare 1601 AS YOU LIKE IT 2 D RAM ATIS PERSO N AE. D U KE, living in exile FRED ERICK, his brother, and usurper of his dom inions AM IEN S, lord attending on the banished D uke JAQ U ES, “ “ “ “ “ “ LE BEAU , a courtier attending upon Frederick CH ARLES, wrestler to Frederick O LIVER, son of Sir Rowland de Boys JAQ U ES, “ “ “ “ “ “ O RLAN D O , “ “ “ “ “ “ AD AM , servant to O liver D EN N IS, “ “ “ TO U CH STO N E, the court jester SIR O LIVER M ARTEX T, a vicar CO RIN , shepherd SILVIU S, “ W ILLIAM , a country fellow, in love with Audrey A person representing H Y M EN RO SALIN D , daughter to the banished D uke CELIA, daughter to Frederick PH EBE, a shepherdess AU D REY, a country wench Lords, Pages, Foresters, and Attendants AS YOU LIKE IT 3 ACT I. AS YOU LIKE IT 4 SCENE I. Orchar d of OLIVER S house Enter O RLAN D O and AD AM O RLAN D O . As I rem em ber, Adam , it was upon this fashion bequeathed m e by will but poor a thousand crowns, and, as thou sayst, charged m y brother, on his blessing, to breed m e well; and there begins m y sadness. M y brother Jaques he keeps at school, and report speaks goldenly of his profit. For m y part, he keeps m e rustically at hom e, or, to speak m ore properly, stays m e here at hom e unkept; for call you that keeping for a gentlem an of m y birth that differs not from the stalling of an ox? H is horses are bred better; for, besides that they are fair with their feeding, they are taught their m anage, and to that end riders dearly hird; but I, his brother, gain nothing under him but growth; for the which his anim als on his dunghills are as m uch bound to him as I. Besides this nothing that he so plentifully gives m e, the som ething that nature gave m e his countenance seem s to take from m e. H e lets m e feed with his hinds, bars m e the place of a brother, and as m uch as in him lies, m ines m y gentility with m y education. This is it, Adam , that grieves m e; and the spirit of m y father, which I think is within m e, begins to m utiny against this servitude. I will no longer endure it, though yet I know no wise rem edy how to avoid it. Enter O LIVER AD AM . Yonder com es m y m aster, your brother. O RLAN D O . G o apart, Adam , and thou shalt hear how he will shake m e up. AD AM retires O LIVER. N ow, sir! what m ake you here? O RLAN D O . N othing; I am not taught to m ake any thing. O LIVER. W hat m ar you then, sir? O RLAN D O . M arry, sir, I am helping you to m ar that which G od m ade, a poor unworthy brother of yours, with idleness. O LIVER. M arry, sir, be better em ployed, and be nought awhile. O RLAN D O . Shall I keep your hogs, and eat husks with them ? W hat prodigal portion have I spent that I should com e to such penury? O LIVER. Know you where you are, sir? O RLAN D O . O , sir, very well; here in your orchard. O LIVER. Know you before whom , sir? O RLAN D O . Ay, better than him I am before knows m e. I know you are m y eldest brother; and in the gentle condition of blood, you should so AS YOU LIKE IT 5 know m e. The courtesy of nations allows you m y better in that you are the first-born; but the sam e tradition takes not away m y blood, were there twenty brothers betwixt us. I have as m uch of m y father in m e as you, albeit I confess your com ing before m e is nearer to his reverence. O LIVER. W hat, boy! Strikes him O RLAN D O . Com e, com e, elder brother, you are too young in this. O LIVER. W ilt thou lay hands on m e, villain? O RLAN D O . I am no villain; I am the youngest son of Sir Rowland de Boys. H e was m y father; and he is thrice a villain that says such a father begot villains. W ert thou not m y brother, I would not take this hand from thy throat till this other had pulld out thy tongue for saying so. Thou has raild on thyself. AD AM . Com ing forward Sweet m asters, be patient; for your fathers rem em brance, be at accord. O LIVER. Let m e go, I say. O RLAN D O . I will not, till I please; you shall hear m e. M y father chargd you in his will to give m e good education: you have traind m e like a peasant, obscuring and hiding from m e all gentlem an-like qualities. The spirit of m y father grows strong in m e, and I will no longer endure it; therefore allow m e such exercises as m ay becom e a gentlem an, or give m e the poor allottery m y father left m e by testam ent; with that I will go buy m y fortunes. O LIVER. And what wilt thou do? Beg, when that is spent? W ell, sir, get you in. I will not long be troubled with you; you shall have som e part of your will. I pray you leave m e. O RLAN D O . I no further offend you than becom es m e for m y good. O LIVER. G et you with him , you old dog. AD AM . Is old dog m y reward? M ost true, I have lost m y teeth in your service. G od be with m y old m aster! H e would not have spoke such a word. Exeunt O RLAN D O and AD AM O LIVER. Is it even so? Begin you to grow upon m e? I w
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