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1黄冈高考最后单项选择压轴题单项选择单项选择【1】第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21 . Jenny looks hot and dry. So_ you if you had a high fever.A. will B.do C.are D.would22. The joke told by Tom made us_, so our maths teacher couldnt make himself_.A. laugh; hearing B.laugh;heard C. laughing; hear D.laughed; to be heard23. It was _ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home.A. repairing B. repaired C. to repair D. in repair24. The old woman had a letter from her son in the army_ to her.A. read B. write C. written D. received25. She was so angry at all _ I was doing _ she walked out.A. that; which B. that; that C. which; that D. which; as to26. -May I take your order now?-_.A. No,Im in trouble now B.Yes, we obey ordersC. Yes, Id like a dish of chicken D.No, I dont have a choice of meat27. It made all the Chinese happy _ China succeeded in sending up the first manned spaceship.A.when B.because C.that D.if28. To our surprise, the painting considered_ should have won the prize.A. being copied B. having been copied C. to have copied D. to have been copied29. I like football. _ my sister and me.A.So do B.So are C.So did D. So it is with30. The music he is playing sounds_.A. nicely B. sweetly C. lively D. pleasantly31. At the beginning of the party,_ of the guests was given a piece of paper.A. everyone B.each C. every D.all32.-If you like the new house, I suggest you buying it.-But its really too expensive. I cant_ it.A. get B. afford C. supply D. support33. Is there a bookshop around _ I can buy an English and Chinese dictionary?A. which B. where C.that D.what34. This photo of mine was taken _ stood the famous Eastern Bright Pearl in Shanghai.A. which B. in which C. where D. there35. He is neither_ European, nor_ American. He is from_ Australia.A.a; a; / B.a; an; the C.a; an; / D.an; an; /2单项选择【2】第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.- Do you know Uncle Tom is crazy about gardening?-Sure. He _ his flowers in the garden now.A. may be watering B. must be watering C. could look after D. ought to watch22._ the temperature falling so rapidly, we couldnt go on with the experience.A. Since B. With C. As D. For23. Id love _ to your party last Sunday if not because of the unexpected guests.A. to go B. going C. having gone D.to have gone24. -Will you two go to the show tomorrow?-No. Were going to a lecture, or at least Im planning _.A. it B. to C. that D. so25. The rescue team _to help but failed to get there in time.A. had wanted B. have planned C. were expecting D. hoped26.1 havent got a single _from Aunt Mary since I last saw her.A. advice B. news C. message D. information27.-Is it Pro. King that will give the lecture on radiation?- I cant _ I know it for sure.A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk28. “No, no “, he whispered,_ talking to himself.A. while B. even if C. as if D. when29. - Any phone call for me?- Yes._ telephoned 10 minutes ago.A. A Doctor Simpson B. The certain doctor C. The Tim Smith D. A Simpson Doctor30. _ is mentioned above, the number of the cattle here has been limited to 200.A. It B. Which C. That D. As31. -Would you please give him the paper the moment he _?- No problem.A. arrives B. appearing C. came D. reaches32.I wonder _ we can solve this hard problem.A. what else B. how else C. that D. as if33.- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the bank?-Oh, thats _, its either the second or the third road on the left.A. the difficult one B. a hard one C. an easy one D. the very one34. The newly-founded company is faced with lots of trouble, _ the financial problem ia not the worst.A. which B. of which C. to whom D. with which35. To his surprise, his new play well _ by the public in China, met a cold welcome abroad.A. received B. accepted C. accepting D. receiving单项选择【3】第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.- _ at the new school?3- Fine, Ive got used to the life there and Ive made some friends.A. How are you B. How are you doingC. Are you getting on well D. How do you do22. -Mary has a very low opinion of George.-It can t be any worse than _ of her.A. he B. his C. him D. he does23. Ill be home late, but please dont stay _ for me.A. up B. in C. over D. on24.- What are you going to do next?- To write a science story about outer space _ by Science and Technology Press.A. published B. being published C. to be published D. publishing25. -How do you like the film?-There was nothing special- it was only _.A. average B. usual C. normal D. common26. In salad bars the waiter does not bring
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