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浅谈高考英语书面表达策略浅谈高考英语书面表达策略 不论是记叙文还是说明文,不论是议论文还是应用文,高考书面表达的要求是:内容充实,要点全面;语言丰富,文字优美;行文连贯,思路清晰,过渡自然。笔者曾两次参加过北京地区英语高考阅卷工作。从阅卷的情况来看,教师们更多地是从整体上或者说从宏观上把握整篇文章,比较侧重于语言文字的运用。考试说明要求考生用浅显、通俗易懂的文字来表达自己的意思。可以这么说,考生只需要把平时自己在课本上出现的(尤其是每一个单元的对话),课堂上老师讲过的,加上自己课外获得的知识反映出来就达到了要求。笔者认为,考生只需要把相当于小学三四年级的汉语作文翻译成英文就可以了!英语作文毕竟与汉语作文不同,无论从深度广度上说,还是从难度上说,前者与后者是不可比拟的。要在写作中获取一个比较理想的分数,考生应该从以下几个方面入手(重点讨论行文和文字的运用):首先,考生要明确考试的写作要求(主要是文字型、图画型和图表型三种类型),对写什么(作文内容或要点),怎么写(行文和语言)有一个清醒的思路(have a clear picture in mind)。从阅卷的情况来看,很多考生在没有认真思考的情况下,就动笔写,在写作过程中或者在检查的时候发现一些错误,不得不进行修改,由于考试中禁止使用涂改液和胶条,于是多处用圆珠笔或钢笔涂改,严重影响卷面整洁,并因此影响到考生的最后得分。其次,考生应该从谴词造句角度多下功夫。从词语上,尽可能地运用已经学过的而且比较熟练的词组、短语或成语;考生可以在使用动词、非谓语动词、副词和词语活用等方面多用笔墨;从句式上,力求变换各种句式,如强调句、倒装句、省略句、感叹句、各种从句和固定句型等,长句和短句交错使用。英语和汉语中都有一词多义的现象,对于同样的一个汉语句子,我们也可以用“一句多译”的方式处理。具体地说,在写作的时候,对于一个具体的中文句子考生应该在尽可能短的时间内尽快地把相应的英语句子用多种方法翻译出来(brainstorming),然后从这若干个句子中找出考生本人认为最佳句子来表达自己的意思。其实,这种句子别的考生也许学过,只是在当时没有回忆起或想起来罢了,谁能够在这里“求新求异”,谁就能够获得一个满意的分数。另外,这样做,可能有些句子别的同学根本就没有见到过,那么,相比之下有这种语言驾驭能力的考生自然就获得高分。请看下面四个例子。例一:比较各组句子的表达效果。 I went to school by bike yesterday.I biked to school yesterday. I didnt go to the concert yesterday evening because of the heavy rain.The heavy rain prevented me from going to the concert yesterday evening. Mozart liked music very much when he was young.When very young, Mozart devoted most of time to music. It rained hard on our way home.The heavy rain kissed us on our way home.例二:使用多种表达方式。“他昨天下午五点钟才来。”He came here at 5 p.m. yesterday. (一般句式)He did not come here until/ till 5 p.m. yesterday. (否定句式)Not until 5 p.m. did he come here yesterday. (倒装句)It was not until/ till 5 p.m. that he came here yesterday. (强调句)It was not until/ till it was 5 p.m. that he came here yesterday. (强调句)例三:使用多种表达方式。“昨天他生病了,没有上学。”(1) 使用并列句和复合句He was ill so he didnt go to school yesterday. (并列句)He was not quite himself yesterday so he didnt attend the class. (并列句)He fell ill and therefore he failed to attend the class yesterday. (并列句)He was so badly sick that he failed to go to school yesterday. (结果状从)He suffered from such an illness that he didnt come to class yesterday. (结果状从)He was absent from class yesterday because he got sick. (原因状从)As he was ill yesterday, he failed to go to school. (原因状从)That he didnt attend the class yesterday resulted from his illness. (主语从句)His illness showed/ suggested that he couldnt go to school yesterday. (宾语从句)The reason why he was absent from class yesterday was that he fell ill. (定从/表从)The reason that he was absent from class yesterday was because he fell ill. (同位从/表从)The fact that he failed to attend the class yesterday was because he was sick. (同位从/表从)(2) 使用非谓语动词He was too sick to attend the class yesterday. (动词不定式)His being sick led to his absence from class yesterday. (动名词)His not attending the class was in that he was ill. (动名词)His being unable to attend the class yesterday was due to his illness. (动名词)Being sick/ ill, he was absent from class yesterday. (现在分词)(3) 短语、词组、固定搭配His illness prevented/ kept/ stopped him from attending the class yesterday.His being sick led to his absence from class yesterday.His absence from class yesterday resulted from his being ill.That he missed his class yesterday came/ derived from his ailment.His illness resulted in his failing to attend the class yesterday.He attributed his absence from class to his illness yesterday.He missed his class yesterday for his illness.He failed to come to class yesterday was due to his illness.Because of/ On account of/ Owing to his ailment, he failed to attend the class.His illness/ ailment cost him not to come to class yesterday.But for his sickness, he would have attended the class yesterday.He suffered from such an illness that he didnt come to class yesterday.(4) 特殊句型It was his illness that cost him not to attend the class yesterday. (强调句)It was because he was in poor health that he failed to go to school yesterday. (强调句)Had he not been ill, he would have attended the class yesterday. (倒装/虚拟)But for his having been sick, he would have attended the class yesterday. (虚拟)But that he had been ill, he would have not missed the class yesterday. (虚拟)(5) 其他表达方式Badly/ Very ill, he didnt go to school yesterday. (形容词短语作原状)With his sickness/ ailment, he failed to go to school yesterday. (介词短语作原状)例四:使用多种表达方式。“下班以后,他匆匆忙忙回家。”He hurried to leave his office for his home after work. (动词作谓语)After work, he left his office, hurrying home. (现在分词作伴随状语)As soon as he finished his work, he left his office and hurried home. (动词作谓语)The moment he finished his task, he went home in a hurry. (名词做介词宾语)Having accomplished his task, he arrived home hurriedly. (副词作状语)After he completed his task, he got home in a hurried way. (形容词作定语)必须指出的是,考生一定不要片面追求花哨文字,弄巧成拙,拼凑一些连外国人都看不懂的英语词句,结果自然是错误百出,使自己的实际成绩大打折扣。建议考生在平时有意识地作一些针对性的练习。再次,行文连贯是阅卷教师比较看重的一个方面。为了使文章结构严密和行文连贯,考生应该在句子与句子之间,甚至段落与段落之间,恰当地使用一些过渡性词语。常见的类型有:表并列或递进:and, also, as well as, as well, bothand, eitheror, not onlybut(also), not merely but (also) , neithernor, etc.表列举:for example, for ins
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