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20132013 中南远程教育第二学期英语考题与答案中南远程教育第二学期英语考题与答案1. University is not as good as (?). (1 分)A.expected B.expecting C.being expected D.having expected 答案: A2. He played the violin well and (?) from all the other musicians. (1 分)A.stood up B.stood by C.stood for D.stood out 答案: D3. Its so warm now, and its (?) much colder than this in January here. (1 分)A.normally B.merely C.hardly D.rarely 答案: A4. He (?) from the other members of his party on that issue. (1 分)A.varies B.differs C.disagrees D.disapproves 答案: B5. (?) his mother, he did the best in the reading test. (1 分)A.Because B.Since C.With the help of D.As 答案:C 6. I (?) ping-pong quite well, but I havent had time to play since last year. (1 分)A.will play B.have played C.play D.played 答案:C 7. I must (?) being late this morning. (1 分) A.apologize to B.apologize for C.say sorry to D.feel bad for 答案: B 8. This is the first (?) store built in this city. (1 分) A.apartments B.apartment C.department D.compartment 答案: C 9. Last week we (?) to the restaurant in the new hotel. (1 分)A.go B.have gone C.went D.are going 答案: C 10. What do you think of this kind of TV set which (?) in Shanghai? (1 分)A.is made B.makes C.is making D.made 答案: A 11. If you think you have a medical problem, (?) professional help from your local family doctor. (1 分)A.seek B.visit C.employ D.discover 答案: A 12. She is very (?) to others judgment. (1 分) A.sensible B.effective C.sensitive D. careful 答案:C 13. University is not as good as (?). (1 分) A.expected B.expecting C.being expected D.having expected 答案: A 14. She felt (?) by many letters of support. (1 分) A.praised B.discouraged C.encouraged D.educated 答案: C 15. Since the founding of the new China, the Chinese government has done a lot to improve the (?) situation. (1 分)A.achievement B.human rights C.arms D.peace 答案: B 16. Its very (?) of you to hold the door open for the lady. (1 分)A.easy B.polite C.lovely D.lively 答案: B 17. He stood there motionless and (?) at the natural beauty of the se (1 分)A.in wonder B.in doubt C.in question D.in trouble 答案: A 18. The factory was closed for failing to (?) government safety regulations. (1 分)A.follow to B.following C.comply with D.comply to 答案: C 19. “I am very happy to (?) you.” The girl said to her new friends. (1 分)A.join B. join in C.join to D.join up 答案: A 20. If other means fail, they will (?) to force. (1 分)A.sort B.resort C.depend D.rely 答案: B 21. He cried loudly because he felt (?). (1 分) A.lonely B.alone C.unluckily D.luckily 答案: A 22. The teacher told me the earth (?) around the sun (1 分) A.move B.moves C.will move D.have moved 答案: B 23. The (?) practice in such cases is to apply for a court order. (1 分)A.medium B.average C.overall D.general 答案: D 24. This is the first (?) store built in this city. (1 分)A.apartments B.apartment C.department D.compartment 答案: C 25. If you think you have a medical problem, (?) professional help from your local family doctor. (1 分)A.seek B.visit C.employ D.discover 答案: A 26. I thought Jim would say something about his school report, but he (?) it. (1 分)A.doesnt mention B.didnt mention C.hasnt mentioned D.havent mentioned 答案: B 27. He is not very clever, so he decided to work hard to (?) it. (1 分)A.set up B. put up C.make up for D.take up 答案: C 28. When you are training a dog, make sure that its good (?) is rewarded. (1 分)A.flavor B.savor C.behaviour D.favor 答案: C 29. He encouraged us not to be afraid of (?) mistakes to others even to the teachers. (1 分)A.pointing at B.picking up C.pointing out D.pointing to 答案: C 30. Surfing the internet for information helps us a lot with our life, but playing too much PC games is (?). (1 分)A.priceless B.worthy C.worthless D.costly 答案:C 二. 未知题型 (共 52 题,共 70 分)1. Faces, like fingerprints are unique. Did you 1(?) wonder how it is possible for us to 2(?) people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the 3(?) that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child4(?) an animal, such as a catcan learn to recognize faces. We all 5(?) this ability for granted.We also tell people 6(?) by observing how they behave. When we talk about someones personality, we mean the 7(?) in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks or feels that 8(?) that individual different from others.Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someones personality 9(?) words is somewhat easier than 10(?) his face. (10 分)(1) 1 (1 分) A.sometimes B.ever C.always D.anytime 答案: B (2) 2 (1 分) A.hear B.locate C.know D.recognize 答案: D (3) 3 (1 分) A.features B.symptoms C.forms D.functions 答案: A (4) 4 (1 分) A.or even B.and also C.and then D.and too 答案: A (5) 5 (1 分) A.have B.take C.use D.regard 答案: B (6) 6 (1 分) A.about B.apart C.from D.with 答案: B (7) 7 (1 分) A.attitudes B.means C.ways D.patterns 答案: C (8) 8 (1 分) A.has made B.a
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