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5摘 要预应力混凝土简支 T 形梁桥由于其具有外形简单,制造方便,结构受力合理,主梁高跨比小,横向借助横隔梁联结,结构整体性好,桥梁下部结构尺寸小和桥型美观等优点,目前在公路桥梁工程中应用非常广泛。在本次毕业设计方法选用时,主梁就选用了后张法预应力混凝土简支 T 形梁。在本次设计中,首先进行了桥型方案的比选,确定简支梁桥方案后,就其进行了结构设计,设计的主要内容有:拟定截面尺寸;计算控制截面的设计内力及其相应的组合值;估算预应力钢筋的数量并对其进行布置;计算主梁截面的几何特征值;计算预应力损失值;正截面和斜截面的承载力复核;正常使用极限状态下构件抗裂性及变形验算;持久状态下和短暂状态下构件截面应力验算。接着进行了简单的施工方法设计,包括施工前的准备,主要分项工程的施工方法设计,冬季和雨季的施工安排以及施工过程中的环境保护措施等。关键词:预应力,T 形梁,方案比选,结构设计,施工方法6ABSTRACTPrestressed concrete T-shaped girder bridges are of many advantages. They have simple outlines and can be fabricated easily. The forces that act on their structures are reasonable.The ratio of height of girders to span of girders is small. In landscape orientation the girders are connected by intersecting girders. Therefore the whole structure is of good entirety. And there are still many other merits, such as small size of infrastructure, the beauty of this type of bridge and so on. Because of these advantages the PC T-shaped girder bridges are now widely applied in highway bridge projects. In the process of the design method of the paper. Posttensioning prestressed concrete T-shaped girder is chosen as the main girder of the bridge. In the process of the design of the bridge, the comparison of different types of bridge is done firstly. After the comfirmation of the type of the bridge, the design of the structure is done, including confirming the size of cross sections, calculating the design forces of restraining sections and combining them according to The Criterion, estimating the amount of prestressed steels and arranging them, calculating the geometrical traits of cross sections of girders, calculating the loss of prestress, checking the carrying capacity of cross sections, check computations of the anticrack capacity of the structure and deformation in the ultimate state of normal use, and the stress of cross section respectively in the state of lasting load and in the state of temporary load. After all the work, next is the design of construction method. It includes the preparation before construction, the design of construction method of small projects, the arrangements of construction in the rainy season and in winter, the measurements of protecting environment in the process of construction.KEY WORDS: prestress,T-shaped girder; comparion of different schemes,the design of the structure,construction method7目 录第一章 编制方案的原则与比选 11 11 基本原则 11 12 比选依据1113 简支梁桥方案 11 14 T 形刚构桥方 案11 15 连续梁桥方 案11 16 方案比 较11第二章 设计资料及构造布置 13 21 设计资 料13 22 横截面布 置13 23 横截面沿跨长的变 化16 24 横隔梁布 置17第三章 主梁作用效应计算 17 31 永久作用效应计 算17 32 可变作用效应计算(修正刚性横梁法) 18 33 主梁作用效应组合 25第四章 预应力钢束的估算和确定 26 41 跨中截面钢束的估算和确定 2642 预应力钢束布置 287第五章 计算主梁截面几何特性 31 51 截面面积及惯矩计算 31 52 截面净矩计 算34 53 截面几何特性汇总 38第六章 钢束预应力损失值 39 61 预应力钢束与管道壁之间的磨擦引起的预应力损 失39 62 由锚具变形、钢束回缩引起的损 失40 63 混凝土弹性压缩引起的损 失41 64 由钢束应力松弛引起的预应力损失 4 7 65 混凝土收缩和徐变引起的预应力损 失47 6.6 成桥后张拉 N4 号钢束混凝土弹性压缩引起的预应力损失 5 0 67 预加力计算及钢束预应力损失汇总 57第七章主梁截面承载力预应力验算 58 71 持久状况承载能力极限状态承载力验算 58 72 持久状况正常使用极限状态抗裂验算 60 73 持久状况构件的应力验算 67 74 短暂状况构件的应力验算 75第八章 主梁端部的局部承压验算 77 81 局部承压区的截面尺寸验算 77 82 局部抗压承载力验算 789第九章主梁变形验算 79 91 计算由预加力引起的跨中反拱度 79 92 计算由荷载引起的跨中挠度 82 93 结构刚度验算 82 94 预拱度的设置 82第十章横隔梁算 83 101 确定作用在跨中横隔梁上的可变作 用83 102 跨中横隔梁的作用效应影响 线8410.3 截面作用效应计 8 6 104 截面配筋计算 87第十一章 行车道板计算 88 111 悬臂板荷载效应计算 88 112 连续板荷载效应计算 90 113 截面设计、配筋与承载力验算93第十二章 支座计算 94 121 选用支座的平面尺寸 9 4 122 确定支座的厚度 9 5 123 验算支座的偏转 9 5 124 验算支座的抗滑稳定性 9 6第十三章 设计资料 96131 设计标准及上部构造
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