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涧禾教育-高中阅读第 1 页 共 6 页2011 全国卷 CWhile small may be beautiful, tall is just plain uncomfortable it seems, particularly when it comes to staying in hotels and eating in restaurants. The Tall Persons Club Great Britain (TPCGB), which was formed six months ago to campaign for the needs of the tall, has turned its attention to hotels and restaurants. Beds that a heads that are too low, and restaurant tables with hardly any leg-room all make life difficult for those of above average height, it says. But it is not just the extra-tall whose needs are not being met. The average night of the population has been increasing yet the standard size of beds, doorways, and chairs has remained unchanged. “The bedding industry says a bed should be six inches larger than the person using it, so even a king-size bed at 66 (6 feet and 6 inches) is falling short for 25% of men, while the standard 63 bed caters for less than half of the male population.” said TPCGB president Phil Heinricy, “seven-foot beds would work fine.” Similarly, restaurant tables can cause no end of problems. Small tables, which mean the long- legged have to sit a foot or so away from them, are enough to make tall customers go elsewhere. Some have already taken note, however. At Queens Moat Houses Caledonian Hotel in Edinburgh, 66 beds are now put in as standard after requests for longer beds from taller visitors, particularly Americans. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇社会文化类的说明文。主要讲述的是在以小为美的年代,高的人有许多不便, 这些高的人正在向社会强烈要求,希望将一些产品和用具的尺寸进行加大,以满足他们的 需求。 64. What is the purpose of the TPCGB campaign? A. To provide better services. B. To rebuild hotels and restaurants. C. To draw public attention to the needs of the tall. D. To attract more people to become its members. 【解析】本题属于细节理解题中的事实细节题。考查根据文中某处的详细内容进行发问, 属于较易难度的题。考查高个子组织 TPCGP 成立的目的。文中第二段第二行指出“which was formed six months ago to campaign for the needs of the tall, has turned its attention to hotels and restaurants.”由此可知该组织成立的目的是为了满足高个子的需求 65. Which of the following might be a bed of proper length according to Phil Heinricy? A. 72B. 7C. 66D. 63 【解析】本题属于细节理解中的数字计算题。本题涉及根据文中细节内容对于数字的直接 考查,属于较易难度的题。本题考查在 Phil Heinricy 看来,一张床的合适长度应该为多少。 文中涉及的关于尺寸的数字较多,考生需要仔细查找相关信息,以免混淆。文中第四段第 三、四行提到了“Said TPCGB president Phil Heinricy, seven-foot beds would work fine.” 66. What may happen to restaurants with small tables? A. They may lose some customers. B. They may start businesses elsewhere. C. They have to find easy chairs to match the tables. D. They have to provide enough space for the long-legged.涧禾教育-高中阅读第 2 页 共 6 页【解析】本题属于推理判断题中的结论推理题。本题考查根据文中的语言来推断结论,作 者通过介绍,并未直接点明事实的结果,而让读者来判断,属于中等难度的题。本题要求 考生推测拥有小桌子的宾馆会发生什么。文中倒数第二段指出“Small tables, which mean the long-legged have to sit a foot or so away from them, are enough to make tall customers go elsewhere.”意思为,小桌子意味着腿长的人们不得不使他们的一只脚远离自己,这就足以 令高个子顾客另寻他处。 67. What change has already been made in a hotel in Edinburgh? A. Tall people pay more for larger beds. B. 66 beds have taken the place of 63 beds. C. Special rooms are kept for Americans. D. Guest rooms are standardized. 【解析】本题属于细节理解题中的事实细节题。本题针对文中某处的详细内容进行发问, 属于较易难度的题。本题考查在爱丁堡的宾馆已经做出了什么改变。文中最后一段对其进 行了介绍,指出 “66 beds are now put in as standard after requests for longer beds from taller visitors, particularly Americans.” 意思为,在人们要求为高个子游客提供更大的床之后,如 今的标准床的尺寸已经改为 66,而前面第四段也提到了曾经的标准尺寸为 63 【体裁】说明文 【话题】社会文化类 【难度】整篇文章难度适中。细节理解题占了绝大多数,文章结构清晰,主旨明确,需要 考生在做题时准确把握文章内容,并从中提取出准确信息。1. plain: adj./n. 没有图案的,一种颜色的;简单而普通的;容易看见、听见或理解的,没有图案的,一种颜色的;简单而普通的;容易看见、听见或理解的, 清楚的;不漂亮的;平原清楚的;不漂亮的;平原 Eg: She wore a plain blue dress. 她穿着一身素的蓝色连衣裙。Plain food. 普通的食物。She was a plain child. 她是个长相普通的孩子。 拓展词汇:拓展词汇: plainly: adv. 清楚地,显然清楚地,显然 Eg: They were plainly very angry. 他们显然十分生气。 2. particularly: adv. 尤其,特殊地,特别地尤其,特殊地,特别地 Eg: Im particularly tired today. 我今天特别累。I dont particularly like fish. 我不那么喜欢鱼。 拓展词汇:拓展词汇: particular: adj. 特定的;特别的,非一般的;讲究的,挑剔的特定的;特别的,非一般的;讲究的,挑剔的 Eg: I remembered a particular story about a postman who was a murderer. 我记得有个故事, 讲的是一个邮递员杀人的事情。Particular emphasis will be placed on oral language training. 将会特别强调口语训练。Ted was very particular about the colors he used. 特德在用色上非常讲究。 相关词组:相关词组: in particular: 尤其,特别尤其,特别 Eg: The situation in Ethiopia in particular is worrying.埃塞俄比亚的局势尤其令人担忧。 Why should he notice her car in particular? 他为什么会特别注意到她的车?涧禾教育-高中阅读第 3 页 共 6 页3. campaign: n./v. (社会、政治)运动,活动;发起运动,开展活动;(包括一系列战(社会、政治)运动,活动;发起运动,开展活动;(包括一系列战 斗的)战役斗的)战役 Eg:During his election campaign he promised to put the economy back on its feet.他在竞选时许 诺将重振经济。Mr Burns has actively campaigned against a hostel being set up here.伯恩斯先生积极活动, 反对在这儿建青年旅舍。The allies are intensifying their air campaign. 联军部队正加大他们的空战强度。 4. need: v./n. (为做成某事或正常生活)要求有,必须有,需要;(表示某一做法对某(为做成某事或正常生活)要求有,必须有,需要;(表示某一做法对某 事物或地方有益)应该,应当,需要;必要,需要事物或地方有益)应该,应当,需要;必要,需要 Eg: These diets provide everything your body needs. 这些饮食提供了你身体需要的所有营养。The child who never had his need for attention and importance satisfied. 渴望得到关注和重 视但从未获得过满足的孩子The taste of vitamins is not too nic
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