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阅读教学案例阅读教学案例 2: Module 9 Story timeUnit 2 Goldilocks rushed out of the house大连市西岗中学 苏宏芸 学生年级:学生年级:初中一年级 教学内容:教学内容:外研版新标准英语初中一年级下 Module 9 Unit 2 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 1.本模块题材为童话故事, 各单元内容由一个童话故事贯穿,内容和情节都很符合这一年 龄段学生的兴趣,语言简单易懂, 描写细致生动, 非常有利于开展听、说、读、写方面 的语言实践活动,让学生在使用语言的过程中学习语言,促使学生更有意识地自觉学习 英语。 2.语法重点是动词的一般过去时句子的用法, 并能学会描述一个完整的故事或一件事情。 通过操练,使学生在掌握语言结构的同时,既学习语言知识,感悟语言功能,又能欣赏到美 丽的童话故事。 3.本模块的难点是掌握动词过去式的形式和逐步形成正确使用一般过去时的意识。 4.第二单元为阅读教学主要内容是通过 “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”的童 话故事的学习,加深对故事的理解,并学会如何引入故事及使用一般过去时。教学中 教师应随时随地以童话故事的情节吸引学生,灵活利用各种素材组织教学过程和内容, 充分调动学生的积极性并鼓励学生多读些简写的英文童话故事。 二、教学目标二、教学目标 1. 语言知识: 能够拼写并正确运用下列词汇 try, destroy, unhappy, asleep, return, cry, without, point at,look around ; 能够准确掌握规则动词 want,walk,destroy,point,hurry 的一般过去式的拼写 及读音2. 语言技能: 能读懂简单的童话故事,明白其中的主要人物,事件以及情节的先后顺序,如 first, next, then and finally。能用规则动词的一般过去式叙述简单的事情。3. 文化意识和情感态度:通过尝试阅读一些简写的英文童话故事,了解世界不同地方的风俗习惯,从而拓展视野, 感受到英语学习的乐趣,并乐于通过其他资源获取更多简单英语的,从而进一步习得语言。三、教学步骤三、教学步骤 Experience:Experience: 感知语言感知语言Step1Step1 Lead-in 操作方式 播放 Disney 童话的音乐故事作为课前热身,感受纯正的英语童话故事.为本堂课营造一个很好学习英语的氛围。学生通过事先上网查找资料,了解东 西方童话故事并回答如下问题:WhatWhat fairyfairy taletale dodo youyou likelike best?best? WhatWhat isis itit about?about? WhatWhat happenshappens inin thethe end?end? WhyWhy dodo youyou likelike thethe story?story? 环节点评: 通过 Disney 童话的音乐故事激发学生学习兴趣,调动学习积极性,为下一步教学的展 开做好铺垫。同时培养学生自主通过其他资源获取更多简单英语的童话故事,从而习 得语言的能力。 Step2Step2 Predict 操作方式温习 UNIT1 故事图片,通过前面的故事情节,预测童话故事“Goldilocks rushed out of the house”的结尾,然后学生小组活动,各自交流自己的 想法,并说出猜测理由。 T:Read the four possible next events given. What happened next in Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Work in groups and have a guess. II thinkthink GoldilocksGoldilocks decideddecided toto gogo home.home. SomebodySomebody walkedwalked intointo thethe house.house. PerhapsPerhaps sheshe stayedstayed inin thethe house.house. SheShe lookedlooked intointo thethe otherother rooms.rooms.环节点评: 培养学生预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局的能力,为接下来的阅读做了进一步的准备。Step3Step3 ScanScan操作方式 快速浏览全文,核对所做预测是否正确。 T:T: ReadRead thethe texttext veryvery quicklyquickly andand telltell meme ifif youyou getget thethe rightright prediction.prediction.环节点评:快速阅读,核查预测, 培养阅读技巧。Step4Step4 ReadRead thethe story.story. 操作方式 细读全文从细节上进一步理解短文,同时判断正误。T: Read the story again and decide which sentences are true individually, then check with a partner.1. Goldilocks didnt like the smallest chair.2. Goldilocks didnt like the smallest bed.3. Baby Bear didnt look in the bedroom.4. Baby Bear didnt notice the little girl in his bed at first.5. Goldilocks didnt notice the three Bears at first.6. Goldilocks didnt like the three bears.环节点评: 逐一阅读并分析文中提及的具体问题,锻炼学生仔细阅读获取有效信息的能力,通过 交流,互相学习,在老师的引导下,逐步形成好的正确的英语阅读方法。培养学生英语阅 读的策略。Practice 信息转换练:信息转换练:Step5Step5 FillFill inin thethe mindmind mapmap 操作方式 根据故事情节的先后顺序,填充 mind map。并根据已填入的信息复 述课文。F Fi in ni is sh h t th he e mmi in nd d mma ap pGoldilocks and the Three Bears.finallyfirstthennext环节点评:培养学生理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系,学会使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系。Step6Step6 LanguageLanguage practicepractice操作方式语法讲解,学习重点词汇用法,并练习巩固。Grammar focus:The two big chairs were uncomfortable. uncomfortable= un +comfortable Very soon she was asleep again. asleep 是形容词,表示“睡着的”意思. go to bed 是动词短语,表示动作“上床睡觉”,但不一定睡着.Im tired. Im going to bed. He fell asleep in the car. My chair is in pieces! Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed.She pointed at one of the things.My teacher pointed to the high mountains far away.Vocabulary y: to do something more quickly than usual because there is not much time _ to stretch out your finger to sb/sth in order to show sb where a person or thing is _ to come or go back from one place to another _ to damage sth so badly that it no longer works _Use a word in the text to replace the underlined partGoldilocks ran quickly out of the forest.The Little Bear saw Goldilocks in the small bed.The Three Bears went back home.Goldilocks broke the small chair and then went to bed.Goldilocks suddenly got out of bed and hurried out of the house.Vocabulary in use:return destroy point hurry up rush“Thats my mother,” she _at a photo on the wall and said.When did she _ home from the trip? _! Were going to be late. The fire _ the building completely. Weve got a lot of time; theres no need to _. 环节点评:巩固文中出现的生词,使学生正确掌握核心词汇,并进行运用性的操练。Use 模仿运用:模仿运用:Step7Step7 RetellRetell thethe storystory操作方式 要求学生根据已填入的信息复述课文,注意first, then, next, finally 四个词的使用。T: Read the text aloud and try to retell the story based on the mind map. Pay more attention to the using of the four words: first, then, next and finally.环节点评:在诵读和复述中加深理解,使学生学会描述一个完整的故事,让学生在使用语言的过程中学习语言。Step8Step8 ActivitiesActivities操作方式设置讨论任务,学生分小组讨论,任选其一: Suppose you are the Baby Bear, tell us what happened to you. Suppose you are Goldilocks, will you stay in the house or hurry out of it? Why? Can you make up another ending of the story?环节点评: 通过
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