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美联英语提供:英语阅读:你会拿一直都很消极的人怎么办?小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http:/www.meten.com/?tid=16-73374-0Most mornings as I leave the Y after my swim and shower, I cross paths with a coterie of toddlers entering with their caregivers for a kid-oriented activity. I cant resist saying hello, requesting a high-five, and wishing them a fun time. I leave the Y grinning from ear to ear, uplifted not just by my own workout but even more so by my interaction with these darling representatives of the next generation.大多数早上,游完泳、冲完澡的我离开基督教青年会时,都会穿过满是蹒跚学步的幼儿的小径,他们被看护人带到这里,参加一个面向儿童的活动。我禁不住要向他们问好,请他们跟我击掌,并祝他们玩得愉快。我离开时总是满面笑容,精神振奋,这不仅仅因为我刚刚锻炼了身体,更重要的是,我和下一代人的这些可爱代表互动了一番。What a great way to start the day!能以这样的方式开始每一天,真是太棒了!When I told a fellow swimmer about this experience and mentioned that I was writing a column on the health benefits of positive emotions, she asked, “What do you do about people who are always negative?” She was referring to her parents, whose chronic negativity seems to drag everyone down and make family visits extremely unpleasant.当我跟一同游泳的一个伙伴说起上述体验,并提及我正在写一篇关于积极情绪对健康有什么好处的专栏文章时,她问, “你会拿一直都很消极的人怎么办?”她指的是她的父母,长期主导着他们的消极情绪似乎会把每个人拉下水,让探亲过程不愉快到极点。I lived for half a century with a man who suffered from periodic bouts of depression, so I understand how challenging negativism can be. I wish I had known years ago about the work Barbara Fredrickson, a psychologist at the University of North Carolina, has done on fostering positive emotions, in particular her theory that accumulating “micro-moments of positivity,” like my daily interaction with children, can, over time, result in greater overall well-being.我和一个因抑郁症不时发作而遭受折磨的男人共同生活过 50 年,很能明白消极情绪会带来多大的挑战。我真希望自己多年前就了解北卡罗来纳大学(University of North Carolina)的心理学家芭芭拉弗雷德里克森(Barbara Fredrickson)在培养积极情绪方面做的工作,尤其是她的这样一个理论:“激发积极情绪的微瞬间”不断累积,假以时日,会让整体健康状况得到改善。我和孩子们每天的交流就属于这种微瞬间。The research that Dr. Fredrickson and others have done demonstrates that the extent to which we can generate positive emotions from even everyday activities can determine who flourishes and who doesnt. More than a sudden bonanza of good fortune, repeated brief moments of positive feelings can provide a buffer against stress and depression and foster both physical and mental health, their studies show.弗雷德里克森以及其他人开展的研究表明,我们可以在多大程度上从日常活动中获得积极情绪,决定着我们能不能活得健康快乐。他们的研究显示,比起突然交上一次好运,反复出现的那些激发积极情绪的短暂时刻,可以更好地缓冲压力和抑郁,增进身心健康。This is not to say that one must always be positive to be healthy and happy. Clearly, there are times and situations that naturally result in negative feelings in the most upbeat of individuals. Worry, sadness, anger and other such “downers” have their place in any normal life. But chronically viewing the glass as half-empty is detrimental both mentally and physically and inhibits ones ability to bounce back from lifes inevitable stresses.这并不是说,一个人要健康快乐,就必须一直都很积极。显然,有些时刻和情况会自然而然地让最乐观的人产生消极感受。忧虑、悲伤、愤怒以及其他类似的“沮丧之情”存在于每一个普通人的生命中。但总是看到杯子只剩下一半水,不仅有碍身心健康,还会抑制一个人顶住生活中不可避免的压力、重焕生机的能力。Negative feelings activate a region of the brain called the amygdala, which is involved in processing fear and anxiety and other emotions. Dr. Richard J. Davidson, a neuroscientist and founder of the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin Madison, has shown that people in whom the amygdala recovers slowly from a threat are at greater risk for a variety of health problems than those in whom it recovers quickly.负面情绪会激活脑部一个名为杏仁核的区域,它与恐惧、焦虑等情绪的处理有关。威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin Madison)健康心灵研究中心(Center for Healthy Minds)创始人、神经科学家理查德J戴维森(Richard J. Davidson)博士发现,遇到威胁后杏仁核平复较慢的人,会比杏仁核平复较快的那些人面临更大的出现各种健康问题的风险。Both he and Dr. Fredrickson and their colleagues have demonstrated that the brain is “plastic,” or capable of generating new cells and pathways, and it is possible to train the circuitry in the brain to promote more positive responses. That is, a person can learn to be more positive by practicing certain skills that foster positivity.戴维森、弗雷德里克森以及他们的同事开展的研究表明,大脑具有“弹性” ,或者说可以产生新细胞和通路,我们有可能通过训练脑回路来催生更为积极的反应。也就是说,一个人可以通过使用培养积极情绪的特定技巧,学着变得更积极。For example, Dr. Fredricksons team found that six weeks of training in a form of meditation focused on compassion and kindness resulted in an increase in positive emotions and social connectedness and improved function of one of the main nerves that helps to control heart rate. The result is a more variable heart rate that, she said in an interview, is associated with objective health benefits like better control of blood glucose, less inflammation and faster recovery from a heart attack.例如,弗雷德里克森的团队发现,开展为期六周的慈悲与仁爱冥想训练,会让人产生更多积极情绪,增进社会联络,并改善一种帮助控制心率的重要神经的功能。她接受采访时说,其结果是心率变异度更高,而这牵涉到一些健康方面的客观好处,比如血糖得到更好的控制,减少炎症,以及在心脏病发作后更快地恢复。Dr. Davidsons team showed that as little as two weeks training in compassion and kindness meditation generated changes in brain circuitry linked to an increase in positive social behaviors like generosity.戴维森的团队发现,即便只进行为期两周的慈悲与仁爱冥想训练,也可以让脑回路发生有助于增进慷慨等积极社会行为的改变。“The results suggest that taking time to learn the skills to self-generate positive emotions can hel
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