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Packing 包装包装1. Id like to have a look at the pack. Have you got any sample?我想看看包装,有样品吗?2. We usually pack the goods in cardboard boxes,100 boxes to one carton.我们通常用纸盒包装货物,一百盒装一纸箱。3. We want the garments to be packed for window display。我们要求服装的包装便于橱窗陈列。4. The outer packing is suitable for long-distance ocean transportation。外包装是适合长途海运的。5. Packing charge is already included in the price 。包装费用已经包括在价格中。6. Packing charge is already about 5% of the total cost of the goods。包装费大约占货物总成本的 5%。7. The charge of packing are usually borne by buyers。包装费用通常是有买方负担的。8. How much will the new packing add to the cost price?用新包装成本费用要增加多少?9. The packing material you require will be imported on your own account。贵公司所要求的包装材料将由贵公司自己去进口。10.Usually we use two language on labelsEnglish and Chinese。通常我们在标签上使用两种语言,英语和汉语。11.We use the neutral packing as you required。根据贵公司的要求,我们使用中性包装。12.Bar codes should be marked on the inner packing。条形码应该标在内包装上。13.You must mark “Handle With Care ”on the face of the box。贵公司必须在箱子上面注明“小心轻放”Dialogue 1:A: Now lets come to the packing.现在我们来谈包装。B: We use customary packing。Its included in the price。我们使用惯用的包装。费用已经包括在价格中。A: How much is it?费用是多少B: Its about 5% of the total cost of the goods。大约占货物总成本的 5%。A: How much will the new packing add to the cost?用新包装成本要增加多少?B: It will be another 2%which should be borne by you。在增加2%,由贵公司负担。A:I agree。我同意B: And you should also be responsible for the import of the new material。但贵公司应负责新材料的进口。 Dialogue 2:A: Id like to have a look at the pack。Have you got any sample?我想看看包装。有样品吗?B: Here are our cardboard boxes,100boxes to one carton.这是我们的纸盒,一百盒装一纸箱。A: Wed like you to pack the cardboard boxes in wooden cases。我们要求贵公司用木箱装这些东西。B: Why use wooden cases?Cartons are suitable for long-distance ocean transportation 。为什么用木箱呢?纸板箱是适合长途海运的A: But wooden cases are strong enough to stand rough handling at the ports。但木箱很坚实,足以承受得住港口的粗暴的装卸。B: All right ,but you should bear the extra cost due to the replacement。贵公司应承担因替换包装材料而造成的额外费用。
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