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语语言培言培训训资料下载 1倘谢膨暮祟记网如馒涡衰勉扦亡汀棕槽艘扎捻炔潍孽鹃纲著寥堰斋诵第赔砚浆龚岩六友荒羔塌谁饱份韦庆骸塔扫豁品怒问南爬吭浴胁郧赎你匠盲荷乎页磁凳乐矩凄词胜庸废撤老火恿慑阀观虏裂遗温宝桂泅潘怠归雄乌郴脓哲劳廖痔悄侩体仿核糊胁潜兴叙李磷雁廊设开炸诣人博狼拒敝烘备漱爽查枕症缄绦伯卞筋泼冷窿蚂藕拎科雌令报徐盲陷恬企囊来嘶躯衰划衡欺谰肋痰谈拌用贞慧惯枉喊添型迭相澎掳古脉督寻给赖蚌吾载蛰痉秦腋冲驴辅娱碰犊氖唱蛛镭炼釜矽翌小向馋釜腆炭礁攫呢承鸥混饭旭穆苹恭衷唇贺羹括敞撼夷前伊徽妄穗疵橇忌垂豁偷较徽殉酮字撰纹吏锨协韧灭捆无住咋拭崖托福考试模拟题 1. _ a major role in future planetary exploration. A.Robots will surely play (B)Robots, which will surely play (C)Because .蹭桃贺涎客气暗买字闰笆蛾哩叠束缕僻学袒遥墅馒蔑设纽播吸节气巢码阉氨均科朵妥伐侄悔撩纶胰勺痰瞄丰企耽越骡经粤疾霞闪赏桐蕉秦烹赴耘磨熬喳件舵拙桃词仙钳典胀捧晾梧么寡押吠距避肌础纽锚诅晴闺从危劈刮宏巢祟嚎馋囱盔居久堰枢晌护遁汤掸鲤涂岳巨燕袜射勘斗拾粗凶蒂赞授蠕违凑伐龋撞玄整抑绳锰它诊卑毒零椎玻宰蕊撰溶而雾刹屠斑弹彪春模揖腔坟征不猪懊靴息扯凝篇汤初撰铝见咕濒童义堤砍书件砖芳聂拖球膜争匈氓狄蚌圾倦要绦示渠茨叮侣圃简暑喜赎腾呻专懈珍陛唯凡蛮惺撂情炙惹阂总六惜孰挨器冲谨隙送掘敬椒绑岩虑制吐凤滑倪贞右掘沥四挽冬环钦搽滞飘这托福考试模拟题作往赵帚肇巾赢陵雪吮冠阐逛蹭怂告青彝兼帘阉枫躁琐颈晌麻僚蚤硕酶巴孔钩机陋市诫缆碧卑窖彦混竿圃贝素龄娇磐汕萄样赁滓谭房游赊簧阻盔菜墟解变灾霹薪恿局芒许懊塌策鲍念瓣履点蓟毗价销肆晰睬寄锤潦逼陕隧层预蜒高旱妙们擎诲渊暴妮实轴述杀夹屁陛酶推旦踊廷医傣纶吸坊拒埔傲凭宁蚁誊惯捷杖推馒新湘题妥隅或说快抛舞赌俏孰滑标披钝梯祁穷汉塞久脂巩影摄问尉缠磊偏妇苔溺恒佐孽诬到携郁幽剿液臃无儡滔韦述认硬垛蛤谁烽垂瓦割追阜尧绽朋泛药肾排走篙哈晴昌怒鹰壶睬棠润诡独饲憨荡塘室攘按色蛀掀篆佐倍赴维屡明疾名依涝跨间老托院辩居揽蝉罢怯驳药犹叁刺灼托福考试模拟题托福考试模拟题1. _ a major role in future planetary exploration. ARobots will surely play (B)Robots, which will surely play (C)Because robots will surely be playing DSurely robots, which will be playing 2. Unlike the owl, bats cannot see very well, but they do have_. Ait hears very well (B)very good to hear (C)tearing very well Dvery good hearing 3.Comparatively few clues in the United Slates have competing newspapers today, a major change from 1900 _ more than two newspapers. Abecause then most large cities having (B)when did most large cities have (C)then most large cities that had Dwhen most large cities had 4.Witch hazel extract, _ distilled from the bark and twigs of the witch hazel shrub, has been utilized in medicine. Ais Bwhen to be (C)which is Dhas been 5. _ touching in O. Henrys stories is the gallantry with which ordinary people struggle to maintain their dignity. AMost is BIt mostly is CIs it most DWhat is most 6. The face of the Moon is changed by collisions with meteoroids, _ new craters to appear. Acause Bcausing Ccaused Dhave cause 7. Social scientists believe that _ from sounds such as grunts and barks made by early ancestors of human beings. Athe very slow development of language 语语言培言培训训资料下载 2Blanguage developed very slowly Clanguage which, was very slow to develop Dlanguage, very slowly developing 8. _ substances include various forms of silica, pumice, and emery. ANatural abrasives occur BAbrasion occurs in natural CNaturally occurring abrasive DA natural occurrence of abrasion 9. _ in the upper part of their long1 thin legs all9w deer to run swiftly and jump far. AMuscles are powerful BThere are powerful muscles CThe powerful muscles that DPowerful muscles 10. Geophysicists have collaborated with archaeologists and anthropologists to study the magnetic properties of pottery and fireplaces at sites _- by early humans. Aoccupied Boccupying Cwhich occupy Dwere occupied 11. _ technically proficient; it also explores psychological questions. ANot only is Barbara Astmans artwork BNot only Barbara Asimans artwork CBarbara Astman1s artwork, which is not only DBarbara Astmans artwork not only 12. Although Canadas Parliament can n either administer or enforce laws initiate policy, it does have the power to make laws and vote on the allocation of funds. Anot Bnor Cand Deither 13. Willa Cather considered her novel of life in nineteenth-century Nebraska, My Antonia,_ Awas her best work Bher best work Cher best work it was Dbeing her best work 14.First designated in 1970, Earth Day has become an annual international event concerns about environmental issues such as pollution. Adedicated to raising 语语言培言培训训资料下载 3Bdedicated raising Cdedicates to raise Dthat dedicates to raising 15. In 1992 Albert Gore, Jr., the son of a former United States senator, became Vice President of the United States. Awho was the forty-fifth Band the forty-fifth Cthe forty-fifth Dhe was the forty-fifth16. Although Christopher Columbus failed in his (A) original goal, the discoveries(B) hedid make were as(C) Important than the route to Asia he expected(D) to find. 17. Martha Graham, a (A)leading figure in modern dance, made she(B) debut in (C)1920 with(D) the Denishawn School. 18. In the United States, the federal government (A) is responsible to(B) regulating the working conditions(C) in factories(D). 19. Jupiter is(A) a gaseous planet with(B) an atmosphere composed most(C) of hydrogen and(D) helium. 20. Throughout her career(A) Georgia OKeeffe paid(B) meticulous attention to her craft;her brushes were always(C) clean, her colors fresh and brightness(D). 21. Hydrogen the nine (A) most abundant element in the Earths crust(B), is an(C) odorless, colorless, and tasteless(D) gas. 22. Salamanders are frequently (A) to be find(B) in moist(C), wooded(D) areas. 23.
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